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GROW TENTS !!!!!!!!!


New member
dude, you need to do yourself a favor and put a bigger light in there! i had a 400 in mine when i first got it and it was kinda dinky in there. luckily for me, the light died a week later after 3yrs of use, and i got a 1000w to put in there. the 3x3 hydrohut definitely needs more than just one 400 in there. another 400 would be good, a 600 would be better, and the 1000 is best! in such a large volume of space, the 1000 doesn't even heat it up much more than the 400. my hood isn't even air cooled right now and temps are around 75 at canopy level. also, you may need a larger charcoal filter to combat the stink from the number of buds you're gonna produce in that baby!

what's goin' on with all your duct work outside of the tent?

Thanks for the advice on the lights...after this grow I was maybe thinking of getting a 600 in there, but I wanted to see what I could do with a 400 first.
I wanted to make sure I had no worries about ventilation. My tent is in a walk-in closet that I keep shut and locked. I have a 170CFM inline fan in the room that draws fresh air in. The ducting runs through the door and then I split the ducting and added two 80cfm inline fans (one on each side of the tent) right before the ducting enters. I also have the exhaust ducting running down the right side straight into a custom vent I made in the closet. It allows me to drop the ambient temp in my tent in just a couple of minutes and seems to work pretty well and no smells!


New member
Hi all, I need some help figuring out a good set-up for my closet grow. I'm looking into buying two Secret Jardin tents, a dr80 for veg and a dr150 for flowering. I already have a 6 bulb T5 floro light for veg and a 1000 hps for flowering, as well as two 8" vortec fans. I will also need a carbon scrubber for the dr150. The closet is 6"x7" and I will use a wall vent for intake air and vent the exhaust into my attic. I need advise on how to set up the ducting for optimal cooling.
HydroHut Silver 3x3 w/ 1000w HPS
'Hindu Kush x Skunk #1' and 'Cherry Pie' around 30 days 12/12
3gal pots, 50/50: compost/reclaimed soil to coco
Ferts: fish emulsion, P-guano, meta-K, catalyst, microblast, humic acid, blackstrap molasses, occasional compost or casting tea.


New member

Man that setup is looking killer!!! You have definitely inspired me to get more out of my tent...I will re-evaluate after this grow, Thanks for all your advice...sweet setup

I'm currently in the proccess of pickin up a 2x4 sunhut... is it even possible to have a 600 in there without having heat issues? or is the 400w sufficient enough in that space.... its 2x4x7....thanks!


Active member
Hey bayareabully.

A 600 will be fine in that setup as well as a 400 as long as you have a halfway decent fan. I have a 6 inch can fan high ouput pulling out a can33 and the light has a hammertone reflector with no cool tube setup. Works great
Where would be a good place to order a Secret Jardin tent from to Canada? I have never ordered equipment online before, so I know nothing about who are the quality suppliers.

there are lots of places online to order from. i'd start with doing some homework and searching for it. personally, i'm all about supporting the local stores. they don't usually raise the price that much if you consider how much you'll pay in shipping for a large item like that. also, you can deal with a person if something goes wrong.


Where would be a good place to order a Secret Jardin tent from to Canada? I have never ordered equipment online before, so I know nothing about who are the quality suppliers.


hydroponics outlet is where i got mines. It was one of the cheapest place i found online that carries the jardin tents. I placed an order for 2 DR80. I havent got it yet since i just placed the order yesterday but once i get it i'll be posting it up on the thread.


ICMag Donor
i grow in tents now, got the metal structure type (budbox), they are pretty good i think, a few little light leaks here&there and the shelves for them aint the strongest. one thing i would say is to look for one that has good duct holes, the bigger & more there are - the better, incase u decide to upgrade vent system or to aircooled reflector in future!


Active member
I use a growlab 120 and it has a lot of useful ports for cables and venting options. Yes, there are some pinholes of light, but nothing that would effect the plants. The floor mat it comes with could be a little bigger as the Velcro straps always come undone.
Where would be a good/ the best place to order a secret jardin to Canada from? Never ordered any equipment online before, just used local shops. So i have NO experience with it at all. Thanks guys.


P.s. i'm planning on running a DR120 with an aircooled 600W HPS and if its not too hot/crowded then try my 400 MH in there as well.
Hey bayareabully.

