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Gravity & purple maxx...


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meduser180056 said:
I'm gonna foliar PM again this time around. I used it last time with success.

I am going to add Penetrator to the foliar, but I didn't last time. Someone I know who uses it with good success told me to add the penetrator and some dishsoap. So that's what I'm gonna do this time. I'm only gonna use 1ml/gal for foliar. You can start using PM as soon as you see buds starting. Last time I stopped spraying around the 4th or 5th week of flower cuz I was scared of mold/rot. My friend recommends spraying up till the last week though. Definetly be careful if you do that.

I also used Gravity and it worked really good. my nugs were rock hard. I used 5ml/gal in pro-mix. One application 3 weeks before finish. I watered PM in with it too. I also used foliared with PM a couple days before I used Gravity like it says to on the bottle.

I'd recommend them both.
I used PM last time, starting around 5th week of flower, but I was stupid and foliar sprayed about 2-3 hours before lights out, didn't have enough dehumidifiers had way high RH and ended up getting bud rot and losing 60% of everything.

This time I bought an atomizer - adjustable drops 15-50 microns - only $85 if you shop around - best $ I've spent (Fogmaster Jr. if you're interested), and I'm going to spray as soon as lights come on. I usually use penetrator as a delivery agent and surfuctant on my reg. foliar feedings.

Not using gravity, gonna use the shooting powder from H&G ... guess it's 6 of one ....

inflorescence said:
They just don't want you to reverse engineer it with cheap commercial compounds readily available.
They make way more selling a 'propritery" formula.
eg., All bushmaster is is pacbutrazol (sp?).
You seem to have a pretty negative attitude from many of your posts I've seen ... how much cheaper can you get anyway than $30 a bottle? I'm totally prepared to pay that and that much does 10' x 10' canopy. And last time I had 2" colas after just 17 days, this time different strain but still I had 1" colas after 2 weeks. Pretty good deal to me ... by the time I've hunted down whatever you say it is, paid shipping or extra gas to pick it up, it ain't worth my time or savings.

On the other hand saving on other additives is worth it if you use a lot of 'em, eg using molasses instead of Sweet is worth it, or aspirin instead of Scorpion Juice saves $200 a grow on each item.


Active member
I always spray at beginning of light cycle. I wouldn't want em sitting in the dark wet.
Those atomizers are great, but damn that's pricey. I have a spray with a pump that pressurizes the spray. I lightly mist em. I used to soak em, but I think it's better to mist.

That sux you lost so much.
That's why people need to be really careful. People shouldn't use it like that unless they have really good airflow and low RH.

I was foliaring once or twice a week I went back and forth. Twice a week max.


Active member
inflorescence said:
They just don't want you to reverse engineer it with cheap commercial compounds readily available.
They make way more selling a 'propritery" formula.
eg., All bushmaster is is pacbutrazol (sp?).

I'm not too into Reverse Engineering. Personally I'd rather shell out the money to get a formula that's already been developed and tested by all the other growers out there. That way I can get a better idea about what I'm getting into. I'll leave the reverse engineering to someone else. Let them kill a bunch of plants till they get it right. My plants aren't guinea pigs.
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coolx said:
You seem to have a pretty negative attitude from many of your posts I've seen ... how much cheaper can you get anyway than $30 a bottle? I'm totally prepared to pay that and that much does 10' x 10' canopy. And last time I had 2" colas after just 17 days, this time different strain but still I had 1" colas after 2 weeks. Pretty good deal to me ... by the time I've hunted down whatever you say it is, paid shipping or extra gas to pick it up, it ain't worth my time or savings.

On the other hand saving on other additives is worth it if you use a lot of 'em, eg using molasses instead of Sweet is worth it, or aspirin instead of Scorpion Juice saves $200 a grow on each item.

It's not a negative attitude, I just don't like people or companies who either misrepresent or don't tell the whole truth.
There is a big problem in the way nutes are administered by the epa becuase the manufactuer doen't have to disclose what's in them.
I bet if the epa knew that bushmaster was indeed paclobutazol, they might take a second look at it just like they did when they banned the import of dutch masters version.

Did you ever think maybe they banned it for safety reasons? I mean you're gonna end up smoking something with a name like PACLOBUTAZOL (it even sounds toxic).

So if companies would just list the true ingredients and let ME decide whether I want to take a health risk on their product then maybe I wouldn't be so "negative".


Active member
^^^ I'll look that up - it sounds familiar .... yeh, must admit I don't like it when cos won't list ingredients.

and @ meduser - $85 for an atomizer pricey? nah. I paid $20 at HD for one of those pump and dump sprays and that's what it does, just dumps out water half the time - no spray. And if you have a to-the-limit garden in places like Humboldt at 10' x 10', that's a lot of pumping. For a few plants it's not worth it.

The fogmaster jr. is usually listed at around $160, so $85 is a great deal, and the atomizer at the local hydro store is $250! Now this IS an atomizer with adjustable droplet size, not just an electric power sprayer. Set it to fine mist, leave it and come back in an hour or so and you've done everything, including under the leaves.

