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Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze


Curious Cannivore
Invasive species suck.... interesting that Europe is having as much trouble as North America.


...como el Son...
En cuanto al Picudo Rojo y la palmera, el mani , recuerdo hace un par de años, que tras muchos años sin visitar tu costa, me sorprendió en un desplazamiento de trabajo como estaban las palmeras... Parecía como si un gigante hubiese ido arrancando a bocados penachos de palmas a su paso... Pero este ultimo otoño he visto el tema mucho mejor...
Me pregunto como irán las cosas por Elche, con el mayor palmeral ("palmar", decimos a los bosquecillos de palmeras en mi zona) de datileras del Mediterráneo...

Saltemos ahora a las cálidas tierras de mis primos El Maní y Dubi. El Palmeral de Elche, Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. Corto vídeo en ingles de la propia UNESCO:

As for the Red Palm Weevil and the palm tree, the mani , I remember a couple of years ago, after many years without visiting your coast, I was surprised on a work trip to see how the palm trees were.... It seemed as if a giant had been biting off tufts of palm trees as it passed by.... But this last autumn I've seen the situation much better...
I wonder how things are going in Elche, with the largest palm grove ("palmar", as we say to the groves of palm trees in my area) of date palms in the Mediterranean...

Let's jump now to the warm lands of my cousins El Maní and Dubi. The Palmeral de Elche, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Short video in English from UNESCO itself:


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...como el Son...
Pero abandonemos el Mediterráneo más subtropical, e internemonos más de 400 kilómetros en el interior hasta el extremo más septentrional, frio y umbrío de Sierra Morena...
...Por que sin duda ninguna, y parafraseando a Cervantes, válame Dios, y con cuánta gana debes de estar esperando ahora, lector ilustre, o plebeyo, esta actualización para saber de las aventuras de vuestro humilde cultivador de sativeo extremo en altura; y más cuando dejasteis a vuestro primico corriendo loma abajo a refugiarse de una tormenta de aguanieve que duro toda la tarde y noche a 1°C (sensación térmica de -1°C)?... Y como no andaréis preocupados y en vilo, de acá para allá y de allá para acullá, ora mesandos las barbas, ora los cabellos, mientras os preguntáis por la suerte de mi pobre Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze (de A.C.E, nacida el 17-Junio), tras tal borrasca polar?...

Como? Que? Que ni esperabais, ni os preocupaba ni os preguntabais nada?!?
...Pues os va dar igual, por que yo "sus lo vi'a contar 'gualmente, primic@s"...

But let's leave the more subtropical Mediterranean, and go more than 400 kilometres inland to the northernmost, coldest and shadiest tip of the Sierra Morena... ...Because without any doubt, and paraphrasing Cervantes, God forbid, how eagerly you must be waiting now, illustrious reader, or plebeian, for this update to know about the adventures of your humble grower of extreme sativa at altitude; especially when you left your cousin running down the hill to take shelter from a sleet storm that lasted all afternoon and night at 1°C (wind chill of -1°C)?..... And how can you not be worried and on tenterhooks, to and fro and back and forth, sometimes tugging at your beards, sometimes at your hair, while wondering about the fate of my poor Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze (from A.C.E., born on 17-June), after such a polar storm?....

What? You didn't expect it, you didn't care, you didn't ask yourselves any questions?!?
...Well, it will be the same for you, because "I'll tell it ya'nyway, sistas n bros"...


...como el Son...
Equilicua... Aquí la tenéis; desafiando a los elementos como el citado Cervantes a la Armada Otomana en Lepanto... (Lo que no sabe la pobre planta mía es que al final ella va a perder mucho más que una mano, je...)

Equilicua... Here she is; defying the elements like the aforementioned Cervantes did to the Ottoman Armada at Lepanto... (What the poor plant of mine doesn't know is that in the end she's going to lose much more than a hand, heh...)

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​​​​​​25-Noviembre / November-25:

Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze (de A.C.E, nacida el 17-Junio).

Vista general / Overwiew

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...como el Son...
25-Noviembre / November-25:

Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze (de A.C.E, nacida el 17-Junio).

Cola principal / Main tip :

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Sus juro, primic@s, que es mas grueso que los brazos del Ibaka... A
Y si no, preguntadle al mismo primo Serge si acaso miento...

I swear all you, cousins, it's thicker than Ibaka's arms... A
And if not, ask to cousin Serge himself if I'm lying...

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...como el Son...
25-Noviembre / November-25:

Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze
(A.C.E.; nacida el 17-Junio / born con June-17):

Ramas y flores más bajas y cercanas al suelo, y menos desarrolladas que la cola principal:

Branches and flowers lower and closer to the ground, and less developed than the main tail:















...como el Son...
...En cuanto al olor, Dubi, sigue siendo poco intenso, sutil, debiendo rozar las flores para percatarlo... Y mas estos dias de aguanieve, con la planta empapada y amaneciendo con minimas de 1°C, a solo un escaso grado °C del punto de congelacion del agua, y por tanto, de la helada o la nevada...
Lo prefiero así, en aras de la discreción... Y además he comprobado como muchas sativas de olor discreto, luego cobraban intensidad de indicas en los botes de vidrio...

