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Green algae

I copied someone's setup, which consisted of starting cuts in an EZ cloner, transplanting to 5" net pots, with hydroton, and then putting them on ebb and flow tables.

I noticed on my first batch some green algae forming on the roots.
Originally I thought it came from the tables not draining properly.

I tried a few different methods to stop this, fixed the drain problem, used flora shield, and roots excellerator.
The algae didn't stop, but the roots exploded in growth, and grew fresh snow white thick roots under the top algae infected ones. As of now (i just moved them to CAP buckets..they seem to be fine)

Now on my second batch i noticed algae on one of my plants again.

I understand that the roots shouldnt be getting light, but haven't been able to figure out a good way to block the light, using my existing setup.

Should I isolate the single plant? If i have it on one, will I eventually have it on all of them? Is this a huge problem?

Is the setup flawed? Any suggestions using my existing equipment?

I have bought hygrozym, but I am already using Canna on them, and was told that Cannazym, should already do anything that hygrozym would


poppin' outta control
My friends had this problem. I think the problem was that their rockwool cubes were all right next to each other.. Im pretty sure when they spread them out so they weren't all shoulder to shoulder, the alge growth stopped.
FYI- Im not a hydro grower, soil only for me.. i have just observed my friends in hydro... Youll prob get a better answer than mine...

And yes, cannazyme, hygrozyme, and prozyme all are essentially the same.. I have used all 3 seperatly... My favorite is prozyme however the shelf life is pretty limited.. Hygrozyme is good b/c its organic. but since your hydro, who cares a/b that.. (hygrozyme also has a very long shelf life).. The few times I have used cannazyme I could tell the plants absolutly loved it! I have heard of some people getting crazy root results (like thicker roots than they have ever seen) using cannazyme.. Good luck my friend
I had the same problem with one of my tables.... Its the light getting to them... Get some Panda Film... Pull your plants out, tarp over table with the white up, cut X in film where the plants will sit, and slip them on in.... Nice dark tomb for them so sit in and be happy. Works beautiful!! Wish I had pictures, but now I use buckets.

Hope this helps!!


I had a similar issue with one of my plants while they were in the dome. I use rapid rooter plugs and on one i had some green algae I just took sharp scissors and cut it out case closed.
My friends had this problem. I think the problem was that their rockwool cubes were all right next to each other.. Im pretty sure when they spread them out so they weren't all shoulder to shoulder, the alge growth stopped.
FYI- Im not a hydro grower, soil only for me.. i have just observed my friends in hydro... Youll prob get a better answer than mine...

And yes, cannazyme, hygrozyme, and prozyme all are essentially the same.. I have used all 3 seperatly... My favorite is prozyme however the shelf life is pretty limited.. Hygrozyme is good b/c its organic. but since your hydro, who cares a/b that.. (hygrozyme also has a very long shelf life).. The few times I have used cannazyme I could tell the plants absolutly loved it! I have heard of some people getting crazy root results (like thicker roots than they have ever seen) using cannazyme.. Good luck my friend

thanks for the reply......im acctually not using rockwool....... they go right from the EZ cloner, to hydroton in a netpot......
So for those who have replied.......should I separate/kill off the only one that has it this time? ...or because they have already flooded together, will it not make a difference?


Make a h202 solution and soak the roots.

Then block the light...I've heard of people cutting a slit in the bottom of a grow bag and covering net pots in a table as well as the panda film.

