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Greenhouse Security - What Do You Do?


These days any greenhouse is a target for the ripoffs. These guys are usually speedfreaks looking to steal to sell and buy meth.

I am using a canopy frame that I chain link fencing on all four walls. I welded all the canopy joints and welded a door frame and built a small lockable door.

I know they could cut through the chain link, but I have two floodlights that go on automatically when someone gets close to the sensors. As well as turning on the floodlights, a loud alarm goes off. I also have 3 big dogs that will wake me up if anyone is lurking.

If the alarm goes off, or if the dogs are alerting me, I will go out with a bright flashlight and a .45 with a laser sight. I think the red dot on their chest will give them the message without shooting.

What do you do to guard against the ripoffs, or the cops?

I don't have to worry about the cops, I have a MM card.


Prevention is key. Trip wire hooked up to an alarm (we started out with a spare motorcycle horn, it worked GREAT! almost caught the guy) around the perimeter, and surveillance. We went with IR wireless cameras that feed to our home server. Now I want cameras with sound, but that's a whole other beast (and I want it for another reason, not rippers). The surveillance with sound would be for miscreant police officers, and that's the only reason I feel we need it.

Seems to me that you've got your bases covered, though I cannot, in any way, shape or form condone any use of firearms in conjunction with growing. I keep pepper spray on hand, both 'just in case' of rippers, and for mountain lions and bears (we live in predator country and I'm a tasty morsel that can't run, let alone fast).
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Mt. Goat

I have a solid sided greenhouse with a padlock on the door. I think it would get my dog going if someone was out there messing around, as we live out in the country with acreage. We have bear spray in the house for self protection as well as a stashed hand gun, but I wouldn't use the gun for confronting anyone. I guess with a small child in the house we just don't want to have that level of conflict. It's just weed after all.


Me & the Taliban!

Me & the Taliban!

I have a machette named "Taliban".

I patrol my garden at night with it.



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    9-1-2011 the vest 001.jpg
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  • 8-29-2011 Machete 001.jpg
    8-29-2011 Machete 001.jpg
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kush kings

bout five pitbulls will do the job. trust me you won't need an alarm.

Kant C Shyt

Active member
^ Some funny stuff there. I can only imagine someone getting run up on by a pot smoking machette wielding masked vigilante screaming "taste my Taliban" lol. Hilarious! Take care 1


Freedom Fighter
I have a solid walled GH-- If somebody can get in there...then fuck it...but I doubt they can--
so far your setup sounds solid, i live in a meth filled area and break ins are regular for those without dogs, but even the little ankle bitter seem to be enough to keep the speed freaks out. Noise and lights are key, and you've got em covered, maybe think about some strategically placed wind chimes, they are almost impossible to silence and probably impossible if tweaking. and having a presence in your yard is key, a robber is more likely to go after an easy target than someone patrolling their yard with a 3 foot machete!


During flowering season, my wife & I go on opposite shifts. I sleep during the day & stay awake at night.
So far, so good



I won't shoot anyone with the 1911 that would create big, big problems. I am going to get a Crosman 2240 CO2 pistol and put the laser on it. The little red spot on the bad guy's chest will be a good enough deterrent.

I have 2 8 week old puppies on OJT. They are half Rottweiler and half Australian Shepherd. They will be my primary alarm system.


You have a good plan for the most part but Sea and ElPiloto have the best idea - guns at a grow can land you in a world of shit. Brandishing a weapon at someone, even a ripper, is a very good way to keep the cops called, and trust me, your medical card won't protect you if that happens. Not only that, but getting jail time for JUST growing can usually be avoided in most medical states, but if you get caught with a gun in your garden, or threatening people with a gun, even if you have medical, you are going to be looking at an automatic felony.

Plus are you REALLY willing to kill someone over a plant, and possibly go to jail for the rest of your life as a consequence? Unless you truly are willing to take such drastic measures and face the consequences you shouldn't have the gun at the garden. Personally I wouldn't shoot or kill someone over plants - it's just not worth it, and I doubt most rational people would find it worth it either. If your life is directly threatened, that is a different story, but someone stealing from you does not really justify lethal force in my opinion, or in the eyes of the law. You can always grow more - but not if you are in jail or dead.


Defensive only!

Defensive only!

The Taliban is a defensive weapon only. I'm not likely to shoot anyone with it. Just make short work of anything or anyone that advances on my position.
The taliban is only there to convince them to follow my orders & "STOP"!