I've been foliar spraying twice a week with mold and pm preventatives etc and have no worries about big drops soaking into the buds. and it's so easy. (Last time I got budrot was my first time in hydro and was unprepared for the RH and how huge the buds got!)


Registered Med User
My folks used this for the last harvest and now swear by it, Ima get some when I get some extra $$$...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
honestly I dont think you need this for dwc. If you just follow lucas formula and modify to the strain's needs, then finish up with a clearex flush your bud will be pro. I wouldnt use gravity and purple max with dwc. I have heard bad things, and now others with experience have confirmed it. I have never used either
since were bumping a old thread.....has anyone tried adding snow storm ultra to there rez?

I believe it says add 2ml per gallon, I was gonna try it with me regular nute schedule so any

feedback would be usefull.

I got a big free sample of this stuff and it's just been sitting around figured I'd give it a shot.



Here is the story, for I have used this product many times and personaly know the makers.

Gravity - use three weeks before finish and run for 5 - 12 days. I always run for about 7 - 10 days, and always cut your nutes down when using. This product works wonders on it's own, and doesn't need to be run with purple maxx. I always use two heaping table spoons of Molasses with my gravity, added at the same time.

Purple Maxx - I have never used this product in my res because of the air issues. So, I use this as a pure foliar spray. Dam! does this product pack on the crystals! I begin to use this product about 4-5 weeks into flower once a week and stop with one week left. I have stoped early sometimes because my buds get huge and I worry about bud rot... although hasn't happened yet. (knock on wood) Also with strains like Granddaddy purlple your buds get deep purple, like nothing you have ever seen. I just finished a batch of granddady and no shit, 80% or more is deep purple. This product leaves no harsh chemicals behind, 100% organic.

FYI - purple maxx snow is going to become two differnt products soon. One will be Snow Storm and one will be Purple maxx. They are just seperating the part that makes the plants purple in order to get a higher ratio of purple plants. Not yet on the market.

Now to answer your questions
#1 No, this would stunt growth and make these products obsolete. Roots need high levels of oxegen
#2 Yes, they work very well with each other. Foliar purple maxx and gravity in res
#3 Gravity 3 weeks before finish and run for 5-12 days
Purple maxx half way through flower and on. Don't spray in last week of growth.
#4 If this is the case use less foliar spray first thing in the mourning so it has a chance to dry off before the lights turn off. More is not always better.

Originally Posted by meduser180056
I'm gonna foliar PM again this time around. I used it last time with success.

I am going to add Penetrator to the foliar, but I didn't last time. Someone I know who uses it with good success told me to add the penetrator and some dishsoap. So that's what I'm gonna do this time. I'm only gonna use 1ml/gal for foliar. You can start using PM as soon as you see buds starting. Last time I stopped spraying around the 4th or 5th week of flower cuz I was scared of mold/rot. My friend recommends spraying up till the last week though. Definetly be careful if you do that.

I also used Gravity and it worked really good. my nugs were rock hard. I used 5ml/gal in pro-mix. One application 3 weeks before finish. I watered PM in with it too. I also used foliared with PM a couple days before I used Gravity like it says to on the bottle.

I'd recommend them both.

These are both dead on .

I use DM gold penetrator (now saturator ) so you can spray them with lights on and in 10 min it is absorbed, no more PM or budrot...

Now the gravity works well some kind of carb. I like sweet , some people like molasses.

Now i foliar with a sprayer that only hold up to a liter (1000 mill ) who could use a gallon? MMMmm daydream, anyway.:D

You must be exact with this stuff.

My mix

500 mill water
30 mill pentrator
.08 mill Purple Max

You can cut this in half for the first couple of wks , cause almost 300 mill will be plenty for a 5x5 canopy

(250 mill water
15 mill pentrator
.04 mill Purple Max)

Start that on second week of flower, spray last time when you apply the gravity.

Applying Gravity in hydro :

AGAIN. You must be exact with this stuff.

Cut nutes in half- raise light 3 in ( a little more if not air cooled )

Gravity 7 mill per gallon MAX - perfect with 15+ strains (start with 5mill)
Sweet 15 mill per gallon

Run 10 days




Registered Med User
yep I dont do a run without gravity anymore. use cha ching instead of purple max tho, didnt notice a difference with purple maxx or without.


Active member
Used this stuff nugs did get hard but they lost dankness like hay and this is the only thing I changed this run I got a lb of hay fuck that never again less crystal production and not potent at all for going 70 days bubba,fireog,shrom and707 headband all went to shit (I had to vent sorry)...
It turned purple kush white with too much sun

It turned purple kush white with too much sun

It seemed to help trics and epithelial hairs but turned my SR71 cut of Purple Kush white outdoors when I had them poolside all summer.

My issue is my bottle has a weird film on top after storage since last year and I'm afraid to infect the ladies. Any thoughts?

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