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Growing Kandy Kush X OG/Fluence SPYDR2i VS Dimlux Dual Full Spectrum//High PPFD grow


Nice setup

This grow is off to an amazing start! The level of detail and organization of your posts .....

Like this thread! Keep it up m8.


Hi guys!!!
Great to have you here, hope everyone is safe, growing weed is for sure best thing we can do while this confinement last :tiphat:
Day 14: I think they are ready for some light feeding

Day 14: I think they are ready for some light feeding

Day 14:

EC: 0,2
PH; 5,8
RH: 65/75%
Temp: 24ºC
CO2: 400/600 ppm
PPF: 300 umol/s

Took her out to see her true colors


I think next watering will give her her first feed with all my veg nutes at a quarter strength, look at those roots hanging out already


That amount of root on this size plant its not common for me, what do you guys think?


One thing where LED for sure out performs any other systems is at how easy it is to dial the right conditions in the room, they just look happy, and I havent fed them with no ferts, just B52 vitamins.


Til next one, be stoned, be safe guys :tiphat:
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Day 15:Feeding time,that means is the first day of Veg?

Day 15:Feeding time,that means is the first day of Veg?

Day 15

EC: 0,3
PH: 5,8
RH: 65/75%
Temp: 24ºC
CO2: 400/600 ppm
PPF: 300 umol/s

Can´t complain, 15 days they fed themselves, today they were telling me they were hungry. They sucked almost all of what was in the Cotyledons leaving them yellow:Since am begining to feed them today, in my mind today is the first day of the Veg cicle


And some of plants were begining to get paler.


I just mixed my basic veg usual products at 1/4 strength for now, lets see how it goes


To end here is my feeding schedule:


Day 15
Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,3ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilisers)
Adcanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B: 0,6ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients B52: 0,5ml X liter
Canna Ryzhotonic: 0,5ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,04ml X liter
Day 17: Thinking about bringing the EC up

Day 17: Thinking about bringing the EC up

Day 17

EC: 0,3
PH: 5,8
RH: 65/75%
Temp: 24ºC
CO2: 400/600 ppm
PPF: 400 umol/s

Since I am the type that rathers falling short that having an excess I will keep the same parameters except for the light intensity that I started pushing it up to 400 umol/s, ideally I could reach 600 umol/s by the end of the veg cycle.


I guess next watering will be bringing it up to 0,8EC and most likely start introducing some CO2, and a day or so after that I will transplant to the 12 liter pots



Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,3ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilisers)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B: 0,6ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients B52: 0,5ml X liter
Canna Ryzhotonic: 0,5ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,04ml X liter (always mix it after other ferts/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)
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Day 20: Getting ready for Transplant

Day 20: Getting ready for Transplant

Day 20

EC: 0,8
PH: 5,8
RH: 65/75%
Temp: 24ºC
CO2: 400/600 ppm
PPF: 400 umol/s

Upped the EC to 0,8, they had a nice stretch the last couple of days, this girls are ready for transplant


They were just a seed 20 days a go, I have kept them at 24/24 since the start, the idea is once I transplant them I ll start bringing them down to 18/6



Thats it for now, here I leave my feeding Schedule


Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,5ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilisers)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B: 0,7ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients B52: 2ml X liter
Canna Ryzhotonic: 2ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,16ml X liter (always mix it after other ferts/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)
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Day 22: How to fuck things up part 1

Day 22: How to fuck things up part 1

Day 22:

EC: 0,8
PH: 5,8
RH: 65/70%
Temp: 25ºC
CO2: 500/700 ppm
PPF: 450 umol/s

Made a mess this past few days, to cut the story short,my 1,5 liter pots were on top of the 12 liters I was suposse to trasplant to and I always water the Coco night before transplant.I do it with PH balanced water to have them moist and ready for next day.
Problem is the roots in the 1,5 liter pots had gone through the holes into the other pots and to move them I had to pull.As you can imagine following morning girls were not pleased at all, but, since everything was ready for transplant I just went ahead.


