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Greenhouse Security - What Do You Do?


are the security lights some where where they will affect the plants dark cycle?

These days any greenhouse is a target for the ripoffs. These guys are usually speedfreaks looking to steal to sell and buy meth.

I am using a canopy frame that I chain link fencing on all four walls. I welded all the canopy joints and welded a door frame and built a small lockable door.

I know they could cut through the chain link, but I have two floodlights that go on automatically when someone gets close to the sensors. As well as turning on the floodlights, a loud alarm goes off. I also have 3 big dogs that will wake me up if anyone is lurking.

If the alarm goes off, or if the dogs are alerting me, I will go out with a bright flashlight and a .45 with a laser sight. I think the red dot on their chest will give them the message without shooting.

What do you do to guard against the ripoffs, or the cops?

I don't have to worry about the cops, I have a MM card.
The boy in my avi is all that's needed ..90lb apbt red nose ... And I'll have a big blue apbt girl this summer ... Plus I live in a quiet neighborhood ... Dogs all over and back yard fenced and locked up tight .... Got a security light but I'm gonna re-angle it away from the gh so when they try to go thru the gate it will blind them.

Also got me a machete.... I use that for my guerrilla grows .... Great to clear an area ... Or keep the hungry coyotes at bay

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