Just something that wont absorb water and will block light..algea wont survive without light and it wont kill plants really but its not optimal as itt starves roots of oxygen and nutes eventually._
Like i said.... the roots climbing out of your netpots that you can vizibly see from the naked eye are turning green.... am i wrong? If you can vizibly see these, so can the light.... Cover them chitlens.... let yer girls be happy.... Im drunk, but can see your woes.... Am i wrong?.. naked roots? Cover them up.... nite

PS... If its not too bad, try and separate the roots. If ya break a few, oh well.... try and be nice and separate em
Sorry... gotta get some drunk in.... You described green roots in your ebb and flow table under your 5" netpots... 5" netpots?... your roots should be covering the table... yes they will be green if the light sees them.... they want to grow.... COVER them up.... holy crap 5" netpots...Lets say you have 10 plants in a flood table... 5" pots= roots from hell... you better elevate em... COVER THE ROOTS... Roots/Light=nasty... its easy with Panda film
No problem you are drunk, hope you had fun.....but I had trouble understanding your questions.

Yes I do have them on tables in 5" net pots....the more people i talk to, the more I question this setup. I have tried the panda film a bit, but the roots get tangled under it, and it is hard to keep track of them, but i guess its my only hope.

I thought about layering the bottom of the table with a THIN layer of hydroton to cover the roots...i was woried that it would be hard to move them around, or get them off the tables, when i was done...but thought if i made the layer light enough, I could jut wait till flood, and they would float off the roots, letting me move them?

SO if not netpots, what would be a good way to use the tables after the cuts come out of the EZ cloner? I am a new grower with limited experience, but am willing to try something new....
here is a picture of the damaged roots...still need to know if i should seperate kill off this one...she is the only one with them (as of yet) or is it too late since the water is shared?

moms 1


Bro........This issue`s been debated and fought over forever since weedsite`s began 15 yrs ago but the old sites are gone........

Bottom line........It`s NEVER been proven that green algae affected growth in ANY way , but.....until canopy develops and the light can no longer penetrate down into the bottom of the table , the algae will be there....Once light goes away , so will the green algae............guaranteed....

The simple solution ta dialin yer setup is settin your netpots in the tables and then fill around em with hydroton to the flood level for no more worries and better rootzone conditions for the plants FTW......

Douche that plant in a weak H202 solution and watch the green go away while roots foam like a mofo......She`ll be fine.......

Good luck........DHF......:ying:......
Sorry... Not drunk anymore... What I used to do with the panda film is tarp over the top of the table... So you have a box. The panda film is stretched across the TOP of the table, not the inside bottom. Like saran wrap over a bowl. This gives ya a 6" or so cavity below film to bottom of table. Slit the film in a X where you want to plop plants through, flip up the flaps from the X over your netopts and yer done.... All you see above your panda is stems sticking through... Its a great reflectant for lower buds as well!. Everything is covered. No more zones for algae, or anything to grow in, just a nice humid dark space for your pots and roots. Works awesome... I wish I had a picture of it, but this was a long time ago

Hope this helps!!

And no theyll be fine... Dont kill anything till it is dead itself... Always try to rescue, its always worth a shot if ya have the room
i use fishtank algae fix for my small dwc bucket and does help cut down algae ALOT....its worth a try if you have sort of a small setup but if its larger h202 would be cheaper...
Sorry... Not drunk anymore... What I used to do with the panda film is tarp over the top of the table... So you have a box. The panda film is stretched across the TOP of the table, not the inside bottom. Like saran wrap over a bowl. This gives ya a 6" or so cavity below film to bottom of table. Slit the film in a X where you want to plop plants through, flip up the flaps from the X over your netopts and yer done.... All you see above your panda is stems sticking through... Its a great reflectant for lower buds as well!. Everything is covered. No more zones for algae, or anything to grow in, just a nice humid dark space for your pots and roots. Works awesome... I wish I had a picture of it, but this was a long time ago

Hope this helps!!

And no theyll be fine... Dont kill anything till it is dead itself... Always try to rescue, its always worth a shot if ya have the room

SO panda film with the white side up? I thought I had heard you dont want the undersies of leaves getting light? Sorry if I was just uninformed.
Not as far as I have been taught... The more light the better... For instance, Verticle bulb growing enhances lower bud growth.... Supposedly everything in and around your grow should be white. Everything to do with REZ , tanks, lines should be black to prevent any funky growth like algae or slime.

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