A 600 will be fine in that setup as well as a 400 as long as you have a halfway decent fan. I have a 6 inch can fan high ouput pulling out a can33 and the light has a hammertone reflector with no cool tube setup. Works great

Thanks dude.... the dude at the hydro store didnt recommend it but from this post ive seen amazing things that didnt seem possible so i had to ask...

thanks for the information its very helpful! i plan to do dwc with 3-4 buckets in that tent... i just want the most out of the most space have and im down to invest more in the fan and the filter then the ballast and light cuz i dont wanna buy a 400w light w/ ballast then upgrade to a 600w and ballast within 3 months... might as well invest now....
Hi I will be ordering my grow tent this week I'm going with the Growlab 60 (24 x 24 x 63 Tall) along with the Vortex 4 " Centrifugal Fan. Ordered my lights I will be going with a Multi Spectrum 315 Watt CFL Light Bank from Stealthhydroponics.com & the tent is from Bghydro.com. I'm limited in space so this will work great for me. The tent holds 5 2 gallon pots. Also I'll be using my PC Grow Case for clones to keep the grow cycle going. The girls will be some Burmese Kush, Trainwreck, Lemon Sour Disel all female seeds. Love my hobby

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Generic brand known as EZ tent, 2600mmx1400mm (8.5'x4.6'), Ive got 2x600 digital aircooled hoods on a light mover that moves only about a foot, hovering over 2 x 1200mmx1200mm (4'x4') flood and drain trays. Everything is vented through to roof space, that is then extracted via whirlybirds. no odour control needed, the grow is a few floors up from ground level. Passive intake through open window that is light proofed.
Last crop was AK-47 from seed, with 4 different phenos, Yield was 1200+ grams (2 pounds 10 ounces), I found a nice keeper that produces rock hard nuggets of extremely tasty sweet filth, so might yield a bit more, dunno yet.
So thats 1G per watt dry weight and bagged at 30.7 watts per square foot in extreme Australian summer conditions without any cooling or odour control devices whatsoever, only stays a few degs above ambient temps really anyway.







HydroHut Silver 3x3 w/ 1000w HPS
'Hindu Kush x Skunk #1' and 'Cherry Pie' around 30 days 12/12
3gal pots, 50/50: compost/reclaimed soil to coco
Ferts: fish emulsion, P-guano, meta-K, catalyst, microblast, humic acid, blackstrap molasses, occasional compost or casting tea.
holy shitttt thats 111 watts per sq/ft..what you pull off that setup?
holy shitttt thats 111 watts per sq/ft..what you pull off that setup?

ask me in a 2-3 weeks :muahaha:. this is my actually 1st time using a hydrohut, 1st time using 1000 watter, and 1st time with coco as well. hands down, has been the best grow i've ever had indoor. reason why i put the 1000w Xtrasun in there was because i got it for free from my buddy (he also gave me a 1000w lumatek, but i can't use it, YET, because of 240v) as well as the radiant 8 hood. i was originally gonna just use my 400w, but the ballast crapped out on me like 2 days into 12/12, so i was gonna buy a 600 to put in there, but then i remembered my buddy has a butt load of equipment sitting around in storage. i guess it's go big or go home :joint:

i have no idea what i can pull off of this setup, but i imagine that once i've got it dialed in, with maybe one strain only, i could get a lot of bud. right now, judging by the size of my hindu skunks, i'd say they will yield 2-3oz each. next time i'm going to let the plants get bigger now that i know their stretch, etc. i used to grow perpetually in an ikea cabinet with a 400 and had like 100w/sq ft and had some great results with rock-hard buds, but i was a beginner then and battled many newbie issues. I also grew in a 3x3 closet for a while and had some good results, especially with a \_/-shaped scrog. now after a few years under my belt, i kinda know how to go about things the right way, which for me = grow tent.

next round is going to be two mother plants (hindu skunk and cherry pie) lst'd or scrogged in 10gal rubbermaid tubs with a couple of smaller plants if i can fit them. with plant number limitations, i think bigger plants and pots are the way to go if you expect to get any good amt of smoke and stay legal. i think 6 big plants might be too tight in there due to their shape, so eventually i want to be able to have 4 big plants in there on a perpetual cycle = :yoinks:

i thought about putting a 3x3 tray in there so i can ditch the catch trays and i'd be able to water much easier, but that costs money and i would be strongly tempted to increase my numbers and do a SOG coco drip system. but i like bushes this week, so who knows next week. maybe my gf needs to get her card too, so we can have double numbers, hehehe.

oh yeah, it's actually more like 90w/sq ft, not 111 because the 3x3 hydrohut is 40"x40"x78". still a lot though.

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