Recordad lo subjetivo de la percepción de olores y sabores : hierbabuena/clorofila, limón dulce, metal; sin que ningún tono sobresalga sobre los otros dos.
...Es como si agitaras un mojito cubano con una varilla de soldar...

...As for the smell, Dubi, it is still not very intense, subtle, and you have to touch the flowers to notice it... And even more so these days of sleet, with the plant soaked and dawning with minimum temperatures of 1°C, just a few degrees Celsius away from the freezing point of the water, and therefore from the frost or snowfall... I prefer it this way, for the sake of discretion... And I have also noticed how many sativas with a discreet smell, then took on the intensity of indicas in glass jars...

Remember how subjective the perception of smells and tastes is: mint/chlorophyll, sweet lemon, metal; without any one tone standing out over the other two. ...It's like shaking a Cuban mojito with a welding rod...

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Hi , i feel for both you and the plant in those temperatures! Today we managed 16c in the shade and i was able to sit out in the sunshine testing an erarly bud from my Goldern Tiger and enjoy the sunshine on my face. Night time temps are about 4/5c but there is a serious wind chill!. I really enjoy reading of your high altitude exploites.
Last edited:


...como el Son...
26-Noviembre / November-26

​​​​​​@Hombre del mont; aquí hoy las mínimas han sido al amanecer de 0°C exactos: ya hemos alcanzado el punto de congelación del agua; afortunadamente la cota de nieve ha ascendido 100 metros sobre mi cabeza, hasta los 1000, ha dejado de llover aguanieve, y las nubes por fin le han echo huecos largos al Sol...
Hoy la máxima a la sombra pronosticada era de 12°C y así lo he comprobado con un termómetro digital... Pero dejé al amanecer otro termómetro gemelo en una zona sin sombra, y a las 13:30 del mediodía y a pleno Sol ha alcanzado una máxima de 24'7 °C !!

mountain man; here today the minimum temperatures at dawn were exactly 0°C: we have already reached the freezing point of water; fortunately the snow level has risen 100 metres above my head, to 1000, it stopped raining sleet, and the clouds have finally made long holes for the sun...
Today the predicted maximum in the shade was 12°C, and I checked it with a digital thermometer... But I left at dawn another twin thermometer in an area without shade, and at 13:30 noon and in full sunshine it reached a maximum of 24'7 °C!

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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Beautiful colours on your trees. Are they your Olivios also? Have you harvested yet? A friend of our's got a litre/4.5kg this year!.


...como el Son...
27-Noviembre / November-27

La proximidad de una nueva borrasca del polar desd el norte, esta volviendo a cubrir los cielos según las horas pasan. Rachas de viento de 40 km/h y humedad entreel 65 y el 85%. La mínima nocturna hoy, 0 °C con la cota de nieve a unos 150 metros sobre mi planta... A la sombra, no pasamos de 10 °C...
Supongo que mientras el agua de los bebederos de los perros no amanezca congelada, resista la ultima rosa y la ultima flor de yuca...

The approach of a new olar northerly squall is covering the skies again as the hours pass. Wind gusts of 40 km/h and humidity between 65 and 85%. The overnight minimum today, 0 °C with the snow level at about 150 metres above me... In the shade, we didn't get above 10 °C...
I suppose that as long as the water in the dogs' drinking troughs does not freeze, the last rose and the last yucca flower will resist...

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...habrá esperanza para mi Green OldTimers Haze #19 x A5 Haze, (A.C.E., nacida el 17-Junio):

...there will be hope for my Green OldTimers Haze #19 x A5 Haze, (A.C.E., born 17-June):

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Active member
Nice thread Montuno! I love canna adventures! Many times much better than reading or watching other things...

About the red picud is a fucking son of its mother. I knew a woman that lived near the beach and told me about a insect that was in her palm tree and she throw him salfuman, bleach, hot oil... She didn't know how kill it. She spoke about it disgusted, horrified. I think it was the picudo.

​​​​​Now starts the real test man. One year I harvested a sativa that I germinated in summer and it was special. I saved it for parties. In fact I think sativas effect is other play, other kind of medicine, you know... Good sativas is a medicine for your head man, well used is an antidepressant.

Good weekend


...como el Son...
Ay, mis prim@s! En apenas 20 minutos una inmensa nube oscura y uniforme, ocupando todo el hemisferio norte del cielo, a barrido el Sol con una avalancha de granizo helado, y tan fino y punzante que pasa sin problemas por los cuadrados de la malla pajarera que "techa" mi rectangulito de cultivo, "La Perrera"...
Cuando pase la tormenta de granizo (acaba de empezar prácticamente), subiré loma arriba a ver que me encuentro...

Hola, @carchofa... Te has dejado caer el peor día del año... Hace exactamente el mismo clima que para Navidad del año pasado (un mes más tarde)... Y aquel invierno fue el más frío, con la nevada más prematura (y la mayoría de los años no nieva nada) , y a la vez mas copiosa, de todos los registros tanto meteorológicos como históricos... Así que me temo que la insólita nevada de primeros de Enero pueda repetirse, un mes antes, que en cualquier momento...
...De echo, dubi, me informan desde la ciudad a donde me enviastes las semillas (unas decenas de kilómetros a mi NorEste, pero ya fuera de la Sierra y unos 100 metros mas bajos que yo), que allí el granizo a dado paso a la nieve...

Oh, my cousins! In just 20 minutes an immense dark and uniform cloud, occupying the whole northern hemisphere of the sky, has swept the Sun with an avalanche of icy hail, so fine and sharp that it passes without problems through the squares of the aviary mesh that "techa" my little rectangle of cultivation, "La Perrera"...
When the hail storm has passed (it has practically just started), I will go up the hill to see what I find...

Hi, @carchofa... You've dropped in on the worst day of the year... It's exactly the same weather as for Christmas last year (a month later)... And that winter was the coldest, with the most premature snowfall (and most years snows nothing ) , and at the same time most copious, of all the meteorological and historical records... So I fear that the unusual snowfall of early January may be repeated, a month earlier, than at any time...
...In fact, dubi, I am informed from the city where you sent me the seeds (some tens of kilometres to my north-east, but already out of the Sierra and about 100 metres lower than me), that there the hail has given way to snow...

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
Thank you for sharing the development of this special hybrid.
Keeping the root zone insulated would help her endure the colder temps. Covering the root zone with a good thick layer of dry leaves, hay or anything else that keeps the roots covered and increases some kind of insulation would work wonders.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Realmente impresionante @Montuno :whee: Está progresando muy bien esta semana incluso con estas temperaturas de congelación, los cálices se han inflado al igual que los tricomas y ha ganado incluso más peso!

Really impressive Montuno! She is progressing very well even under this week freezing temperatures, the calyxes have inflated as well as the trichomes and he has gained even more weight!


...como el Son...
Si consultastes/consultas el segundo enlace de la AEMet que te pase (el del pueblo más cercano, no el de la ciudad más cercana), veras que esta pasada noche, madrugada y amanecer, la mínima habría sido de -2 °C, con una sensación térmica de -6 °C, Dubi... Increíble no siendo aun Diciembre.
​​​​ Esta mañanita me estaban esperando tras la puerta los perros con sus cubos de agua en alto cogidos con los dientes del asa, para que les rompiese la capa superficial de hielo para poder beber...
Eso sí y muy buena importante, al contrario que en la ciudad más cercana, ni en el pueblo más cercano ni en mi cerro ha nevado tras la granizada.
Estoy esperando a tener un hueco y poder subir a ver el estado de la planta...
If you consult the second AEMet link I gave you (the one for the nearest town, not the nearest city), you will see that last night, early morning and dawn, the minimum would have been -2 °C, with a wind chill of -6 °C, Dubi... Unbelievable not even in December. This morning the dogs were waiting for me behind the door with their buckets of water held high in their teeth by the handle, so that I could break the surface layer of ice to be able to drink... However, and this is very important, unlike in the nearest town, neither in the nearest village nor on my hill has it snowed after the hailstorm. I'm waiting for an opening to be able to go up and see the state of the plant...


...como el Son...
28-Noviembre / November-28:

...Pues no he podido subir hasta ahora mismo (de cuando son las fotos) a ver el estado de mi Green OldTimers Haze #19 / A5 Haze (A.C.E., nacida el 17-Junio).
Asi esta casi en directo, despues de una tormenta de granizo y unsa noche de helada a -2 °C; y recordando la broma "buena mano jardinera vs genética de la planta" con Dubi, os aseguro que ni le pongo un edredón por las noches, ni la he regado con anticongelante...:
(Vista al Oeste):

...Well, I haven't been able to go up until just now (when the photos were taken) to see the state of my Green OldTimers Haze #19 / A5 Haze (A.C.E., born on 17-June).
This is almost live, after a hail storm and a night of frost at -2 °C; and remembering the joke "good gardening hand vs plant genetics" with Dubi, I assure you that I neither put a quilt on it at night, nor have I watered it with antifreeze....:
(View to the West):






...como el Son...
...Eso sí, los primero que he echo tras comprobar que la planta sigue viva (y tan "reventona", dadas las circunstancias, como os mostraré luego), ha sido seguir el buen consejo de inicio de página de Yo Sammy , pero amontonando sobre el tallo unos 40-50 litros (en volúmen) de una mezcla de tierra, cenizas de restos de podas y esos mismos restos semi quemados/semi carbonizados, arena de río, y boñigas de burro secas al sol durante meses...

The first thing I have done after checking that the plant is still alive (and so "bursting", given the circumstances, as I will show you later), has been to follow the good advice of Yo Sammy at the top of the page, but piling on the stem about 40-50 litres (in volume) of a mixture of soil, ashes of pruning remains and those same semi-burnt/semi carbonised remains, river sand, and donkey dung dried in the sun for months...

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