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BUSTED, no ryme or reason


Patient Grower
prohibition is obviously a violation of our inalienable rights as laid out in the declaration.

The Declaration is nothing more than a very eloquent 'Dear John' letter, with the same legal force as all 'Dear John' letters. No court cases will ever be heard using violations of the Declaration of Independance.
The Declaration is nothing more than a very eloquent 'Dear John' letter, with the same legal force as all 'Dear John' letters. No court cases will ever be heard using violations of the Declaration of Independance.

I agree, but it seems like there must be some constitutional basis for overturning statutes that at best serve to protect one from oneself???


Active member
Inalienable rights don't come from a document, they aren't guaranteed by the Bill of Rights or the Constitution, they are guaranteed by our creator.


Patient Grower
Well you have to figure out a way to appeal to the 'creator' if that's the case because it would be his jurisdiction.

Someday people will give up on the Fairy Tale and realize that all the good fairys like Jesus are a made up fantasy. I'm not sure how you make an appeal to a fairy tale character.


Active member
Well you have to figure out a way to appeal to the 'creator' if that's the case because it would be his jurisdiction.

Someday people will give up on the Fairy Tale and realize that all the good fairys like Jesus are a made up fantasy. I'm not sure how you make an appeal to a fairy tale character.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

That is the first paragraph and a half of The Declaration of Independence. What I meant by creator is that men are born free and their rights do not emerge from a document but from their nature of being human beings born on this earth. Our fundamental freedoms and rights are not given by the courts or by documents, they are inherent to our existence as men/women. If they were granted by a piece of paper they are not rights at all but privileges that can be taken at any time at the whim of the government with another piece of paper. If you want to argue against a creator do so, I don't care. If you want to argue for your right to grow cannabis, this is the fundamental basis of that argument, that it is your basic right to grow it. Furthermore, your argument is disingenuous. The creator for whom you seem to have such disdain and I have no particular belief in isn't the one who passed laws making cannabis illegal, it was the government. And your red herring tangent about appealing to a higher power just serves to push us more away from the recognition that growing cannabis is a right guaranteed to us by our station and that this government was originally instituted to protect those rights.
"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

That is the first paragraph and a half of The Declaration of Independence. What I meant by creator is that men are born free and their rights do not emerge from a document but from their nature of being human beings born on this earth. Our fundamental freedoms and rights are not given by the courts or by documents, they are inherent to our existence as men/women. If they were granted by a piece of paper they are not rights at all but privileges that can be taken at any time at the whim of the government with another piece of paper. If you want to argue against a creator do so, I don't care. If you want to argue for your right to grow cannabis, this is the fundamental basis of that argument, that it is your basic right to grow it. Furthermore, your argument is disingenuous. The creator for whom you seem to have such disdain and I have no particular belief in isn't the one who passed laws making cannabis illegal, it was the government. And your red herring tangent about appealing to a higher power just serves to push us more away from the recognition that growing cannabis is a right guaranteed to us by our station and that this government was originally instituted to protect those rights.

Puff Puff Pass.... It's Coming....It's Coming


Well you have to figure out a way to appeal to the 'creator' if that's the case because it would be his jurisdiction.

Someday people will give up on the Fairy Tale and realize that all the good fairys like Jesus are a made up fantasy. I'm not sure how you make an appeal to a fairy tale character.

yeah something like the ASA fairy. no j in hebrew. and you are easily distracted from truth. i would love it for you to wake one day and everyone is in denial about your existence. Pythagllio doesn't exist, you children or mother and father saying that maybe. must suck.



I believe the problem here is that the supreme court interpret's "the people" to mean the represenatives for the people, aka the house.I figure untill the house motions to dissolve (I doubt that'll happen) the gov stays the same.


to the op...good luck...I'm hoping for the best...smart decision keeping the details secret for now...

