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GreenSanta's Pollen Chucking Lab



Hello everyone, I will use this space to help me keep track of stuff. This is not a thread where I will discuss yields, or my setup. I am a small scale advanced pollen chucker.

My main goals in pollen chucking are to find interesting rare cannabinoid profiles, great terpenes and great resin producers through pheno hunting.

I have 2 main categories, medicinal (high CBD varieties) and recreational (high THC varieties). I try to use the space in my flower room half recre and half medi.

I uploaded a few random pics, eventually I will use this thread to keep track of my crosses and post pictures of the cream of the crop.

If you are into CBDs, THCVs, THC, rosin, organics, LEDs, beneficial insects... this should be a good place to learn.

BTW, Ive started growing in 2011 and Ive been growing perpetual ever since without ever having to start over. It has been years since I have sprayed, I control pests strictly with beneficial insects.

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the random spacebomb male I used is no good I think, second plant, from a different a different cross, Spacebomb X DragonFruit, Spacebomb X (BCD X CBC) , both hermied, at about 2 weeks flowering I could find balls while cleaning the lowers. I am going to slow down growing those seeds if I catch another one seeds will go in the trash.

@50min ish subcool explains why breeding with males is important
@1hour4min he explains the origins of Jack the ripper which is in a lot of my strains.

Not much new, I have not popped beans for a while, I am dying to create though... I m trying to resist the urge to pop more beans I created in 2016 because I got an order coming from Breeder Retail, and from Seedsman. Got some old skunk#1 from Sam and also Sleestack x Sk1 and stuff from Chimera.

From Seedsman website I ordered the new CBD powerhouse Candida CD1

I need a new powerhouse, this week Ive let some of my keepers go, down to 7 keepers, but I m on the hunt to replace some..

(Pennywise X Senora Ampero) X Blue City Diesel me
Blueberry muffin pheno, running for the second time right now but I think it was around 60 days to maturity. If they come out like the first one did before revegging, it is the nicest plant I have ever grown. I have some 2 weeks in flower so should smell like blueberries in the room in about a month.

CBD Therapy from cbdcrew
Ive ran her a few times already, I love love this strain, I do think I have a pheno that has a certain amount of THC because it does get you high, and what a pleasant high. Because I am harvesting for higher CBD and lower THC, I harvest it earlier now, day 48, and by then she makes beautiful rosin, produce well squishing flowers. The first time I took it to day 60. This plant is super precious to me at least until I find better in the Candida line, but the therapy is likely to be in the garden for a long time and to be included in pollen chucks in the coming months.

Memory Loss from Archive seeds
My favorite plant in 2016, so great, great yield, great smell, great resin, the haze is very much present. I only grew one female and found this beauty. I take her down at day 67.

I am not sure how long this one will stay in the garden, she is low yielding. I grew 2 females and chose the most resinous, both had the smell people refer to as the strawberry flavor though I am not getting it. The main reason I keep her around is her potential to be high in THCV and I also used a random male chupacabra in some lines that are also likely high in THCV. (jack the ripper, blue city diesel)

CBDQ7 Skylotus X (BCD X ( Pennywise X Senora Ampero)
This one was pretty much ready at day 56, straight purple for the upper colas an lime green underneath. Really stinky in the jar, I am gonna try to get it tested but so far I keep her around because it seems so strong, not sure if its CBD strong but its like a punch in the face followed by clear head high that seems to last for hours.

Chupacabra X (Pennywise X Senora Ampero) X Blue City Diesel #1
I have high hopes for this cross so I cloned the #1, only growing 2 females right now. This is my cross that could very well be high in THCV and CBDV

More Cowbell #4 Bodhi
I am looking forward to that one, I grew 2 females so far that I didnt keep but probably should have. So Ive cloned the #4 in case she is special, she just went in flowering. The first 2 I grew were identical, dense dense nugs, pepper and hashy smells.

in case some of you hang around, I always write the male first in a cross, so Pennywise Male X Senora Ampero Female, I think this is stantard. I may have access to a lab so all things CBD THCV are about to get way more interesting, I am also on the hunt for a few more high THC varieties as well but for now Memory Loss hits it.


ICMag Donor
in case some of you hang around, I always write the male first in a cross, so Pennywise Male X Senora Ampero Female, I think this is stantard. I may have access to a lab so all things CBD THCV are about to get way more interesting, I am also on the hunt for a few more high THC varieties as well but for now Memory Loss hits it.

Female first x male second is standard botanical protocol.

