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Growbox in boxa: 100x120x200 cm; 2 x 250w HPS

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11 saptamani de la seed, 5 saptamani de 12/12:
un cadru cu fetele

In ultimele 3 saptamani le-am udat cu concentratie maxima de ingrasamant la 4-5 zile, si odata pe saptamana foliar.


pure dynamite
arata bine, poate mugurii aia puteau fi mai mari putin la 5 sapt., dar in rest toate arata bine. aa.. si aglomeratia. :D

bafta si te mai asteptam cu poze! :wave:


Alea din plan apropiat pe dreapta sunt cele care au rasarit ultimele, la doua saptamani de la plantarea semintelor. Eu sunt foarte multumit de cum arata, ma gandeam ca or sa ramana handicapate. Si mai sunt si in sticle de 2 litri :)
O sa fac cate o poza separat la fiecare cand o sa le tai. O sa le recoltez pe rand, care cum se 'coc', nu ?


pure dynamite
eu ma refeream la poza 3, aia de aproape.

si da, le poti recolta cand sunt gata, pe rand. :)


Nu as mai uda cu foliar daca as fi in locul tau... Mugurele e ca un burete si nimanui nu ii place sa fumeze ingrasaminte.
In rest, arata extraordinar!!! Chapeau!:smokeit:


pure dynamite
oricum nu e recomandat sa fie asa umed in flower... riscai un budroot nasol daca continuai.


Apropos, fetele mele cam cu ce strainuri seamana, din ce ati crescut voi ?
Acum au inaltimi de la 80 la 130


arata foarte tare :headbange , felicitari !

nu mai folosi ingrasaminte foliare , trebuia de mult sa renunti , cam din momentul in care au aparut mugurii , cand deja sunt mari , udandu-i incurajezi mucegaiul

o chestie care am citit-o si care am sa o aplic si eu de acum incolo :

spre finalul infloriri e recomandat sa dai un ingrasamant cu mai putin P si mai mult N si K [ daca folosesti grow si bloom (2ml grow si 1ml bloom /L) ] , asta din momentul in care plantele au deja pistili colorati si o tii asa pana la final .
acest lucru in primul rand va echilibra spre sfarsitul vieti plantei ratia de NPK folosita dealungul ei si astfel obtii in final un produs care arde excelent si care nu va deranjeza la gatlej , P (fosforul) daca ramane in produs va cauza opusul acelor lucruri + e si cancerigen


Smoke weed and prosper
eu la finalul ciclului de floare (ultima saptamana) fac un flush si o las sa faca sete. se usuca mai usor si nu simti nutrientii cand fumezi :D


to flush or not to flush

to flush or not to flush

pentru cei care faceti flush , niste informatii importante :

You can not flush chemicals out of plants.

Neither can you flush the nutrients from the compost.

You can dilute an excess of chemical salt held by the compost if you over fertilise as long as you run lots of water through the compost before it gets locked into it.

Being soil based it also has every micro and macro in it, using supplementary chemical fertilisers to replace depleted nutrients and to also boost yield will likely kill the remaining micro flora and give an inferior product to if water alone was used, but give a larger yield. Supplementing with organic base fertilisers will boost the micro flora and give a superior quality bud.

It depends on what supplementary chemical ferts you use, but the residuals left from some of the cheap phosphorus fertilisers is extremely carcinogenic when burnt and inhaled. What you call flushing I suspect means you just water them for the last week or so, hoping the plant will metabolise some of the excess nasties in its tissues. This may happen to some extent as all you are doing is starving the plant a little, how much depends on how far the chemicals you used have killed the micro flora.

Over the last ten years or so the the term flushing has started to be bastardised as a term in the cannabis world. Referring to removing elements from a plant via the roots into the compost by just using water for the last week or two and believing this happens. It does not happen as far as N:p:K is concerned, roots of plants do excrete various chemical some even work as complex weed killers inhibiting other plants growing close by, but not as fertiliser salts back into the soil, well not until the roots start dying/rotting and becoming part of the humus mass.

So the term flushing as far as removing chemical from the plant by just using water in the last week or two of a plants life may well be an incorrect term to use, if you equate:- to flush, to = to drive out or to wash out with a large volume of water. When as has been said what actually happens is in fact the plant is starved of nutrition and is forced to metabolise any internal excess and then past that into leaching from the leaves to try and complete its life cycle ie: finish flowering and make provision to reproduce its self.

This of course gives an inferior product compared to what each plant is capable of producing within its genetic potential, ie: less psycoactivity and potency, much more CBD and CBN, less THC, less turpenes and finally lower final crop weight.

Smoking Nitrates will not give you a headache, but smoking an excess of chlorophyll will. Especially if the plant leaf tissue also contains excessive levels of phosphorus, phosphorus also gives a harsh metallic after taste, inhibits burning, causes headaches, gives a feeling of nausea and effects the throat tissue. It is the combination of these two things that tend to have given hydro and chemically grow weed its bad name as far as smokability goes.


Cele pe care le-am folosit eu, au 4cm diametru si 1cm grosime. Dupa ce se umfla, se fac cam 5cm diametru si 5cm grosime


Mai cresc mult curvestinele astea ? 4 din ele au deja 160cm
De unde naiba sa cumpar o lupa buna? Am luat niste chinezarii, dar parca micsoreaza rahaturile astea.


pai daca o tin in ritmul asta, sa stii ca peste o luna ma uit in sus la ele. noroc cu cotetul, ca e inalt.
merci de 'tip'
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