Thanks for the support.
Sorry i haven't been posting lately, but i just don't want to say anything that could tip LEO off to my identity and make matters worse for myself, or jeopardize any progress.
All i can say for now is that it looks like I'll be accepting a plea agreement at one point.
once I'm sentenced, before i report to jail, I'll be sure to let you guys know what happened.
At that point i wont be so worried about sharing details.

Until then, thanks to you guys who are checkin' in.


Good luck and stay positive.. Lawyers work magic.. If they can get someone 5 yrs for CRYSTAL METH im sure theyll cut you a break..


zenoonez and 420chuy,
thanks for the support.
The way things are lookin' right now, i can probably expect 18 to 24 mths., in a federal "camp"/prison.
seems pretty harsh considering i have no priors. Then, after the fact, I'm probably looking at 3 yrs. probation/ supervised release. Of course, nothing's set in stone yet but this is the likely outcome.:dunno:


Active member
zenoonez and 420chuy,
thanks for the support.
The way things are lookin' right now, i can probably expect 18 to 24 mths., in a federal "camp"/prison.
seems pretty harsh considering i have no priors. Then, after the fact, I'm probably looking at 3 yrs. probation/ supervised release. Of course, nothing's set in stone yet but this is the likely outcome.:dunno:

Sucks man. Hopefully it will be less.


Good luck and stay positive.. Lawyers work magic.. If they can get someone 5 yrs for CRYSTAL METH im sure theyll cut you a break..

The federal gov. has methamphetamine scheduled as a class 2 drug, which according to them, means that meth has more of a medical value than cannabis. This makes me wonder if you'd be better off getting busted for manufacturing meth. It seems to me that in the feds eyes, marijuana growers are the worst kind of criminals.
Twisted to say the least.
Unfortunately, I'm not expecting much of a break but none the less, thanks for the kind words.


Well-known member
The federal gov. has methamphetamine scheduled as a class 2 drug, which according to them, means that meth has more of a medical value than cannabis. This makes me wonder if you'd be better off getting busted for manufacturing meth. It seems to me that in the feds eyes, marijuana growers are the worst kind of criminals.
Twisted to say the least.
Unfortunately, I'm not expecting much of a break but none the less, thanks for the kind words.

My lier told me I would have been better off killing someone. He was the prosecutor who convicted Timmithy McVay and Terry Nickles.$7,000.oo cash and he got me drug court and a differed.


My lier told me I would have been better off killing someone. He was the prosecutor who convicted Timmithy McVay and Terry Nickles.$7,000.oo cash and he got me drug court and a differed.

What do you mean by drug court and a differed?
for a manufacturing marijuana charge?
That sucks that you broke the first 20 golden rules of growing.

"Don't tell anyone you grow....... at all..... no one......... ever....... period...... end of story........ no exceptions"

I feel for ya man... but you were kinda stupid telling someone you don't even consider a "friend" that you grow marijuanam, in a state that has HORRIBLE LAWS..

I live in a state where its basically LEGAL (almost) to grow marijuana, too bad.


That sucks that you broke the first 20 golden rules of growing.

"Don't tell anyone you grow....... at all..... no one......... ever....... period...... end of story........ no exceptions"

I feel for ya man... but you were kinda stupid telling someone you don't even consider a "friend" that you grow marijuanam, in a state that has HORRIBLE LAWS..

I live in a state where its basically LEGAL (almost) to grow marijuana, too bad.

Listen bud,
I got enough problems dealing with this shit.
I really love people like you, skippin' through someone's thread, pickin out bits and pieces and thinking you know the ins and outs of my situation. If you would have taken the time to read this thread, you would have realized that I didnt tell anybody anything.
My snitch was someone that i had nothing to do with, who was just a super nosey asshole who picked up on something, where he had no business to be. I really wish i could let everyone here know the details of exactly what happened,( if only to keep people from suffering the same fate} but sharing specific details about case right now would only jeopardize my security and be counter productive.
Not to be abrasive or harsh, but i dont appreciate being labeled "kinda stupid" by someone who doesnt have a clue what there talking about. :moon: