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GrapeFruit D-Lite 70w HPS Micro Ghetto Torture Chamber Grow.


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thanks for the compliment. they don't look quite as pretty as they do in those pics anymore. i had to brutalize em a bit to get em to fit in my cab. a little more than i intended to have to do. i have to flower them sooner in the future, i didn't plan this grow well, well actually i did but then i decided to stick 2 large pots in the mix and now its hella tight.


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finally got hands on a camera. grapefruit d-lite @ 4 weeks of 12/12 @8 weeks from seed. beg week 9.

got 3 pheno's out the 5 and 1 male which i scrapped as i did not have the room, i really don't have the room for the 4 girls but im managing. 1 pheno (#2, #3) grows tall single cola style and would be good for sogs. one of these is the most sativa in their leaves and also has the most amount of frosting so far (#2). the second pheno (#1) is tall and branchy and the buds grow i think its called alternate pattern. one bud per node alternating up in a spiral. the third pheno (#4) is a combination of both and it seems to stretch much less. the branches grow opposite pattern with 2 branches per node but on those individual branches the buds grow out alternate pattern. along with the main cola which switches from opposite to alternate growth.

on with the pics.
i didn't number or name them so i will do so now. up first is #1 the one i topped.



next up will be #2 which is one of the single cola style plants and in mini hempy cup.



frostiest of the bunch.

next is #3 which is the second single cola style plant this one is in "soil" miracle gro organic i believe. either that or the other seed starter mix which is mostly peat and coco.





virtually no frost on this one.

lastly the 3rd pheno which we will call #4. about 2 weeks in flower, fimmed but it didnt really take. in a much bigger pot and vegged 2 more weeks but still shorter. also sexed much faster than the others. those all needed a week minimum this one showed in like 3-4 days. most likely from the longer veg.



i've identified smells from them too, all the really tall sativaish plants #1,2,3 all smell like fruit, like i dont really wanna say pineapples cuz its so cliche but thats the only really sweet fruit i can think of off the top of my head, i wanna lean banana but it doesnt really share anything with banana but the sweetness of it like how a really overripe brown banana smells but not so much banana scent but that powerful sweetness. it stinks the more frosty the plant. the really frosty one you can smell it in the air, the second most frosty you gotta get closer and swish it a little. the most sativa plant and also the least frosty you can hardly smell it you gotta put your nose right in there and rub it a little.

but #4, nothing cliche about it, it smells like grapefruit, straight up and down. not a limey smell, or lemony or citrus, its like there's a grapefruit unpeeled under your nose. and that one's just getting started. imma need some more carbon.

good to finally be able to have pics again hopefully i can keep it till the end of the grow or till i can afford another camera.

see you next time. with more pics.
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grapefruit D-lite end of WEEK 9 from seed beginning week 10 from seed. WEEK 5 FLOWER.

Found some mold in one of my other plants that had dense buds and was pressed against a wall. im worried about the welfare of these plants since they have reached the ceiling and are pressing against is all the time, i think they might eventually get mold issues near the end. i think im going to try and supercrop again. in the future i know not to flower them this tall.

the 3 in the beer cups are packing on weight slowly and the ones that were only faintly smelling of fruity pineapple-y smell are starting to smell really fruity. the one with the most frost that also smelled the most of ripe fruit no longer smells of pineapples. i dunno what it is anymore. something exotic i wanna say papaya or something like that. but i haven't smelled real papaya in years so the closest thing i can equate it with are... peaches. it doesnt smell peachy, it smells like that sweet syrupy fruity smell you get when you have a over ripe peach that you forgot in the corner in the summer heat for a week. crazy strong. it doesnt even smell like weed in here anymore it smells like i need to harvest my orchard.





#1 Hempy






#2 Hempy







#3 Soil








#4 Soil Week 3 flower. the rest in beer cups are week 5.

ugh there has got to be an easier way to add pictures to threads. my shit is all confused and out of order and my head is too done in to straighten it out right now.
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i dunno hard to say at this point my first time with this strain and first time im using beer cups. if i get as much as i usually get per plant 7grams +- ill be satisfied. i don't usually weigh it up but the times i did i got 7-14grams per so if i get 7 i consider it a success. but i got gnats, and i think my bulb is dying out and needs to be replaced. booo. my other plants seem pretty small but i didn't keep good notes so i dunno if im just tweaking or what. i noticed when i turned on my vacuum cleaner the other day to suck up the gnats i see flying around my grow the light cut off then reset. which in my experience means the bulb is dying. but it may just be because of the power surge when i turned on the vacuum.

i dunno, too many variables to calculate. gnats, winter, beer cups, possible dying bulb.
but i think one is going to work itself out :D


i was checking to see if i had more gnats since i vacuumed up like 15 of em earlier today before i watered. i open up and see no less than 7 new ones. and while getting ready for another vacuum session i see one landed on my buds. i have picked off like 5-8 dead gnats from my bud in the past week and i was wondering are they getting poisoned or something? i was told gnats only eat decaying organic matter and don't attack plant leaves. so i break out my scope (binoculars turned backwards) and i see it looks like its stuck since shaking the plant and blowing it wont dislodge it and it cant seem to fly away when it flaps its wings. so i break out the camera for a macro.

poetic justice eh? they eat some of my roots, grow big, fly into the bud and the weed eats them back lol.

i wish i could nominate myself for potm.