Following day they were already showing signs of recovery I just watered them, and began to increase CO2 and temperature very slightly



Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,5ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertz)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B: 0,7ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients B52: 2ml X liter
Canna Rhyzotonic: 2ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,16ml X liter (always mix it after other Ferts/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)
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Day 24: Girls recovered, now is when real fun begins

Day 24: Girls recovered, now is when real fun begins

Day 24.

Fluence SPYDR2i LED(16 cm from top of cannopy)
EC: 1
PH: 5,9
RH: 65/75%
Temp: 24ºC
CO2: 600/700 ppm
PPF: 500 umol/s

Dimlux Dual Full Spectrum CMH(50 cm from top of cannopy)
EC: 1
PH: 5,0
RH: 60/70%
Temp: 26ºC
CO2: 600/700 ppm
PPF: 610 umol/s

To be fair, I would need a couple of meassuring tools asides of what I have in my room to be as accurate as posible in this comparative/experiment am carrying between this two amazing grow lights systems.Since there is 60 cm separation between both set ups and that the room is small and well vented am sure we can get very close as the room conditions are the same all over the room, the only place where it changes is under the lights.

First thing I noticed, I should have increase the Fluence light intensity a few days before I did.
Here are the ones under the Flunce SPYDR


Under the Fluence LEDS temps are lower and Humidity slightly higher.


Lets see how they react in the next few days to the light intensity increase and CO2


And this girls are the ones under the Dimlux CMH lights, The Fluence leds have a dimmer that allows me to dial light intensity to exactly the value I need. This is not the case with the Dimlux lights wich have fixed intensity settings at, 330W, 410W, 490W, 560W, 630W, 690W, 760W;This has helped me to realize Fluence light intensity could be increased as you could see the plants under the Dimlux growing a lot happier


This girls are recovered now from the transplant induced stress and growing at a very good pace, some yellowing is showing in the bottom leafs, not worried about it as I will be starting to lollipop them at some point before the end of the week.



Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,5ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilisers)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B: 0,7ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients B52: 2ml X liter
Canna Rhyzotonic: 2ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,16ml X liter (always mix it after other Ferts/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)


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Day 25: Easy going

Day 25: Easy going

Day 25

Fluence SPYDR2i LED(16 cm from top of cannopy)
EC: 1
PH: 5,8
RH: 65/75%
Temp: 24ºC
CO2: 700/800 ppm
PPF: 500 umol/s

Dimlux Dual Full Spectrum CMH(45 cm from top of cannopy)
EC: 1
PH: 5,8
RH: 60/70%
Temp: 26ºC
CO2: 600/700 ppm
PPF: 610 umol/s

Easy going last couple of days, will start clearing the bottom branches soon to get them ready for flowering.This are the plants uner the Dimlux CMH Lights


I forgot about the perfect simmetry in plants when growing from seed.


And here is the familly photo:

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And this are the plants under the Fluence LED lights:

I can say that first difference i am finding is on the inter node distance, the plants under the Fluence are stacking way better, no stretch, very symmetric, beautiful plants




Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,5ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilizers)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow A+B: 0,7ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients B52: 2ml X liter
Canna Rhyzotonic: 2ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,16ml X liter (always mix it after other Fertz/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)
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Day 30: Almost ready for 12/12 switch,time to shave their legs

Day 30: Almost ready for 12/12 switch,time to shave their legs

Day 30

Fluence SPYDR2i LED(16 cm from top of cannopy)
EC: 1,2
PH: 6.0
RH: 65/70%
Temp: 25ºC
CO2: 700/800 ppm
PPF: 600 umol/s

Dimlux Dual Full Spectrum CMH(45 cm from top of cannopy)
EC: 1,2
PH: 6.0
RH: 65/70%
Temp: 26´5ºC
CO2: 700/800 ppm
PPF: 761 umol/s

Filled up new tank today, since they are almost ready for the flowering cycle filled it up with all the Flowering goodness I will feed them with.Also did a little tidy up getting rid of the bottom three nodes, starting to build some space for the air circulation at the bottom of the grow, since I am using CO2 i am trying to push air upwards.

