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Greyskull The Upcountry Country Grower


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
i hope so bro
but honestly, really, i hope yours does too!
we're gonna make it happen. one step at a time.



Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
the grom x gk is a nice plant..


the buds get pretty dense,not a problem in the desert,but could be an issue for you,seems to do well topped or untopped,im running some topped right now and the tops are still getting to be good sized,unt
-topped they can be mason jar sized when dry...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
thanks !
dank frank put that one together right?
or was it phillthy

no disrespect meant from my unedgubacated question fellas.... i just forgot


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
it was retardo who made these,i think those other guys may have their own version or retardo may have bean the ultimate source for all of them


ICMag Donor
yeah retardo made those beans. they rocked. i used a male from it to bx to grape romulan. took a male from that and bx'd again. fire.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
wow, never saw this

love where you live if I'm thinking right..

lived in Maui for a while, but wasn't for me. I sadly liked oahu better ( nature parts anyways )

well have fun, plants looking good..

btw, I did my job, and spread F-13, flo, c99, and NH when I was there..


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
habeeb howzit
i wonder if the c99 i have is one you selected....
ill have up pics of it sooner or later
i got it from my friend on the westside
the same guy who hooked me up with the skunkdawg
very curious....

what was the c99 like if you dont mind me asking?
ive actually flowered it out a few times last year or so ago but didnt hold onto it... im somewhat familiar with it. very curious like i said hahahaha

spreading da aloha is the only way. you have to take care of the people that take care of you.

phillthy....... nice work too

Old Soul

Active member
I just aquired the socal master kush too, flowering one out for the first time. Have you run that one before? Got to smoke some of the end product and it was very nice. Can't wait to see the new space up and full, keep killin it bro.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Regarding the Greyskull Madness x Raspberry Kush cross... I will definitely post up some pics of mine when that time comes. I've had some Vegin under T5s for a couple months now. We will definitely get there.

Very cool to hear...still have some of these...technically...its mountain madness though...good luck and keep everyone posted please!


Active member
sounds good GS, always fun to have new blood in the grow, heres a pic of the # 4 or gorilla glue as its named. 4 weeks in


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
hey yall

im reposting this from another thread but its totally relevant to this thread....
in case you missed it.

And please bear with me because it has been asked that i not share details about the event. something about something something. alls i know is i am gonna walk the company line. your faith will be rewarded with sparkling truths when the light is green. but none of this i am about to type is false fiction or stretch of the truth its just how it is and how it was. AND HOW IT WILL BE HAHAHAHAHA

so..... and i hope you dont mind a story....

about the end of october i got a call from a friend asking if id be interested in submitting an entry for a contest/cup being held in.... north america. he had a friend who could get my submission entered. alls i had at the moment was some of my skunkdawg - outdoor. this was pot that i grew that had absolutely zero intention of it entering into anything except my lungs, a few homies' lungs around the way, and some of their friends' too.
id always wanted to enter a contest. i always thought itd be nice to see how my shit rated in a real legit actual contest with real cannasuer judges (i had already been planning to entering ic this year btw), because how cool is that? id get to see where i rate vs a class of growers in pursuit of being deemed the best.

so i double sealed up the last of my skunkdawg and off to north america it went.
my friends calls me after getting it submitted and he goes "dude i thought there wasnt going to be as many entries as have showed up... theres like 20 entrants in the hybrid category with you". skunkdawg was submitted as a hybrid.

im just hoping at that point folks arent thinking im trying to kill them with my pot when they smoke it. and that i dont come in last place. im thinking the worst. because theres to many entries for me to place 5th out of 6 or 7 right hahahaha shit.... things got real real fast...... im not stupid i submitted outdoor pot for a contest. theres 20 dudes in my same category. so................

the judging i am told was done blind over a period of a few days. im not sure exactly how but i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't set up a lot like how the ic cup or any other legitimate cannabis contest/cup is where an entry is given a tag of SAMPLE A and people judge the sample on certain qualities and the scores of those qualities are summed up to create an overall total. The contest I entered the qualities judged were APPEARANCE, TASTE, and POTENCY, creating the OVERALL score.

i get a call from my friend. in the pit of my stomach im crying out PLEASE LET ME BE IN THE TOP 50% OF THE CLASS I DONT WANT TO BE IN THE BOTTOM im feeling not very confident. im making small talk. homeboy goes, "so you wanna know how you did or what?"
My smart ass, says "I guess. How bad was it?". I am pacing. But i was trying to sound cool and the gang. He says "guess how you did."
he wasn't even finished pronouncing the last "d" in "did" when i said "TOP 5" and stopped in my tracks. I was looking at the sunset. I figured wtf. Top 5.
My friend kind of laughs at me. "really? ok, check this out..." and he proceeds to tell me that he wasnt expecting the entries he saw, done how they were done. he was not expecting the turn out. the list he rolls out...
Legend OG
Guava Chem
Looompa Headband
East Coast Sour Diesel
Fire OG
Tahoe OG
Green Crack

some real fucking elite clones. and he said they were done RIGHT. all bomb....


4th place.

happy motherfucking dance, right?

no. not just yet.

I got THE top score in potency - 9.5, in my category too. I havent seen the other score cards but wouldnt be surprised if i dropped the strongest shit at the contest. I DROPPED THE STRONGEST SHIT. word....