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WEEK 11 from seed WEEK 6 flower.

fuckin gnats are fucking my grow up but im still battling. gonna get some more potato wedges in there, i took a look at the rootball the other day and i could see a bunch of little tiny almost microscopic fungus gnats running around and one larvae, which is like 5-10x larger than the little tiny baby ones i saw with wings. the little ones were just running around, the larvae is the one i saw looking like it was feeding on a dying root which it caused to die in the first place. im pissed.

ill have to do another run on these no doubt, a.) these are shaping up to be great genetics despite the gnats, and b.) i need to flowr them shorter, i hate having to bend and break, but these plants are pretty resillient so i don't think about it too much when i have to break a limb. just a quick SNAP! and a couple days later we're back to normal...growth.















#3 (note. one of those bud shots might be from #2. #2 & #3 have the same growth structure and i supercropped em exactly the same way. ill have to put something on one of the branches so i don't keep mixing up the pictures.)





last but not least #4. the one that initially stretched the least has now officially stretched the most, and reaches closer to the light every day. another reason i think i need another bulb, never seen this much stretch so late...but at the same time the plants i know to stretch aren't stretching like these.

anyway till next week.


Have you ever tried Diatomaceous Earth to battle creepy crawlers and flying insects? I haven't, just discovered it myself and haven't had a need, but the guy at the garden shop said it was great at fighting infestations...just can't remember what all he said they were used to kill. Check it out and if you try it, let us know the results.

If you know about it and it isn't gonna help your situation, please disregard post, lol. Good luck tho.


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WEEK 12 from seed WEEK 7 FLOWER.

finally found my tripod so now i can take a proper macro without shaking all over the place. need some better lights still.

group shot.


#1 the one i topped.


#2 the biggest one looks to be the keeperest. pressed against the ceiling, thats why that leaf looks like that.



#3 the one in the red cup, all soil.

starting to take water up again and also getting some weight to em. im having a hard time keeping em from toppling over even when the cups are heavy from a watering.

the fungus gnats situation didn't work itself as i thought it might with them flying into the buds and starving to death. lol. back to the potato wedges in the soil, its doing wonders for collecting the larvae for disposal, and wonders for making me nauseous, good thing i do my checks in the morning before i eat. between the potato wedges and the sandy/silty soil on the top they seem to be unable to deposit as many eggs into the soil, and the ones in there already are attracted to the potato wedges like magnets. hopefully they will all be gone soon.

got like 3 weeks left before i chop these beer cup ones i got clones rooted for all of them with 1 mother for each. rooting the #4 now. i want to give them another run, especially #2 i smoked a sample of the popcorn i removed and i been high for almost 4 hours now. mellowing out and im about to take another bong hit. the smell once dried is ridiculous. its super sweet and fruity, like juicy fruit chewing gum. it doesn't even smell like weed even while growing. i open my cab every morning and its like a tropical fruit forest or something. overpowers everything else in there including the g13. and the taste is the same, fruity bubblegum.


Hey stihgnobevoli, I see you have some gnat problems. I've had this before; they come from the peat in the "soil" mix. I keep some mosquito dunks around (sold at farm stores for use in ponds), and throw one in a big bucket of water. I then use that water for watering/feeding a couple of times; problem solved. The dunks contain a parasite that kills the larvae before they transform into gnats, so once you break the reproduction cycle, you should be done with them.

I may try some beer cups once I get my new micro grow going and dialed in; looks like you're getting some decent results!


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yeah these gnats are kicking my ass, i need to get over to the store and stop being lazy to buy some dunks.
im pretty surprised im doing so well in beercups considering this is my first time trying to do a whole grow in 2 handfuls of soil, not to mention the gnats. the potato/starchy tuber slices are doing a pretty decent job, just gotta remember to remove them every3-4 days before the larvae can turn into the little tiny baby gnats, and keep the soil dry.

definitely not gonna be any gnats for the next grow. im going to clean house after this.


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here's my grapefruit d-lite's at um 8 weeks flower i think thats what im on, somewhere between 7 and 8 weeks. i started flushing the beer cups like last weekend. the previous week was a large dose of flowering nutes, then since this week it has been only water and 1tbsp molasses per gallon. i think the




Pheno #3




Pheno #2



Pheno #1

and finally #4 not much to see right now, this one seems to be the most sativa of the bunch, it's only 2 weeks behind the rest yet it looks like we're only on week 2 of flower.





i got some mosquito dunks today, shits expensive innit? $10 for a 6 pack. but i guess it should last me a while so im not trippin too hard. gave the first treatment to every plant in my whole house, houseplants included. hopefully this should be the end of these asshole gnats.


