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Growing in an Aerogarden


Cheeseman, Those look wonderful! I typically grow auto flowering strains in the aero but I have also started clones with it and then transplanted them into soil after they developed a good root ball. I also plan on using them next year to start my outdoor grows earlier by starting them in the aero and then when they are a couple of months old transplant them into soil the two plants I planted in Nov that ended up not auto flowering are outside now and about 4 weeks into budding so I'll be harvesting in June and reveg her.
i have not posted in so long my computer and camera broke. go figure. i have a computer now and camera so i will be posting updates on the plants above.


New member
I know I'm digging up an old thread :)

I know I'm digging up an old thread :)

Hi everybody,

I'm not on your side of the world but here is the only forum (and thread actually) where I got so much information about the Aerogarden.

I've been thinking of buying one.

I read the whole thread but I still have a few questions.

What I learned (for growing cannabis with the Aerogarden) :
- use autoflowering strains
- get a pump and an airstone
- etc.

What I still don't get though:
- are nutrients from the Aerogarden used?
- what are the light cycles to be used or is it not important at all (autoflowering)
- what about the watering?



New member
Hope this thread isn't dead.... this is my first post and grow. I got one of these for free and figure I'd give it a try. I have the classic and am wondering do I upgrade to the improved light stand? What about the nutes?


Hope this thread isn't dead.... this is my first post and grow. I got one of these for free and figure I'd give it a try. I have the classic and am wondering do I upgrade to the improved light stand? What about the nutes?

If you can, upgrade the light stand. If I recall correctly, the upgrade lets you go taller and adds a light(for three bulbs total).

As stated above, most people use the Aerogarden brand nutes 'herb' or 'veggie/tomatoe' with no problems.

Grow a short strain. Autoflowers are popular to use with the aerogarden. But shorter afghan and kush genetics can also be used.

Good luck!


New member
rose how did cuttings turn out and what did you use to hold cuttings in place i a m trying to use aero garden for cloning also are there any tips


New member
hey guys ive been reading all of your post and am currently following what you guys did.i bought an aero garden veggie pro,add 2 extra bubble stones purchasing nuterients from hydro shop soon.i was wonder how do you guys emptie the resivoir of you aerogarden?do you simply deteach the bow and gently lift the lids and roots out of the resevoir and then dump the resevoir out?


Thought I'd bump this thread, Miracle grow website is having a sale, and I couldn't resist and bought an LED Ultra.