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what can i get with 2.5k perpetual grow


hey guys what can i get with $2,500? to start i want a perpetual grow aeropoinics (was thinking of aerojet 4 tray

also was thinking of (4) hps 1k for flower on a 7x5x8 and 1k mh in veg on a 4x5x8 both sealed.

want tree over 4ft so less plant count more weight ac and co2

but most importantly i rather have a lower total watts less plants and a really dialed in room. or something that will produce money back to get more stuff


4,000 is too much for that 7x5 space. 2000 is good. Yeah yeah more light blah blah, but there is a point of diminishing returns. figure 6x4 leaves you a foot of walking around room. That's around 80 watts per square foot.

2500 aint much to spend when setting up. Some ballasts, hoods, bulbs, fans, filters, media, nutrients, PH/EC meter, system.

Do not expect much of a discount. 2500 aint shit. drop 10-15k and you get a discount. Depends on the store too. I know one who bent over backwards and hooked me up. The other charges full price no matter how much you buy.

If you want trees, I suggest you ditch the aerojet and go with buckets or a table.

Per your PM

As far as your electric goes. You have 50 amps capacity, thats it. Doesnt matter if you have one breaker that is 20 amps or 100 breakers that are 20 amps each. The reason you have 6 circuits that are 20 amps each is its probably wired with #12 and it can handle 20 amps. you have several circuits that in theory can handle 20 amps each. But in reality, it is not common for each circuit to be maxed out all at once

Your electrical knowledge is lacking so you are at a disadvantage when planning. The folks here will help you the best they can.

But having a good understanding of ohms law and how electricity works goes far when planning larger grow ops. I have planned and installed large scale ops and planned for EVERY detail, and all the wiring, outlets, panels etc were installed at once.

long story short, a 50 amp main breaker and 6 20 amp breakers in the panel are fine.

Gus, I have told you this over and over, but get your shit together. 2 weeks ago you are posting about how to maintain a clone, and now 2 weeks later you still need to get your equipment.

Get 2 1000 watt ballats, HPS bulbs and Blockbuster hoods
1 ebb and gro bucket system
a few bags of hydroton
GH 3 part nutes
The guy above offers some great advice. You would have to seriously cut corners to set up a 4 light grow for only $2.500. Not worth it, I would stick to 2 lights.


I am going out on a very thin limb here and saying - You've never grown. Nor have you checked actual costs for building a room. And after reading what DTF says... you're doing what i used to... Asking questions before having any knowledge of the process. You over think things.

Everyone wants a 20 lbs bumper harvest on $20. Just doesnt happen that way. Take that 2500 and put 1500 in a savings account. Keep adding to it. Take the other 1000 and buy a 400 watt, cool tube/Sun System 2, and GH nutes. Grab some 2x4's, a scrubber, 6" inline, and set up a nice little 3x4 or so grow tent. Get some bag seed from a friend or something. Grow em. See where you get with it. Then you'll figure a lot out and answer many many of your own questions as you go along. Reading can sometimes teach more then asking.

If you're wanting 4 ft trees yeilding 2-3 lbs a piece, you've got years of practice and at least 5000 more dollars needed. Grow a plant and get a harvest before your trying to follow on Jorge's footsteps...


2k in flower perpetual from clones,defoliated,dialed in, is very time consuming but worth it.start with 1 or 2 ks then add as your plants and skills develop. your goal should be a daily harvest. 60-80 plants under 2k in flower you can expect to work full days. somebody has to.


going to hydro store right now and ok so i rather have a properly dialed in room then taking corners, i'll be buying things as i go as well.

surely theirs more things c'mon guys 150+ views


what do you want? You have been advised against the aerojet but you still insist on it. Now you want to grow 4 foot trees in the aerojet.

growing is a hands on thing. you are going to have to start somewhere. Eventually you will learn more and a light bulb will turn on for you.

You say you want simplicity. Why a perpetual grow? That is more work and your flower room isnt that big. You should easily fill that at once and let it go.

I HIGHLY suggest you run ONE strain


going to hydro store right now and ok so i rather have a properly dialed in room then taking corners, i'll be buying things as i go as well.

surely theirs more things c'mon guys 150+ views

What DTF said.

If you dont like that, then go ahead and spend all your money at the hydro store. Flash your money to the guy and say "Whats the best equipment to use". Im sure he'll lead ya to the latest and greatest...


Eugene Oregon
Go to the hydro store, the most own shop will tell that you should grow with a 250w-400w until you get good at growing and get it buckled down.

I bought a 3x2.5x6 tent, 250w HPS, two 4in fans, one 6in fan, and grow bags all for like 400$ at htgsupply.com.

I got like a little over an oz for my first grow indoors, so i didn't even make my money back, to make your dream a reality first face reality.


New member
As much for the OP as anyone else who wanders in, I've been down this path.

If you are committed to 1Ks then set yourself up with one and bank the rest. Once you get a single set up dialed in it should be easy to add another identical set up. Repeat as necessary.

