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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
thanks christoph, i was doing my the exact opposite. Feeding them a really heavy dose once every two weeks. When it came time for there feeding session i could tell right away they would jump up. Your clones look super great, be careful with that OG they can be kind of "leggy"
hey fuzz. i know what u mean, my pk1 just shot up about an inch over night! i was quite suprised when i took a peek in my clone box. what do you mean about the OG being leggy? i find it hard to get the right feeding for it atm, the PK and OG seem to want different varriations on feeding, the OG is definitly a hungery one!



Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I should have just said stretchy. Mine stretch a ton, i have them tied back but now multiple shoots have stretched up so i call it leggy :)

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Clones are looking just great christoph!! so is mama!! your plants will do just fine after switching to 12/12 after a few more cuttings..
how does the fan work at cooling the top lights??
take care bro
aah! thanks fuzz for the tip in advanced!

hey BC, glad to see ya! thanks for the comments, the fan is doing great, im using it as a main fan on my bigger box now thats running 12v, its doing really well.

all the plants are looking great guys :)


Well C, gotta say, yours look a helluvalot better than mine atm !! I succeeded in roasting the whole shit, after my temps hit the 45 !!! All in veg are ok, so just a matter of starting again with a new vent !!!
Looking forward to see yours flower man !! Nice job so far !!
hey guys, sorry i havent been around, but i had some computer problems, and my laptop hasent been working, but ive got another one while the other one is STILL out getting repaired.

ive also been pretty busy with everything eles. especially growin :dance013:

my pk is coming along nicely, and its starting to bud up! im very excited with the progress she has made in just little over a week. ive also toped my pk clone, and the other OG clones are still going strong, both are just about 10 inches high, while the pk comes out a bit higher (it was outgrowing the OG's!) since i topped it, it slowed down a bit, and the two new heads showed up in about a day. its been almost 2 weeks since i put the big PK bush into flower, and since its on dark, i cant post a picture atm, since i dont want to disturb her rest. but ill attempt to remember to post one tomorow!!

thats all for today, hope to hear from you guys, and thanks to all the guys who have been around to help me get these plants this far XD. cant wait for harvest!


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey bro!! nice to see you are still alive!!!looking forward to PICS!!!!!!!!!!!
I have my cab up and running!! BC Chronic's 150 watt/T5 Scrog Cab...
its hard to sit around the computer anyways withe Vancouver summer!!!!
take care
the plants looking excellent, and the buds are growin in :dance013:

i really wish i could update with pictures right now, but the memory card reader in this new laptop doesnt work! im pretty chapped.

ill have to go adventure to find the cable for it. my place is a mess!

hope to update pics soon guys.

its late, but, here you guys go, just to hold it together here.
