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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.


Welcome home christo !

I think I´d go for the pk clone, maybe give her a few more days of veg...?
You could get another (2) clones off the bigPK, then flower that.
I look forw 2 see new pics, I´ll try to remember to buy batteries for my cam so I cab get new pics....
had to put down the SSS#1, it got toasted due to temp issues (I topped at a staggering 38 C...!!!!)
Later christopher, stay cool !
my cab has reached 38 too!! it was rediculas.

but the AC is pretty awesome!

i think thats what im gunna do, there has been some rediculas growth to the clones!!
thanks for the input ghost, im thinking i should take clones from her, my friend who got me the clone has been asking for them.

whats your reasoning behind flowering the monster mom?


Thanks for dialing into my thread, Chris...I'll take some time and read the 27 pages of your thread as soon as I get a spare hour...ha ha. Happy growing, partner!
thanks for stopping by gr8ful!

what do you guys think? finnaly got a photo up, i had to take it with my cell, but i'll pay the charges for your guys entertainment. hopefully some of you guys will be stopping by!

here she is. the big momma clone.


ive just taken another clone from her, and the cutting is sitting in the clone chamber.

i cant wait to get this pk and the EWS into my bigger case so i can switch my pc to 12/12 and put some clones to work! might finnaly get some bud :p

hope to hear from you guys.



Yo Christoph !
Well done !! She really looks good !!!!
(did you find your camera-pc cord ?) :)

You could take two more cuttings off her, making the canopy more even before taking her on the 12/12 ride....
I can´t wait to see her in full flower !

Hasta la vista compadre !
on the right side there, which you cant really see, there is enough for atleast 3 more cuttings, the main stalk is in the far back, and all the clonable material is in the fore.

i dont have enough space for more clones atm, unless i do a clone frenzy, and take lkike 6 cuttings and throw them in my little jiffy dome, wonder how that would work out?

ive got a totaly of 6 plants now, if my new clone roots, which im hoping she will!

two OG kush clones, going along very well, 2 PK kush clones, one big pk mother, and a big old ews (super lagged in flowering) :)

i hope i can get some pictures up of the clones ina bit, gunna go rage about my camera, my friend has the cord and charger and everything! :(

hope to get some more responses before the big show :)



You know c,if things work out and they root in the li´l dome, it´s better to have a few too many clones and chuck 'em out if you don´t need them then the other way around !!....


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
thats a healthy looking mother right there,how often do you feed her nutes?Good luck with the clones, og is great
thanks cheese and bloodlock!

tatz, i might just go with that if ive got space to throw em in my big cab! if there is enough viable clones that is :p

thanks fuzz! i feed her almost every watering, and im just using some really basic fertz from canadian tire XD, they are workin pretty well i'de say. some of the leaves were dying on her, but they were the huge fan leaves around the bottom, they werent getting any light, and had NO space in the pc because of their size! like 6 or 7 hand sized fan leaves. so i trimmed her down alot :p

okay, im gunna go get the camera and take some shots right now. ill post back inna bit!

christoph, love yall!
thanks ghost! bow chicka, here come the pics boys!!

just a bunch of pics of my clones to come right now. didnt take too many of my bigger plants cause they needed some water and were lookin sad, they really need some more room, especially the PK mum.

first off here's my new PK clone, nice side shot:


and here comes the OG kush, this is labeled as OG1. (sorry if i get confused in the future :p):


OG kush, number two (OG2):


and here is my PK clone that i took, that i am ever so proud of :jump: :


group shot! (minus the pk1):


heres a top shot of that new PK clone:


next up here is a shot of the EWS, she has been through SO much stress, and just isent putting on much bud, ive NO idea how far she is into flowering, ill look through my thread and find when i think she went into flowering.


and here is a look inside my big PC case cab, the pk on the left, and EWS on the left.

as i said before, the PK really wants some more room for her huge fat fan leaves.


there it is u guys, huge picture update, CANT WAIT FOR RESPONSES!

christoph. :thank you:


Hey cb ! Looking good man ! Maybe you´d wanna give the EWS something like BudBlood (Adv.Nutrients) to get her started...
It´s NPK 0-12-25, bloom enhancer. It makes flowers appear faster, boosting the flowering. I tried it, but it got too moist in my storage-drawer, so it all became one big lump of hard stuff. Unusable ! I´m gonna buy more of the stuff though, it works !
haha, thanks again brother!

and tatz, ive no idea where to buy that stuff, and i dont really want to order that online.

i do however have all the ingredients, if a bit stinky, to make a good concoction, i might sprinkle some bat guano on top of her soil, and soak it in, will that help?

any more suggestions would be lovely guys!