I also started off with dreams of Aeroponics. Maximize your yield while keeping plant count low, right? Simplify. If it takes you longer to set up because it's more complicated you're losing time/money/potential experience. If you lose one crop because of a pump failure it will take you a whole lot more to make up the difference you were hoping Aero would bring.

Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. Be electricity, take the path of least resistance. I started out with eyes too big for my stomach and because of it I still don't have my grow yet.

Get something simple and put it to work for you.


got some stuff

got some stuff

Hey dtf so i did what you suggestedd i got a

"cap ebb n gro" 12 site 2 gal bucket system

i got a multi watt 600w 750w 1k and super lumen lumatek

1 mag xxxl 6"

1 hortilux blue day light mh

1 100ft x10ft 5.5 mil b/w film.

all this was for $1,230

i got an addtional 2 grand to blow

and what i mean as far as more recommendations like ex

is it better to run (2) 4" inline fan with carbon fiters or 1 bigger one?

im more concern about intinal cost rather then electrical consmption.


Careful with that hortilux and the Lumatek. They are known to cause issues. If it blows, i dont recommend getting another.

With fans, its better to run two then one... but i recommend both being 6". one for the scrubber, one for the reflector. You can get away with a 4" on the scrubber (I just personally wouldnt reduce my flanges on the hood) but more is usually better...

Soooo... you should probably start building the room. Get everything built and installed cause looks like ya got most everything ya need minus fans. But you may need other oods and ends that can add up fast.

Personally, i wouldnt worry about inital costs that much. Its better to over do it and have left overs then to have to keep buying more stuff.


spend your dough on an A/C, temps are alot of peeps issues.

get a 6" fan and duct it inline from outside past the bulb and back outside

Co2 tank, regulator, and monitor/controler. i like running a sealed room no need for a scrubber or venting as long as you have a good A/C,

get your PH, ppm meter and all its goodies

take whats left over and save it for when your ready to... add lights, add a veg room, an ez cloner. and such

i feel like im leaving something important out.....

should give you some ideas,


i feel like im leaving something important out.....

Yea... like the fact its his first grow and that Co2 should be his LAST concern. Especially as he just said start up costs is his concern, he should stay away from Co2. The startup costs on Co2 is almost the same as just a whole new room. Also just want to throw it out that i disagree that a carbon scrubber is not needed. Its still MUCH safer and i ALWAYS recommend a scrubber! Better to be safe then sorry...

I also dont recommend getting an AC unless you're having to vent the light heat back into the room that the grow is in... then you'll be in for some heat problems. But if you're able to vent into an attic, outside, ect - Dont sweat an AC. You'll only be a few degrees above ambient.

I had also mis-read OP's last post... Run two fans, but one for exhaust, one for the light. You CAN get away with one fan doing both - but even with my 530CFM It'd be SOOOOO much easier to seperate the exhaust and cooling to monitor temps.


Yea... like the fact its his first grow and that Co2 should be his LAST concern. Especially as he just said start up costs is his concern, he should stay away from Co2. The startup costs on Co2 is almost the same as just a whole new room. Also just want to throw it out that i disagree that a carbon scrubber is not needed. Its still MUCH safer and i ALWAYS recommend a scrubber! Better to be safe then sorry...

I also dont recommend getting an AC unless you're having to vent the light heat back into the room that the grow is in... then you'll be in for some heat problems. But if you're able to vent into an attic, outside, ect - Dont sweat an AC. You'll only be a few degrees above ambient.

I had also mis-read OP's last post... Run two fans, but one for exhaust, one for the light. You CAN get away with one fan doing both - but even with my 530CFM It'd be SOOOOO much easier to seperate the exhaust and cooling to monitor temps.

look bro, you started off trashin this guy, he got pretty much what DTF recommended and had 2 G's left over to spend on his op so i gave my opinion. and then tryin to play gus's advocate you shoot down my suggestions like im tryin to stear him wrong or something. where's your puddin?... in which the proof is in

growing cannabis is easy as fuck its mostly about equipment and then genetics. if you dont have the right equipment or dont have quality genetics you wont get high quality stuff. Co2 doesnt make growing any more difficult, if anything it makes it easier and the plant is more forgiving.

no Co2 isnt essential but it helps tremendously, and can get setup under a Grand with all top of the line gear.

its whatever man, he said hes got 2 grand to blow and he should be able to get all the items i listed with that amount of money.