When making non selfed fem seeds, the pollen donor is listed second as well.

Sounds like you've got a few interesting projects.
For CBD varieties you can set up a test at home that will detect the presence of CBD. However, you cannot quantify the amount.



oh shit, I think it was years ago I read male first and now my whole seed collection is backward lol

I am disappointed at some of my latest creations, means I have to create new pheno hunting opportunities. I have not harvested any pollen for well over 4 months.

Looks like I couldnt wait for my seed order, dropped some beans in the water yesterday, Space Pussy F3s, TinyBomb? x Dr. Grinspoon, and a couple others.

Clone king has 36 slots I have it filled with like 12 different plants lol or more

woops, my new silly hilly billy soil mix is not right ... all this damn snow, I had to improvise lol. More Cowbell from Bodhi, I hope she bounces back!


Some pics of (((Senora Ampero X Pennywise ) X BCD) X Skylotus) #1

I dont think I will grow it again, not even sure if I have a copy in the veg room anymore, I am a little bit disorganized hence this journal...




And the last picture is a CBDQ#2 . got rid of the clone as well, she did much better this time. CBDQ line is almost identical to the strain above except the female (Senora Ampero X Pennywise ) X BCD) was a different one, insane resin production and a high that felt high cbd.



Female first x male second is standard botanical protocol.

When making non selfed fem seeds, the pollen donor is listed second as well.

Sounds like you've got a few interesting projects.
For CBD varieties you can set up a test at home that will detect the presence of CBD. However, you cannot quantify the amount.


also, I have done the home test kit from montana biotech company, a couple times, 2 or 3 years ago now. It still is expensive and can help you make decisions but does not give you results you can brag about lol.. just kidding. I want exact numbers, and plus I am super busy, this is just a hobby.

Sounds like I might be able to send samples to a lab pretty soon so I m just gonna wait, has anyone tried this technique Chimera explained?


2 plants in this pot, CBDQ2 and CBDQ5. one of them almost smells like chocolat. both nice. I might eventually grow more seeds from that line but I am done growing them seeds for now.



Similar to CBDQ, this seed line is Senora Ampero X Pennywise X BCD X Skylotus. The difference with CBDQ is the mother Senora Ampero X Pennywise was different. I am not sure that I will grow more of them seeds. I think I will have better results with the Senora Ampero X Pennywise X BCD X chupacabra vs the skylotus anyway ... this one is the skylotus X.




is that a mix of LED AN HPS?

100% LEDs, a mix of older and newer tech. I still use an MH in my veg room only because I can't afford another LED at this point haha. almost half the wattage comes from lights that are probably 3-4 years old, 12/12 non stop ever since I bought them.


Here is some pictures of what is most definitely my nicest creation / find since Ive started growing.

I named her:
''Les Fleurs Bleues'' (The Blue Flowers) a french novel based on the famous chinese apologue: Chuang-Tzu dreams he is a butterfly, but is it not rather the butterfly who dreams he is Chuang-Tzu?

The first time I grew her, the flowers were blue, I wonder if they will turn blue again, the first time I grew her I had some red LEDs on her too, could have been why...

The name will stick regardless, because she has the most beautiful blueberry smell ever. I have never encountered such a special girl.

Her lineage is from crossing a random male from one of my house strain MissJack (Senora Ampero X Pennywise) with a blue city diesel from Jordan of the Islands.

I will get her tested this time if I can find a way. Here she is at day 42, she started smelling like blueberry muffin right around day 30, she has resin rails all the way down the the lowest buds, so as for bag appeal she is a winner. The smell is really where she shines most, I just can not wait to smoke her again! I really hope to get it tested again because I think she also has an interesting cannabinoids profile, can't wait to feel the effects again, the first time I grew her the buds were all gone before I knew it.

Right now I plan to keep this girl to myself, only a friend that doesnt grow has a back up for me.







I meant to take pictures of that girl before I chopped her down, and forgot, then I looked at her hanging getting ready for trimming, thinking, she almost looks the same as she did in the pot right now!! lol.

that was a BlueCityDiesel X ((Chemo X Respect) X Ancient OG) ... the blueberry smell came through but very faint, not a keeper, the yield was really good though.




Thanks bsgospel, I am really proud of her! ''Les Fleurs Bleues'' to share or not to share!? If anyone wants to share their views on this topic Id appreciate it. I am thorn!

I know there is a cut of strawberry-banana around, but other growers are hoarding it, and makes me feel perhaps I should do the same thing, at least until I get the final product tested, in case it really is special.

