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Grow with a homie, or not grow at all ??

Grow with a homie, or not grow at all ??

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Absolutely not.

But for some reason I expect you will anyway. Can't figure out another way to save genetics without partnering up for a grow? Not using your noodle, saving genes ain't exactly hard.


Kiss My Ring
...expect the worst and plan accordingly.

best of plans can be soured...fortunately, occasionally one lucks out...and soured plans can be propped up to advantage.

across worlds...peace out holmes.


natural medicator
Whoever suggested to put everything in writing, that's just bad advice. All the details need to be ironed out before any commitment is made, and both parties need to be adults about it and realize that their word is their bond. Writing things down and having that found would almost automatically result in a conspiracy charge tacked on to other charges for you and your partner if busted.

Additionally, I'd recommend that you both sit down and decide up front who's going to take the heat and how to handle it if busted. How neither of you can say anything, and all that. This is a very important discussion, IMHO, with any partner. First off, it highlights that its a dangerous game, and you should back right out now if you're not willing to accept the risks. Second, if you can both handle yourselves in life altering situations, like cops splitting you into two rooms and questioning, it may give you some peace of mind when the cop questioning you walks back into the room and tells you that your buddy just ratted, and only way you're not gonna spend the rest of your life behind bars is to admit it or give him up on something. You better believe the cops are gonna lie til their faces turn blue if they think there's even a remote chance either of you will flip. Discuss how neither of you can or will say anything whatsoever to police if questioned. name and legal address only. Let a lawyer talk for both of you. two lawyers might = lawyers playing against each other. If one of you is going to be 'innocent' and one is taking the fall, make sure mr. innocent doesn't have a spec of dna in the grow room or on the product before it leaves the premises. otherwise, your words, or lack of them, won't mean anything.

I'd recommend never guaranteeing cash or any set wight as part of the split. Splits, especially with new partners should be handled as a percentage of finished weight. pre-determined percentage penalties should be established ahead of time for partners who like to pick early and that kind of thing. never know when your buddy will run out of smoke and decide to pick a few of the buds at 6 weeks when they have 4 weeks to go and haven't even packed on weight.

This was mentioned too, but be absolutely ready to have this 'Homie' hate your guts forever after this. Growing together can bring people together, but often, can just make you hate the other person, and make them hate you.

Don't ever partner up with someone who takes any medication for their sanity. Problem is, if they do take these meds, you might not know because they don't want to tell anyone. Then your only clue that they stopped taking their meds is when they constantly go off their rocker about anything and everything with no good reason at all. Shit can turn ugly when they start threatening your family, friends, and your freedom because they can't think straight enough to handle even themselves.

If this is soley for the purpose of saving genetics, it seems like a piss poor way to go about it. Too late for now, but you can always start this....

find a fairly good male, then make thousands of seeds with each of your cuts. You'll always be able to select back to something close in the offspring, and possibly a 99% match in the F2 generation, but seeds are the key.

Otherwise, find a space where you can set up a super quiet micro grow and keep moms. better to keep two units/two separate environments to keep genetics you're worried about losing, just in case you mess one up.

Even better way to save, pass out those genetics. hard to do in a non-med state, especially without outing yourself as a grower. if you have friends in the circle though, spread spread spread. Don't just rely on one cat to get them back to you though, plan on at least 3 of 4 losing the genetics altogether.

Now that I've typed way more than you probably wanted to see from me, I'll type one more thing.

Establish who is the boss before the grow starts. one person makes the decisions. doesn't matter if the other person likes them or not. ONE PERSON. Otherwise, its hell unless you're with the perfect person. If both of you are trying to run the grow, you're gonna inevitably dislike each other, and it could cause many things to go wrong with the grow. Ideally, the person with growing experience should be the decision maker. Doesn't matter whose space it is or who's paying bills or what. Person who knows how to get the plants from clone to cured bud should be making 100% of the decisions.

I could go on all day about this, but I'll spare you the agony.

Billy Ocean

Another "partner thread" wut was I thinkin eh there homies?? Enjoying the poll results, and the quality of membership weighing in here !!

This situation just defines the word compromise in every sense, and I'm not ignoring the voices of the IC homies and am grateful for your peace!


Ime if your partner is crazy passionate about growing as you are then it's easier to butt heads and then you got problems. Silent partners or dudes who just love to smoke and appreciate are easier to work with cos you can steer the boat, get a hand with transplants and get extra funding for upgrades:biggrin: once your rolling it's back to solo.

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