Sure, you need a scrubber if you cant run a sealed room and must vent air from the grow room outside the grow room. but if there is no air exchange i dont see why one would need a carbon filter. smelling something takes a molecule docking on little sensor fibers in your nose which sends a signal to the brain identifying the chemical that you sniffed. without air an exchange that molecule will never dock in a nose, i dont think they can move through a solid wall.

i dont know anyone that gets quality product with sufficient light (600 watts or more) without using an A/C especially during the summer months. not many strains do well in the low 80F's without Co2. so with the lights fans and plants all radiating heat unless you can keep the ambient temp of the grow room about 65f or below its likely to get above 79f with everything on

as a matter of fact id say heat during bud is one of the biggest challenges indoor growers face as far as quality is concerned.

and in my opinion his money spent on cooling will pay off now in the form of higher quality and better yields and even more later as he tries to add more lights and such.

i was just tryin to help, my bad
i know better now, to check with you before i make a suggestion in someones thread.



look bro, you started off trashin this guy, he got pretty much what DTF recommended and had 2 G's left over to spend on his op so i gave my opinion. and then tryin to play gus's advocate you shoot down my suggestions like im tryin to stear him wrong or something. where's your puddin?... in which the proof is in

growing cannabis is easy as fuck its mostly about equipment and then genetics. if you dont have the right equipment or dont have quality genetics you wont get high quality stuff. Co2 doesnt make growing any more difficult, if anything it makes it easier and the plant is more forgiving.

no Co2 isnt essential but it helps tremendously, and can get setup under a Grand with all top of the line gear.

its whatever man, he said hes got 2 grand to blow and he should be able to get all the items i listed with that amount of money.

Sure, you need a scrubber if you cant run a sealed room and must vent air from the grow room outside the grow room. but if there is no air exchange i dont see why one would need a carbon filter. smelling something takes a molecule docking on little sensor fibers in your nose which sends a signal to the brain identifying the chemical that you sniffed. without air an exchange that molecule will never dock in a nose, i dont think they can move through a solid wall.

i dont know anyone that gets quality product with sufficient light (600 watts or more) without using an A/C especially during the summer months. not many strains do well in the low 80F's without Co2. so with the lights fans and plants all radiating heat unless you can keep the ambient temp of the grow room about 65f or below its likely to get above 79f with everything on

as a matter of fact id say heat during bud is one of the biggest challenges indoor growers face as far as quality is concerned.

and in my opinion his money spent on cooling will pay off now in the form of higher quality and better yields and even more later as he tries to add more lights and such.

i was just tryin to help, my bad
i know better now, to check with you before i make a suggestion in someones thread.

telling a new grower not to use a carbon filter and to use co2?????????????:wave:


maybe you should think twice before giving somebody costly advice. Im too lazy to rebut your whole ridiculous post.


Hey dtf so i did what you suggestedd i got a

"cap ebb n gro" 12 site 2 gal bucket system

i got a multi watt 600w 750w 1k and super lumen lumatek

1 mag xxxl 6"

1 hortilux blue day light mh

1 100ft x10ft 5.5 mil b/w film.

all this was for $1,230

i got an addtional 2 grand to blow

and what i mean as far as more recommendations like ex

is it better to run (2) 4" inline fan with carbon fiters or 1 bigger one?

im more concern about intinal cost rather then electrical consmption.

I feel like a proud poppa.

Is that ballast HPS? You can flower with MH but HPS would be better

I have NO idea what your plans are for venting. But if using two ducts for the same puprose like venting a room, you are better off using one duct. One 8" duct is bigger than two 4" ducts. Google "circle surface area" and you will see what I mean

You have never grown before and you have some things to learn like managing nutrients, PH, etc. I suggest you skip Co2. It will be simple and easy to manage, plus you will not be wasting money cause everything you use for exhausting, can be used later in a sealed room.

Get a scrubber and fan sized to your room. If you look on the can filters, they tell you what the final output in CFM is using certain filters with certain fans. I learned alot looking at that chart recently.

Set up the scrubber so exhaust the room through the scrubber.

It is getting cool out soon, hopefully you can pull in cool air and keep the room cool.

Co2 requires AC, Co2 tank, controller, maybe a DH.

I know I have been snippy with you lately cause you have been asking questions for months. So I say this in the nicest non-snippy, I have your best interest at heart voice. Dude you ask alot of questions, you dont seem to want to say fuck it, just do it and figure it out as I go.

SKIP the co2 for now. You think you have questions now? wait till your girls yellow a bit, or something else happens.

Plus 2 grand is not alot of money. You still need nutes and a scrubber. A decent scrubber and fan could be a few hundred $. DO not skimp here. Hold on that money.

If you had more money, I would say seal the room and put in AC. Blanc right in a way.Co2 really isnt harder or makes things harder. I think its just something you dont have worry about now. I do disagree on the scrubber. Sealed rooms need scrubbers. No matter how sealed you make it, odor will leak out. According to his theory, odor doesnt penetrate solid objects and anyone who vacuumed sealed dried bud, knows that isnt true. odor penetrates

Just plan on adding Co2 in the future so keep that in mind when you set up, where the AC would go, etc

Glad to hear you got some equipment


Lawl at Blancorasta. Chill, and obv you havent read threw the whole post. He's a new grower and doesnt have EVERYTHING he needs yet. If he spend money for a decent CO2 setup, he'd have nothing for what he still needs!

@ DTF - Its a 1000w MH/HPS switchable and Dimmable E-Ballast. The only downside is that his bulb is known (both companies have aknoledged) to break or just randomly fail with E-Ballast.


I am not up on the digital ballasts but I am aware there are some bulb compatibility issues. Cool that it is switchable. I suggest Gus do some research, maybe contact Lumatek for a bulb that will work.

Thats why I stick with magnetics