I find the whole world of plant patenting fascinating, it is ridiculous yet I get it too... I think we take too much credit, there were many others before us.

Anyway, just a bit of an update for future reference, I found some old pollen cleaning the freezer, the bag says BCD , perhaps could be the donor for les fleurs bleues! I cant recall for sure but now I can backcross Les Fleurs Bleues! whether the pollen is still viable I dont know. Gonna try it out soon, I have a bunch of Les Fleurs Bleues ready to for pollination.

I have a lot of seedlings above ground, not all of them will make it to the flower room, but I get to be picky. Most varieties are only 2-3 seeds.

Pot Of Gold - Skunkman Sam
Thunk - Skunkman Sam
SleeStack x Sk1 - Skunkman Sam
Grapefruit X Chem D - Chimera
MissJack -(GreenSanta: (TGA, Reggae Seeds))
Dr.Grinspoon X (Spacebomb X Medicine) - GreenSanta (Barney, TGA, Next Gen)
(Spacebomb X NYCD) X (Spacebomb X Medicine) -GreenSanta
(BlueSage X Dr.Grinspoon) X ? - GreenSanta (Jordan of the Islands, Barney)
Candida CD1 - Medidical Marijuana Genetics
Dragon Fruits X Dragon Fruits - GreenSanta (Bodhi) (pure pollen chuck here, I had one male and 2 females, I cant wait :) )

Thats it for the beans, mix of my old beans, Sams old beans, and new top of the line genetics. The list of current mothers, or plants that I keep just for now, most of them will be skipping a flowering round so I ll just be cloning clones for a while.

1 Les Fleurs Bleues - GreenSanta (Jordan of the Island, TGA, Reggae Seeds)
2 Memory Loss - Archive
3 More Cowbell - Bodhi
4 Dragon Fruit X Spacebomb #2 - GreenSanta (Bodhi, TGA)
5 CBDQ7= BCD X MissJack X Skylotus - GreenSanta (Jordan of the Island, TGA, Reggae Seeds, Bodhi)
6 CBD Therapy - CBD Crew
7 Sweet Pine (Space bomb X Medicine F3s) -GreenSanta (TGA, Next Generation)
8 Chupacabra - SickMeds
9 BCD X MissJack X Chupacabra #2 - GreenSanta
10. Candida CD1 - Medical Marijuana Genetics, I have 3 that I plan to clone and keep the best of the 3.

Anyway, I think that sums it up, there might be a strawberry sour diesel from devils harvest I might reveg, and a few scragglers kicking around.


I had to post this in this thread, I have germinated thousands if not tens of thousands of seeds since Ive started growing, (granted a lot never make it to the flower room) but this is my first triple leaflet seedling.

I know they are not that rare, but first time for me.

She is a BlueSage X Dr. Grinspoon X ? All other Dr.Grinspoon crosses I was trying to germinate around got decimated by gnats, not this one. I hope she turns into a special girl. On the container containing the seeds I had written many years ago, ''seeds from stellar female, must be grown...''

needless to say I am stoked about this one.

Besides, a quick peek at the veg room, packed with diversity, from some of the highest CBD plants around to some of the highest THC plants, home pollen chucking at it's finest!






Les Fleurs Bleues, about a week away, considering this was the first re-run since reveg, and the clones were really small when they went in the SIP, the overall yield will be decent, and the plant has the potential to yield huge, no doubt. The smell is still so amazing, slight touch to the plant and the smell totally takes over any other variety in the room.



Some of the lowers appear to start foxtailling ever so slightly, but they have a lot of blue spectrum on them so could be why.


I got some pictures of the triple leaflet mutant, everything looks good in the veg room, diversity through the roof!










She is a monster, she truly has the potential to yield huge, this harvest was 5 rooted clones in a sub irrigated planter.

No CO2, simply fresh air, 100% LEDs, FAT frosty nugs from top to bottom. I found 3 buds that had a cluster of nanners beginning, honestly could be stress. We will see if it is a recurring ''problem'' on the next ones that I will be harvesting in the coming weeks.


Lower Buds!

beautiful resin rails everywhere

I like to cut in the biggest colas to make sure there is no mold and help speed dry the inside. This plant appears to be mold resistant.


definitely still my number one, I am afraid Ive lost some of the blueberry muffin terpenes from the original (pre re-veg) but i have a bit of a cold and stuffy nose right now. I think she would have better terps harvested 3-4 days earlier.

the smell is still truly blueberry muffin and amazing, just not quite as special as it did the first time.