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GROW CONTEST WINNER: Chief Bigsmoke's Perpetual Groove and Nerdatorium


Well-known member
That does look nice..!

Regarding the bulbines, I have the yellow and orange flower ones, not sure on species..The thin leaved ones though, I have one fat leaved one that is good and one that does not have the gel. The stuff really is great :) It grows all over here, in flowerbeds and wild. Every time I move in to a house there is a plant growing somewhere around. I have a couple aloes, and know what they are used for, all topical use is made redundant by the bulbine though being far superior in effect and ease of use. You just break off a few leaves and squeeze them and like toothpaste tubes and the gel runs out. You apply it and it disappears into your skin like that alcohol gel. You can even just take a few leaves and rub them in if you are lazy!

chief bigsmoke

Active member

super thanks to my southern friend for this awesome gift.

Tropf Blumats !!! F__k yea ! I need source a couple parts to get er' going.Need some 3mm line and some valves etc. but a solid win for Mrs. Chief an I. The Silver and Purple Kushs will be stoked.


The PKs are shining in our first quick run with them. :)

Silver kushs looking as perfect as ever


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chief bigsmoke

Active member
Now I'm feeling really optimistic that I'll be receiving the LEDs. :) They sent me the photos with my chosen spectrum's. wicked

Small Super Bloom w/ UV and IR and a nice Veg Deluxe w/ UV



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Chief, I will be following intently to see the results from these lights. I have one LED, it's a 90w UFO I use for the first month of life. I am very satisfied with the results from it, and was considering switching over to all LED, but I use my lights to heat my house 3 seasons of the year. I still get heat problems in the summer, so I am looking at something for the hottest 3 months of the year. LED's are expensive (or maybe I am cheap, either way), but the price will be offset by a reduced need for cooling. For my situation, it might make the difference between needing a wall unit or a mini split, so I have to consider that as well as monthly energy costs. The customization and new features might just throw me over the edge, especially if the plants react the way you are expecting.

Also,I see you got some blumats, sweet!, I have been considering them too. Once again, I will be watching for updates on those, so let us know what you think.

You are going to see blumats and LED's in shmalphy's garden soon enough once you start posting glorious flower shots, lol.


GR-e-e--EASEE hahaha

Love the link Shmalphy! Are you a canuck? or do you just love how awesome TPB's are?


Not a canuck, yet lol, who knows with the way things are going here, but I have seen every episode and all the movies. My friend has them all on DVD, we get ripped and watch em. Ricky has so many classic one liners that I use on a regular basis:

"It doesn't take rocket appliances"

"For to say"

"It's all denial and error"

"I'm masturbating in here big time!"


"Ricky I swear to fuck on Jezebel I will fuckin corn on the cob you!"

heady blunts

prescription blunts
hope you got the extra 3mm line for those blumats!

let me know if you run into any problems setting them up.

the LEDs look great! how'd you choose your spectrums?

chief bigsmoke

Active member
hope you got the extra 3mm line for those blumats!

let me know if you run into any problems setting them up.

the LEDs look great! how'd you choose your spectrums?

I still need to buy the extra 3mm ;) mucho thanks

I chose my spectrum's using my past experience with a 90w UFO and I found a couple specific studies.

Here is one of them:

Plant Productivity in Response to LED Lighting

Gioia D. Massa1
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Purdue University, 625 Agriculture Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2010
Hyeon-Hye Kim and
Raymond M. Wheeler
Space Life Sciences Laboratory, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
Cary A. Mitchell

chief bigsmoke

Active member
My LED color Choices: 3w leds with a high powered 8w Cree chip in the center

GL-110D 80x 3w = 36x 660nm, 24x 640nm, 4x 610nm, 4x 450nm, 4x 470nm, 4x735nm(IR) and 4x UV

GL-111D 120x 3w = 54x 450 nm, 48x 470nm, 6x 610nm, 6x 640 and 6x UV


chief bigsmoke

Active member
The Sound Of Plant Growth

The Sound Of Plant Growth


Here is a link to one of my not so secrets. ;) That Everyone should get ! My plants get this plus a couple extra chill songs 24/7

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra has performed its most unusual recital yet
- to a packed auditorium of over 100 plants!

Classical music, and the vibrations of sound waves, is thought to help plants grow by stimulating their production of protein.

So, to celebrate the launch of QVC's gardening season we commissioned the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to record its first ever classical album for plants to grow to which you can now download and play.

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conductor, Benjamin Pope says, "We've played some unusual recitals before but this has to be the strangest. The audience was the most fragrant we'd ever played to... hopefully the sound of classical music will result in a genuine growth spurt over the spring months".

:rtfo::groupwave::plant grow:

Video of the QVC and The Philharmonic - Playing to plants !!!
Thanks for stopping by my grow :). Your plants are beautiful and this thread has lots of good / interesting info. Subbed up for sure


Active member
My LED color Choices: 3w leds with a high powered 8w Cree chip in the center

GL-110D 80x 3w = 36x 660nm, 24x 640nm, 4x 610nm, 4x 450nm, 4x 470nm, 4x735nm(IR) and 4x UV

GL-111D 120x 3w = 54x 450 nm, 48x 470nm, 6x 610nm, 6x 640 and 6x UV

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nice selection there chief!!! mind if I ask what nm the uv are or is that a secret??

chief bigsmoke

Active member
nice selection there chief!!! mind if I ask what nm the uv are or is that a secret??

Ultravoilet light - starting points of chlorophyll response - by crossing with other spectrums it helps to fill in some of the missing spectrums - can also increase glandular trichome production by signally the plant to protect itself from the harmful rays. Kind of like a sunburn response.

Infrared Light - Far Red - The study I shared talked a lot about the benefits of 735nm and its ability to help in the final stages of maturation.

chief bigsmoke

Active member
Thanks for stopping by my grow :). Your plants are beautiful and this thread has lots of good / interesting info. Subbed up for sure

Thanks Ganja Queen! I have lots of mistakes to make and lots to learn still but its been a fun process :)

Your new journal is looking rad as well
You have such a great attitude :). Am loving the abundance of natural / spiritual info as it relates to plants. Going to be scouring your table of contents for the rest of the day lol!