So... what finished 1-2-3....????

1. Legend OG - from what i understand angels were recruited to sing to the flowers and virgins harvested the buds onto sponges the shit was perfect. INDOOR PERFECTION. But it only got a 9.0 in potency hahahaha

2. Guave Chem - i dont know much about this cut but apparently it looks tastes and smoked exceptionally well. Done perfect as Guava Chem can be done inside is what I was told

3. Looompa Headband. Ive never really had loompa headband and from what i understand seeing it in a contest is similiar to seeing a unicorn in the wild. Done to perfection inside.

The theres 4th place overall. My Skunkdawg clone. Apparently the judges went apeshit over it. WTF is this?!? I was told many commented on the wonderful taste organically grown indoor pot has as they were enjoying my fox farms and canna fed (but apparently expertly flushed) buds Hahahahahahahaha. my OUTDOOR buds got rated 4th overall in a real contest by real cannasuer judges. whoa.

I called out top 5 and made my call. Did much better than initially anticipated. I guess I know what Im talking about huh? OUTDOOR. MAUI OUTDOOR!!!!!!

finishing below me and the skunkdawg were a list of elites i cant believe got left in the wake...

I mean Fire OG, ECSD, others I dont have the full list... Green Crack is a fucking joke I better place above that shit hahahaha,,,, but there some real fucking plants right there folks the skunkdawg went up against. And again, all entries were done to the best they could be is what i was told.

Anyways, after the winners/results are announced and folks are all talking people start talking about this that and the other my friend gets asked about the skunkdawg. So he announces to everyone "hey, that skunkdawg, that came from Maui and that was grown outdoors!"

jaws dropped.
"No way. I dont believe you"
"Yep. Theres pictures of it on the internet. Check it."
"no way thats outdoor"
"i mean you looked at it you smoked it you judged it you obviously thought it was good why you mad"


Apparently folks didnt like it what my friend was saying because, like how could some outdoor unknown pot come into a contest against a fucking plethora of super ultra mega elite clones grown to their full potential by pros in pro rooms pumped full of co2 and big bad acs units and lights and front to back side to side and all that shit. someone isnt just supposed to drop some outdoor into the mix and upset the curve like that. fuck that shit.

yeah. fuck that shit, right hahahahahaha. Hows that feel?

4th place out of 20 in a blind test... the ONLY outdoor entry...

to get 4th place overall, and take the potency category, my skunkdawg entry couldnt have done too bad in the appearance and taste categories. honestly, i am tossing and turning at night wondering if it would have trimmed the buds a touch better if it would have been enough for 3rd place... i'll know when i see the overall score sheets. but 4th overall, with outdoor pot, means it still looks really really good and had to have tasted pretty favorably, too. I am thinking I didn't get below top 6 score in any category.... out of 20 entrants.

Apparently i am not firing blanks when I say my shit is good and is better than most indoor pot. thats good to know. little bit of a confidence boost, right? im not that bad of a grower.... the affirmation rocks.

ive been busting my ass to grow the best pot i can. i busted my ass learning and applying what my mentor taught me. and what i picked up from my friends. i may not be able to communicate in a scientific sense about shit. but i apparently have an intimate understanding of my plants and their nutritional needs and possess the ability to execute whats needed to meet those demands successfully. thats all that matters.

thru this whole experience i learned its safe to say pot grown outdoors on Maui will look, taste, and feel as good, or BETTER than most of the best indoor pot, done anywhere else. As long as the grower knows his shit. And its not just a better high when youre in HI on vacation stoned ie because of the state of mind youre in and the pretty sunsets... because apparently state of mind travels with the buds grown here across the ocean... meaning its just truly exceptional marijuana. Apples to apples its just as good or better pot because, thats just how it is. apparently. hahahaha

i really think it has to do with the sun. the light spectrum & intensity....
heres why i think this...
indoors you want your humidty 45, lights on temps 80f, lights off low 70sf, slight breeze... lights comfortably off the plants.
where i live & grow, on perfect days, the rh is 45-50, temp during day is 75-80f, at night high 60s-low 70s, tradewinds coming off Haleakala and thru the forest... but instead of lights 18-20" away from the tops I have the maui sun in all its glory at 20.8 N, 156.3 W. With indoor light, the closer you are to the light the more powerful it is. something about inversion maybe idk the term but the further from the source of the light the less light intensity you have. im right near the equator... thats some serious sun.
thats why my outdoor doesnt' look like most outdoor. thank goodness. the best outdoor stuff coming out of norcal, its got that military trim to it. it has to. because its leafier than indoor bud. because the pods dont blow up like they do with indoor bud. because of the amount of light intensity, is my theory. thats why my outdoor looks like the best indoor and smoked as good or better.....

heres a pic of the winning plant....
the plant on the left is the skunkdawg that got me 4th place in the contest

anyways, thansk for letting me share this with ya'll.

when i have further details to share i will share them. its pretty cool....



ICMag Donor
youre the man grey. well done bro. yours was among the elite of elites. nothing to sneeze at!!!!!
Hooooo Brah meeeeean. I thought that shit was grade A. Im no cannasuer Hahaha never tasted indoor weed. But that skunkdawg was definitely special. Can't wait to see what you do with the new blood.