Here are the ones under the Fluence LED lights.


This girls are growing slightly shorter,but, with a beautifull inter node distance, very tight.I am keeping lights at 16 cm from cannopy and intend keeping that distance through all cycles

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And this are the ones under the Dimlux CMH lights.


Part of the fun of this grow is that the Dimlux lights don´t have a dimmer, but have a few different wattages you can select and work as a dimmer, I just switched from 330W to 410W and keeping lights between 40 and 45 cm from the Cannopy:eek:n the fluence side the dimmer I got I can really dial them to what ever I want to, since I am following a VPD chart and a CO2 schedule asides the feeding schedule, the small differences between both set ups is where the real fun is. Definetly mad to get one of those Apogee instruments light intensity meassurement tool, not cheap but they give great data.


I guess I will switch them to 12/12 in the next couple of days or so.


Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,3ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilizers)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B: 1,2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy: 0,5ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Piraña: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Bud Ignitor: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Budfactor X: 0,5ml X liter
Canna Rhyzotonic: 2ml X liter
Canna Cannazym: 2ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,16ml X liter (always mix it after other Fertz/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)
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Active member
Looking great!

I took down my fluence 330 watts it made the plants real unhappy, glad that yours is working well!!
Looking great!

I took down my fluence 330 watts it made the plants real unhappy, glad that yours is working well!!

Hi mate! great to have another Fluence user here, do you check their blog?They have released a tone of good articles, great info on High PPFD growing.Am begining to bring intensity up,the idea is to be at 800 ppm when it flowers and from there up, lets see how far this babies can go


Active member
fresh and healthy pacoclandestino the Dimlux CMH lights has a different look to the others looks good all in all :)
fresh and healthy pacoclandestino the Dimlux CMH lights has a different look to the others looks good all in all :)

Thanks mate!! i am trying to keep conditions as similar as possible under both lights, its a bit hard since the Dimlux dimmer has set values and sometimes its just impossible to have same PPF under both.The other thing is distance from cannopy, being able to be at 16cm from it, makes it a different story, no more stretchie plants :tiphat:
Day 36 from seed:Learning from my mistakes

Day 36 from seed:Learning from my mistakes

Day 36: 36 days from seed/ 4th day in Flower

Fluence SPYDR2i LED(16 cm from top of cannopy)
EC: 1,2
PH: 6/6,2
RH: 65/70%
Temp: 25/26ºC
CO2: 800 ppm
PPF: 675 umol/s

Dimlux Dual Full Spectrum CMH(45 cm from top of cannopy)
EC: 1,2
PH: 6/6,2
RH: 55/60%
Temp: 26/27ºC
CO2: 800ppm
PPF: 724 umol/s

Lots happened since my last update, i am writing a few days after the photos am about to publish,all info on pasts posts regarding PPFD,CO2 temp etc are good, since I thought the intensity i was giving the plants was the noted in those posts, wich is correct. My wrong interpretation of PPFD applied was the problem.
Being new to LED systems I ve learned the hard way the importance of having either a good PAR meter or good knowledge of how your dimmer acts on your light so you are aware of the light intensity you are managing.

So, basicly I ve being under using my Fluence SPYDR unit, because I didnt understood well my Dimmer:To add it, the fact it is that if you look at the plants under the Fluence lights they look way healthier,its just that they grew smaller,made me doubt for while.


My guess is that the last week in veg and almost until the end of first week in flower i was giving the plants 450 umol/s when I should have giving it 650 umol/s and up from there


What saved my ass was an email to the guys at Fluence Europe, i should have contacted them way earlier, because what I got from them was nothing but excellent advice, i didt calculated how long was the call but over 1 hour for sure. As it is i do follow their webinars and all the guides they release, but nothing like somoene telling you go ahead you can go much further to jump at it.
Now I can finally control my SPYDRs with the knowledge I was lacking regarding dimming and calculating the light intensity needed. In any case I ve being avoiding buyin a PAR meter for too long, now that I moved to LED more than ever
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