New member
Easiest greenhouse security"i went to harbor freight and bought their"driveway alert" system for 17.99-it consists of a small mountable wireless motion detector powered by a 9 volt battery. it send a signal up to 500 feet to a base either plugged in -or also battery capable. when the motion detector is triggered it sets off a chime or alarm on the base, which you position in your house. also they have a closed circuit indoor/outdor camera with night vision,microphone, and 80 foot cord 39.99-and not only does it work, it works spectacularly. i also bought a 4 dollar pack of shotgun shella and some rat traps, tacked on a bb,removed the birdshot, left the wad, and now have a real scary bang...or a couple bangs,,, hehehehe -a modification of a "coyote getter" . i also pounded 2 x 4 x8 into the ground 2 feet, and ran fencing Inside the greenhouse so as not to look suspicious.the fence goes up to 6 ft, where my scrog comes in. -yeah, i have a 6 foot scrog....the fencing could be easily cut thru- but it would take time. time enough for me to get up out ofbed and meet the doomed individual- i also have a disco strobe i want to put in there and wire it switch just inside my back door so that once its triggered, it would flash blind anyone at night in the greenhouse.. haha -animals wont trigger your motion sensor if its in the greenhouse. i have 1 pic now on my profile, dont know how to make it my avatar


New member
fuk the crossman bro, look up this on you tube "drozd blackbird we shoot it all"...........you will just die, its a 900 ft per second, full auto metal shooting bb gun with a 900 round magazine(hopper style) and fires 1200 rounds a min- 1200 rounds a min is as fast as a mac 10...oh, and its legal for felons in washington, i dont know about other states


New member
everyone just has to go buy this bb gun, its legal to shoot a bb gun on your property in every state. shoot that drozd blackbird out there, and the fuckin swat would probably come the first time. check it out. no machete too close. just sit on your porch and fire 200 rounds in 5 second burst at the same foot per second as a subsonic .45 round,,,,, imagine that, 200 4.5 mm metal bbs in 5 seconds.if you had a laser sight, you couldnt miss, even an armed asailint would have to leave from such a barage. - you could peerl a mans face off............ u shoot him with a gun, hes leaving in an ambulance, you light his ass up with 900 bbs, and he.s hobbling home...... i swear to god ill light sum1 up and drag them out the yard. i got cuffs too, ill fmess around and drive around with him i n my trunk for a couple hours n leave him naked in the woods.i drive a towncar, i could fit the whole hood in my trunk. haha


everyone just has to go buy this bb gun, its legal to shoot a bb gun on your property in every state. shoot that drozd blackbird out there, and the fuckin swat would probably come the first time. check it out. no machete too close. just sit on your porch and fire 200 rounds in 5 second burst at the same foot per second as a subsonic .45 round,,,,, imagine that, 200 4.5 mm metal bbs in 5 seconds.if you had a laser sight, you couldnt miss, even an armed asailint would have to leave from such a barage. - you could peerl a mans face off............ u shoot him with a gun, hes leaving in an ambulance, you light his ass up with 900 bbs, and he.s hobbling home...... i swear to god ill light sum1 up and drag them out the yard. i got cuffs too, ill fmess around and drive around with him i n my trunk for a couple hours n leave him naked in the woods.i drive a towncar, i could fit the whole hood in my trunk. haha

if you point that gun at someone or shoot someone you'd get the same charge as if it were a real gun..

same goes for salt rounds and other less-lethal rounds; if you shoot this at someone you will be charged with assault with a deadly weapon!!

the only time its okay to use a firearm is if someone is inside your home and you feel your life or your family's life is threatened!

Mt. Goat

I don't think I'd want to bring a bb gun to a gun fight. The motion sensor and bright lights with the switch inside seems like it would be a good deterrent that wouldn't end up in a shootout.


Guns are legal in Arizona. They always have been. It's legal to carry concealed too. Just point your bb gun at me and I will send a couple of rounds of 00 buckshot your way. it's legal to carry a gun while patrolling your property. The scariest sound to hear when you are up to no good, is the sound of racking a round into the chamber of a pump shotgun.

Besides the deterrents I have mentioned, several years ago I planted prickly pear and cholla cactus along my fence. They are all 5-6 feet tall now and they are much better than barbed wire.

If they come over the part of the fence that is unprotected and onto my property, that's all that is needed to start blasting away. I still wouldn't shoot unless they fire at me first, or if I see one is holding a gun, even a bb gun.

I'll carry the Crosman with the laser sight with the 1911 tucked in my belt. If I catch someone, I'll stash the .45 out of sight until the cops get there. The Crosman shoots a 22 caliber pellet and it hits hard.

There are no successful home invasions, muggings or carjackings around here because everyone has guns. There is a video on YouTube of an attempted home invasion where the homeowner opened up as they were coming up the driveway. They returned fire but no one got hurt. Because of the video, the bad guys got caught and are charged with attempted murder. The homeowner got a handshake from the cops.