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i thought i updated last week. i guess i was wrong. anyways i've almost gotten rid of all the gnats, my clones are healthy again and my flowering plants are recovering. i've chopped the beer cups and the clones are getting ready to go for the next run in a couple weeks.

pheno #1 and #3 are in a jar curing. pheno #2 the one i topped i quick dried and smoked with some buddies. can't really judge it but it was above average smoking despite being quick dried and the sickly-est of the bunch.

all 3 pheno's smell mostly of a fruity bubblegummy tropical scent with lemony piney citrusy after undertones. the flavor of the smoke is a melony taste with strong citrus flavor a little bit of that dirt taste that makes kush and sour diesel taste how they taste. smoke is very smooth with no cure, but i do have potty lungs so... but if you do cough its not really a harshness its really rough though but in a grapefruity kinda way. you wanna cough at least once on purpose.
high on pheno #2 was mostly a stony one might be attributed to the rough drying. thats all i will comment on that.
high on pheno #1 is pretty stony, it starts in the head and body really fast like literally 20-30 seconds after inhale your whole world gets foggy and bright at the same time. everything feels soft? still functional but only if you don't have to be around people and act "straight". very creative and helps you focus. after about 2-3 bowl or whatever interval you smoke at between getting high slightly coming down and smoking again is.
but after smoking 3 separate bong hits over the course of 6or so hours i was pretty sleepy. nice body and head. very relaxing and creative.

pheno #3 was more sativa mostly a head high thing, everything is poppy music sounds awesome. or maybe it's these new headphones. really functional while being relaxing. not feeling any aches or pains. but i don't feel sleepy or lethargic/couchlocky like with pheno #1. also don't have the munchies like with pheno #1. i ate half my house after i smoked those 3 bowls and before i fell asleep for 6 hours in the daytime.

overall i like the smells on pheno #1 more and the bud structure and it ripened faster then pheno#3 but pheno #3 has the prettiest looks in terms of bud formation and calyx pattern growth. the buds just spiral up the main stem and run into each other like a head of brocolli grows. the buds are a little leafier too as well as really oily rather than sticky.

i could talk all day about the smells of these buds and the way they grow but, on with the pics.


pheno #1 and #3 before chop, maybe 2-3 days prior when they got their last watering. day 65 of 68. pheno 3 i call green in the foreground leaning to the left, pheno #1 yellow in the back leaning to the right. the colors are just the color toothpicks i put in the pots to know which clones were which.





pheno #1 yellow






Pheno #3 green





pheno green



pheno yellow




green left / yellow right

took em to 68 days and they are pretty done, was mostly cloudy at chop. ill take em to 75 and see what happens, pretty racy at 60 days or less from the samples i quick dried.

those were thems. still got pheno #4 going at about...59 days or so since i threw em into the box. i think they showed flower slower than the rest i gotta check my notes. but its somewhere between 45 and 59 days since flowers started. the most sativa of all, thought this would be an indica leaning pheno for sure from what i saw as a seedling.



i call it the hazey pheno, really stretchy loose buds very frosty early but real wispy. but also smells nothing like the others. this one is really musky citrus smells. no fruity pineapple juicy fruit here.




doing some sort of spiral twist on the newest growth. dunno what it is yet, just noticed it a few days before. maybe pH is too low no adverse effects yet, we will see.

thats all for now. till next time. which might be tomorrow since i think these pics are over a week old.




Active member
thanks for stopping by. had fun growing and smoking these so far. looking forward to seeing what the haze pheno is like. the other ones are mostly down body stone in the end. good head high in the beginning but after about an hour it goes to body unless you smoke some more. but at the end of the day you pass out.

should have some updated pics later.






Fuck! I Missed.



Hazey Pheno #4






"i give to you every seed bearing tree and herb"

pheno#1 yellow on the left / pheno #3 green on the right. 1 week in jars or so.
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gnats are pretty much all dead. one or two i see on my seedlings taking a nap, they will die soon also.

WEEK 9 day 68 flowering.

the grapefruit d-lite pheno#4 or pineapple guava haze as im going to rename it. i was at my friends house the other day, i ask for a drink he brings me a glass of juice that smells just like these grapefruit d-lites. i was like DUDE WHAT THE FUCK FLAVOR IS THIS JUICE??!!!

mystery solved on that smell.






Grapefruit Delight Pheno#4 "Guava-Pineapple Haze"

i got all cloudy and a couple amber so im gonna plain water+molasses it out the next week or so and chop on valentines day. this has been a great adventure, but stay tuned folks, im gonna run the clones untopped and untrained *if i can* for the next round.

till next week.


Who ever said, "...a watched pot never boils." is
ICMag Donor
Look at the frost ALL THE WAY OUT TO THE TIPS OF THE FANS! PERFECT! