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GreenopsIII - 250w ScrOG


As i said he waters everyday and i think he alternates, nutes, water, nutes, water etc... He uses the same brand but mixes the dosage without measuring and he doesnt pH them.

Me I water til water drips out the buttom and wont water again until about 4cm on the surface gets dry... thats about every 5 days. I also alternate nute and water, and i only give half of recommended dose as i heard giving less is safer and sometimes better. I pH so that the runoff is 6.5 -6.7.
When I water without nutes, i like to add some Cannazym or some hormones for the roots. Not sure if thats a good idea but i only give 1/4 to 1/2

hey bro, nice grow...i love LST....

as far as the aroma issue......what about carbs and sugars...i find it makes a huge difference in smells.....just a thought....i am subbed bro ....check out my grow, i am a bit behind you, but similar concepts.....love your under-canopy fan.....rep for that! nugs


ok so in the end it has to be genetics, or something you are doing with them in the last weeks? do you give a good flush at the end? how long do you let them finish without nutrients (just water)?

I'm just continuing what i'm doing, then they went from sticky to crispy like overnight... happened both times. its a mistery but i hope it was just bad luck with genetics.
The Amnesia Grow I flushed for the last 10 days.

i hear ya on having stuff sticking out of your window. you can make a lung box surrounding the window, leave the window open on a slant or a crack, block it, then put a net curtain in there, plug your exhaust in at the top of the box covering your window and the intake from the bottom of the box, add slitted duct covers inside the box and paint everything white or black whatever makes it less conspicuous. when you are finished the window should just look like its open a crack for fresh air with curtain visible and nothing more beyond that. ideally use the same curtain as the rest of the window has on it. you can then let the blinds down a few cms and even if someone goes right close to the window they will see nothing, the worst is a slight warm air that will be coming out if someone can go very close. i camouflage all my ventilation exhausts and intakes like that. but you are right ground floor is no fun exhausting, but can be done if it's not a massive setup. i go over big with ventilation then use a speed controller with a transferer that makes the ventilation run at lower speeds near silently, compared to the cheep speed controllers that make the ventilating buzz when it's throttled. then use big insulated ducting too and you have a slow, silent air exchange.

That would be really tight if i could do that.. unfortunately i cant do that in my bedroom, the only available room. i would need an extra grow room to do that kinda setup. Makes me wanna look for a new place lol...


could it be that you kept them in there too long, did the plants go crispy or the buds when drying? if the plants buds went crispy on the plant it seems the light was too close or the air was extremely dry or a nutrient imbalance causes crispy leaves, was it crispy leaves or buds?


hey bro, nice grow...i love LST....

as far as the aroma issue......what about carbs and sugars...i find it makes a huge difference in smells.....just a thought....i am subbed bro ....check out my grow, i am a bit behind you, but similar concepts.....love your under-canopy fan.....rep for that! nugs

Thanks dude. Checked ur grow too, man thats gonna be sick ill be tuning in.

How do u add carbs and sugar?


Day 35 into 12/12 - Day 24 flowering

Buds getting bushier everyday. The smell is also developing nicely on all 3 plants.
I'm not sure if I just didn't pay much attention to it before but I have a feeling that these babies are starting to get frosty earlier than my previous grows.
And what really made me get off my lazy ass today and post an update is because... i found something that looks like a fucking seed in the middle of a FCJ#2 bud! (1st picture)
I havent found any nanners with my color blinded eyes. I'm pretty sure i'm not getting light leaks during night time.
Happened to me before but not this early... Any tips?


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    Hole 11 8-15 Once again the main top slowed down and many of the top branches have caught up. She is
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could it be that you kept them in there too long, did the plants go crispy or the buds when drying? if the plants buds went crispy on the plant it seems the light was too close or the air was extremely dry or a nutrient imbalance causes crispy leaves, was it crispy leaves or buds?

missed this post. I think that transformation happend around the 6th week, so its not like I kept them too long. I harvested at week 9 also, around 20% amber. It was both, crispy leaves and buds... the whole sticky feeling on the fingers were gone.

Light too close, something i'm looking at. Heard light intensity can suppress the smell. But then again how can 250w in an air cooled hood be intensive?

extreme dryness - i'm monitoring the rH and it never went below 30. usually stays around 40%... but just out of curiosity, what would be too low?

nutrient imbalance - possible. i just wouldnt know how to avoid it this time. i'm using the same brand and same soil. Maybe i'm watering too much? I mean quantity wise not the frequency.
As soon as I water, it starts to drip out of the bottom. So If i would stop watering when that happens I know that the soil didnt hold any. So I just water until I feel some weight in there. When i'm done I get about 1 - 2 glasses full of runoff...

It still might be genetics after all, lets wait and see after this grow. I'll pay extra attention to how the smell and texture of the buds develop.


I think its game over... I found balls all around this scrog.


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Andinismo Hierbatero
fuck, the more I learn about indoor growers, the more humbled I become; take it from an outdoor gorila and back-yard grower with a dozen years of experience.


Day 39 into 12/12 - Day 28 flowering

i guess these balls can also be female flowers and my plants didnt hermie. thank God. still one plant does have at least 3 seeds, thats why i googled hermie and saw a lot of pix with them balls...

anyway they seem to do well now. still getting their grow on.
there are a lot of light colored fan leaves now, so I'm going to increase the nute.

I was wondering if its a good idea to alternate nute brand? For one plant i've been using Canna Bio Flores. Would it harm the development if give some Plagron Bloom next feed instead? I was thinking that switching between two brand might compliment each other?


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Outdoor Grower, C99 Lover
ICMag Donor
hey greenops, these look stunning! I really like the way your garden grows, nothing like a proper scrog! don't worry about the 'balls', these are pollenated calyxes, bearing seeds. could be of course because of a single banana, but most of the times it's someone growing males and spreading pollen everywhere :D

I'm not a big expert on nutes, so don't rely 100% on my opinion but I wouldn't feed them with veg nutes this late in flower. try upping your nute regime a little bit and see what happens. switching between brands won't hurt, if you have a feeling it will help, go for it :)


no, i wouldn't give veg nutes at this stage. just raise the ec level of the flowering solution your feeding a bit. in the end you are not trying to harvest leaves, so don't worry too much about the fan leaves. it's probably too late to get them really green again, but they will darken a bit with an extra feed or 2.
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Well-known member
no, i wouldn't give veg nutes at this stage. just raise the ec level of the flowering solution your feeding a bit. in the end you are not trying to harvest leaves, so don't worry too much about the fan leaves. it's probably too late to get them really green again, but they will darken a bit with an extra feed or 2.

thanks for this tip.... i have some fan yellowing going on at week 3, am thinking its either light burn or under feeding.... feel better now!


Thanks for the advice guys.. i wouldnt be able to do this without this site! i'll stick to the bloom then. Dont know if i should increase though. I see more yellow and i dont like it...

Day 39 into 12/12 - Day 28 flowering

... only the areas near the light are affected. Lower leaves and the buds outside are mostly green. Is this what they call light bleach? To be safe I raised the light a bit.
That yellow leaf in that pic is curled up but most leaves arent, most look healthy aside from the color. A few have tiny brown spots on the edges thou.. dont know if thats nute burn?

The ph going in is 6.15 to 6.2, runoff is 6.5 - 6.7.

Last feed, instead of giving pure water I mixed some molasses for the first time. (1 tbsp / gallon). Within the last two days I noticed about a 50% increase of buds swellin.

Tomorrow its feeding time.. But i'm still trying to figure out if have to feed more or less...? I'll smoke about it..

In terms of smell, the FJC1 has the strongest smell, followed by FJC2.. the kushberry has a mild citrus/sour smell but i really have to stick my nose in there to catch it. The other two plants dont smell strong either but its there, a dank smelling fruity aroma... i just hope it gets stronger!

I also feel that the buds on the top arent as sticky as the smaller buds that dont get much light. Is this normal?


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While my grow is nearing peak I wanna share bud shots of my friend's first grow who just harvested his Blueberry Gum and Tangerine Dream.





The BBG went for 7 weeks and the TD for 9 weeks. IMO he should have let the TD go for 2 more weeks cuz there were still lots of small buds, but he got impatient lol... He didnt even flush properly but the buds still smell and taste like they are suppose too.


hey man, good to see things looking good, dont worry about the leaves right under the lamps getting lighter, just give a bit higher concentration of flowering fert. it's way to late to be using any veg fert, the yield potential will not be badly effected by the lighter leaves you describe.

good growings :wave:


Thanks for checkin guys!
I didn't increase the nutes cuz I saw some slight burning on the leaf edges of the bigger buds. Besides I'm nearing the end so i just fed them one last time 2 days ago...

Day 60 into 12/12 - Day 49 flowering

... Almost all of the FCJ2 buds have become swollen while the FCJ1 has got more small to medium sized buds. I alternated the nutes brands (Canna Bio Flores / Plagron Bloom) for the FCJ2, i dunno if thats the reason or maybe the FCJ2 is just a higher yielding phenotype.
The Kushberry has the most undersized buds of all 3. Only about 1/5 of the buds are swollen. I'm not sure if she needs more time than the FCJs... With that said i'm really impressed what the Fruity Chronic Juice can produce yield wise!

So I've noticed couple amber trichs 3 days ago. And today i noticed an increase of amber on all three plants. However only on the swollen buds! A few have 15-20% amber in some areas.

Since I just fed them 2 days ago, I'm planning to water with a little Cannazyme in another 2 days. The plants will feed on some stored nutes in the soil then they'll get pure water after another 4 - 5 days. I hope I'll have approx 50% amber by then. But really I have no idea how fast this will develop. I hope it wont happen too fast cuz the lack of flush might leave a bad taste. Any thoughts?

Also can someone tell me if its normal that the buds on the top of the branches are less sticky than the buds on the lower part of the branches? Dunno if something went wrong.. I'm wondering because the stickier lower buds smell much stronger.


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Active member
what do you wanna give em Cannazym for bro? id be just giving water till chop now, for me 20% amber is about as far as i like to go. looking good, close now!


great job, i knew the yellowing leaves wouldn't be a big problem. bud development looks real good. have you seen any amber trichome heads yet?

edited to add: the cannazym is not needed for end flush, but if your reusing the coco, it helps. also i think it does help dissolve the salts a bit better when you flush with cannazym (any enzyme product) in the water.