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GrapeFruit D-Lite 70w HPS Micro Ghetto Torture Chamber Grow.


Active member
This week we will be growing out Grapefuit D-Lite from CannaVenture Seeds Company. GDL is (Grapefruit(f)xChocolope(m)) if you really want to know...
Grapefruit D-Lite (Chocolope(chocolate thai X Cannalope Haze(Haze(random sativa's x random sativa's) x Michoacan ) X Grapefruit(C99 x Neville's haze(HazexNL))) phew! i looked all that up anyway might as well share lol.

this is week 2 from seed, i am growing a couple for the great beercup challenge, and the rest will be transplanted when i get to flower.

im growing them in this ghetto fabulous contraption.


old picture, i only have a single 70w in there now, i don't have any 50w bulbs for my other ballast right now.

nute will be general hydroponics lucas formula micro and bloom. i will also be using a little mychorrizae i have never used it before so i don't know what if any effect it will have on the outcome. towards the end i will also be using molasses. hmm what else?

i dunno i guess if you have any questions ask them.

oh wait...i guess i should show the plants too huh. /facepalm


day one above soil.

week one above soil.



week 2 above soil.


Senior Member
lookin real good stihgo! got a hell of a selection of strains in there. That Grapefruit D-Lite is gonna be some super fire herb. good genes in that strains and shes gonna put out some tasty nugget. Im here for the viewing... got my seat pulled right up to the front row!


Bump. Looking about the same spot mine are in. I need to go look at them this morning to see if the grew any last night.


ICMag Donor
Hey Stihg.. Nice set-up bro.. You're babies look happy and healthy.. Looking great for 2 weeks....I LOVE this line man...I'll even go so far to say that Nothing but Keepers will be found in this generation...

I'm still tightening both The Electric Larry Land and The Grapefruit D-lite lines up.. The ELL's will be BX'd back to my Lemon Skunk clone (Not from GH seeds) and The GFD-Lites will get another selected IX, both sets of genetics in the GFDLite match up so well, I think it will be better to IX them versus BX'ng back to either of the parental lines.

Keep up the great work Stihg.. looking good brother....


Active member
back with week 3 updates. begining of week 3 from seed.

everything is health and growing, these plants are by far the fastest branching i've seen since the g13 im currently finishing up. that one is pure indica these are mostly sativa. should be interesting to see the bud structure.

so far i have identified what appear to be 2 or 3 different "fee-knows"



2 of them have wider indica styled leaves, and 2 have thinner longer sativa leaves, and a third one seems to have a combination of those other 2 types with longer broad leaves and pointier tips.

3 of them have more magnesium requirements than the rest. you can see the leaves with the interveinal chlorosis starting.

thats about all to report for now. 3 are in hempy style and the other 2 are just plain soil. i will keep 2 of the hempy and one in soil beercups for their entire grow and the other 2 i will pot up to bigger containers to finish out their lives. 2 more weeks and its flower time.
stihgnobevoli... thanks mate! grew two inches in one day...gotta love the stretch!...but im gonna run outta room!..i suggest early flowering for you unless you plan to move them....
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Active member
i have another cab for them to go into with slightly more headroom. any rate they don't flower till they mature anyway, and i know its never less than 4 weeks from seed so i just keep em in there for 4-5 weeks before i put em in the flower box.


Active member
Beginning Of WEEK 4 from seed. they will go to flower box at the end of this week.

they seem to be managing the mag def, but they still seem to be a little hungry, the leaves aren't a deep green. im starting to see differences come out in the phenos, a couple are short branchier' plants and a couple are taller less branchy and the 5th one is a short plant with little branching. leaves indicate mostly indica leanings on all plants, but 3 are more sativa in the leaves than the other 2. no word on smells yet theres too much going on in my box to determine whats what. we shall see what comes up in a couple of weeks. its about to get exciting.






Active member
been about another week ain't it? week one flower, been in there since last thursday all the beer cups, the shortest one im going to transplant into a bigger pot later. i currently only barely have room for those. that one will go to flower when i harvest my ssk#2

seems to be 3 pheno's like i said before. they are coming along nicely. the short phenos or should i call it the medium pheno? the medium pheno ones seem to have much higher magnesium requirements than the rest. notice the weak stems. this is just veg still. yikes i hope maybe it was just because they were thirsty. but i see the mag def creeping back in on the leaves also.

the tall ones are doing well and the shortest one is doing the best. its literally exploding. oddly it looks just like my circa 94' i wonder if they are related?








shortest one

circa 94'


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
That's a bright cab you have Stih..and the plants are showing they are liking all that light..they look great, keep up the good work...DD


Active member
im kinda annoyed i can't do any proper updates right now as i don't have a camera and i cannot post pics. i only have a shitty little 1megapixel webcam. which i just tried to take pics with and its acting retarded so fuck it.

i got 4 left now. 3 girls in beer cups and 1 unsexed in a 1quart pot or so. all except the one in the large pot are really tall. so im hoping this short one is a girl. there are 3 pheno's 2 phenos are sativa leaning and really stretch, those would be the ones in the beercups. one gets alternating nodes where the buds form one per node on alternating opposite sides of the main stem or branch stem. the other one forms 2 budsites per node one opposite of the other all the way up, this is traditional single cola plant structure. the third pheno, the one in the big cup is more bushy and short like an indica. it was always in the largest container than the rest from seed and it was always the shortest, about 33-50% shorter than the rest. this one grows lots of branches early and they appear to be keeping the 2 budsite per node structure, but it is too early to say as they haven't sexed yet. although i did FIM it last week and the recovered growth looks like it will be forming balls. if it does get balls i may keep the male just so i can make some F2 seeds to work with. i like this short plant i didn't really have to top it but i decided to FIM so that the stretch would transfer mostly to the branches. minimal stretching has been noted.

wish i had some pictures but it's still early, nothing to see yet. just a couple of pistils here and there.


Thanks for the update. Honestly, your past pics look better than all but 1 of mine. Hopefully they will perk up for me, but keep the updates comin, with or without pics.