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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.

amazing article, finnaly people are comming to realise how harmless marijuana truely is!

things are doing pretty well, turns out one of my plants is a male, the one that had about 5 cola's, which tottaly sucks, so i threw her in the mini veg cab, and put my second plant in the big cab hoping that this one might be a female, what should i do for my next round? i want to have a perpetual 2 plants going, since i have two boxes. (soon to be three)

i have 13 more EWS auto flowers, 5 bag seed(from some dank), 1 white widdow fem, 1 the church fem, 10 big bud seeds.

what should i pop? should i keep this male? is it really a male? I grabbed my friends camera tonight and pop a few shots of what looks like balls. and some pictures of the new LST ive done.

the "balls", what looks like male flowers, not sure if you can really see them, but i got one picture off, then the battery died, ill have to go find the charger now.

more pics to come.

(if the plant looks droopy, thats because im just about to water it, lightest its ever been.)


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will do, no chopping quite yet! gave him/her a through water/flush today, as well as my other plant.

i just finished drilling holes for my home made netpot, how do you think these will do?



Looking good cristoph. Looks almost exactly like how i did mine! Btw,I topped the plants today and stuck in the tops in hopes of them rooting. I want to start 12/12 tomorrow,with lights out at 6am and on again at 6pm. Should be alright,right?
PG-191 - all sounds good! ill pop by ur thread in hopes of pictures later!

thehappyguy - thanks for the advice, ill pop by and look for one!


I guess it all depends on your setup and what size you need. 8oz party cups with holes in a shallow container and bam,bubble cloner right there for under 5 bucks! :D

Photos from today are up btw.
New PC Tower!

New PC Tower!

hey everyone! today i baught a big old computer tower, for a couple bucks. its very tall! 24" infact, and i think its going to do wonders! im just having a few problems with it, as i am rather stumped as how to remove the secondary shelf, it appears that it is pop riveted in.

how should i go about removing this? should i just put a drill to it, and drill out the rivets? i searched google, and thats what it said to do.

the tower isent all that wide but it is fairly long, base wise.

here are some pictures to give you a peek at it!

also, for all of you PC growers, any advice on how exactly to mount lights and how to light proof ect. would be VERY APRECIATED! :tiphat:

on with the pics!:jump:

here it is all assembled

and here we have all the siding taken off.


for lights i plan to... glue? (unsure how i should attach) a power bar to one of the panels, and put lights in with two prong too bulb adapters from Walmart (i believe they have them there).

there is already an intake fan, which made me quite pleased, and i will be getting some fans from my good friend BC in a couple of days.

thanks alot BC!:dance013:

ill hook both of those up to a single adapter, and have a second power bar, situated at the back where i will plug in the other power bar, and my DWC pump.

feed back is much appreciated!! :thank you:

christoph :blowbubbles:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey!! Nice case!!! Use a drill with a small bit and drill ,out the rivets...they pop out VERY easy that way..
I have pics of my pc build if you want to see them...take out the intake fan and leave it empty..you wont get negative pressure that way..if you dont take the fan out, it will blow stink everywhere..
I'll send you an adapter too buddy!! This is great christoph!!!
any questions, please ask bro
thanks for the support man, i really apreciate it, i actually got out all of the rivets, and now its 24" of pure space! im thinking this case is actually more like 30" its pretty tall.

what kinda things should i do for shelving? i would much apreciate a few pics on how you light proofed it, ive got tons of huge holes everywhere on the front and back. what can i do about that? should i just tape some carboard on one side with black electrical tape, and the other shiny, and tape that in there? or should i get something eles for them? or just tape the holes shut, it needs to look stealthy by the way.

cant wait to hear from some more close friends, and any other cool people to drop by!



New member
Hey guys. First off crist, ur doin great! I have a a PC grow. Im not gona post pics because im not guna take pix. safer that way i feel. I am also first time. i got my box going in Jan. I am running 4 65k cfl all 1600lumn a piece. =6400 lumens. anyway, one plant i had started about 3 weeks prior to the other one. the first plant is hash plant. other in NL #5. ok. the first one is HUGE (bout 18 in.) ready to switch cycles but the NL is only a lil gurl, bout 4 inches. Whut do u think I sould do???
hey ink, how tall is your case? having a plant still in veg at 16" sounds like a long time too veg! it may double or tripple in size! that hash plant could get up too 58" tall!! that sounds rediculas too me:p but mayer ur PC is huge?

ide say LST the hash plant like crazy, and try to get it down to 6 inches tall, at the highest point, and switch to 12/12 ASAP!

thanks for the props ink :)

any one eles around?
alright guys, time for an update, smoked a bowl, and got to work, weed always helps me think, and i found some stuff around the house to make this awesome.

here is about 30 minutes after the bowl(top left corner has a 12v fan running):


and here's the happy "male" plant sitting under a big ol' 42 watter!


sorry for the crappy pictures, its my phone for now!



Hey christoph'sbud i'm finally dropping in. Haven't got to read through your whole thread yet. Have you already finished one grow and your starting on the next one?
Your setup reminds me of when I first started growing, except I was using a rubbermaid tub. I do however use a pc case to keep mom's and such.
Anyways best of luck man!!
hey blaze! i havent even gotten too my first harvest yet! infact i havent even seen any buds at all :( but im hoping too soon! read my thread, its very in depth, detailing both of my plants lives :)


I wish I didn't give away my speakers for Bose. Bose would be to micro for me to grow in. I wish you a heavy harvest!

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
patience grasshopper!! your new cab will be FULL of nummy buds in no time!!
Keep up the great work christoph and don't stop asking questions buddy..
take care
thanks for the support, this is not a permanent lighting arrangement! i hope to get a power bar of cfl's in there, or even a big old HPS. im unsure yet of what i can get ATM. ill be posting updates as things get moving on the build, and when i can find the charger for my friends camera, ill take some photos of my plants :)
