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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.

thanks for the ups CB, im really glad that my PK made it too.

they arent that big, but i guess considering their pot size, they are pretty substantial.

still havent gotten my camera returned.


Good on ya bro! I just love it when Mary Jane puts on her scents....makes me.....lightheaded !! :p
both plants and clones are comming along so great, the little pk clone i cut rooted i believe! i gave it a very VERY soft tug and it stayed put! so happy, its going to a friend, who is gunna mother it, and take some clones and i can get pk clones, after i flower this pk! she's huge.

sorry no photos yet, but still no camera back!


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey bro!! you can download pics from a cell to your pc, then put them into your albums ..its cheaper...free actually!!
take care and can't wait to see pics

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey chris!! you could get a cord cheap at a cell place or Source..
its all good no matter what!!
take care bro
im going on a short vacation untill sunday, starting tomorow.

my friend will be taking care of me plants while im gone, i hope they are okay when i get back!

cya guys soon.



Yo christo, have a nice trip !

Maybe you should give the mate instructions; If you´ve got any questions, go ICM !!!!!!!
Let him post in this thread, we´ll help him out !

Right guys ?


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Yes Christoph "Go in a good way" and may fortune come to you and continue even as the Great Spirit leads you home once again.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I hope all is well. Back when i was doing my research before setting up my own micro. I had seen a couple of these threads end bad for the exact same reason. Person goes on vacation, buddy tends to plants, plants die, person comes home sad and pissed.I hope this doesnt end up this way
tatz, thanks bro, yeah, ive got him by texts so he reports to me every day.

ghostwolf, thanks brother!

strangley, i know, and actually, he was wearing a yellow shirt when he grabbed it XD

fuzz420, i know man, but even if they die, ive got tons of seeds too pop anyways! im gunna be growin for awhile.

so guys, updates from home are that some of the clones were pretty underwatered. but i think the pk clone was doing well, i versed him on my watering methood, and hopefully he will follow it too a T.

both of my big plants were also showing underwatering. so, he watered them too, and i explained how to water them aswell.

hopefully he doesnt dig into my weed stash XD.

updates from my vaca spot, (victoria btw) smoked a joint in a nice place, some good shops around here, bought a new pipe with an awesome skull on it, some cool people here too. smoked a bit of local stuff, some nice tropical kush :p

hope all of you guys are doing well!

hey thehappyguy, im in the downtown area. im going to the Imax today :D just wish i had some more bud to make it more enjoyable.

have not gotten an update from my friend yet, i swear to god if he just took some weed, and forgot about having to look after them daily.

victoria is doing well, and i always have time for you guys :p hope you guys are having a good time!

hey guys, i got home, and have been smokin it up.

the plants are doin just well, unfortunatly some of the ews was trashed from my friend not attending to it, i think ill be moving to my bigger box today.

BC, i havent herd from you, but i got ur timer working, it was ever so confusing.

im going to be putting on OG Kush clone into flowering soon! also, im debating wether or not to put my big PK plant in, or the little clone that is fully rooted, and the lil clone, btw, is bursting with new growth!

today i installed a air conditioner into my room! it was getting to like 30 degrees, in here, and the boxes were super over heated, so i set it up, and its a comfy 21 degrees in here, and the plants are loving the temperature.

also, i think i need some flowering nutes because the ews has been flowering forever, and there is still barley any bud, and its been well attended too! ill get my camera back to night, or i swear, someones gunna get a talking too :D

hope to hear from all you guys soon, and i hope to have pictures up soon too. :p



Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
All right Christoph! Hope y'all had fun. Keep on tokin, I am. I'm in curing now with my F1 buds taken 06/30/10. Free The Weed!

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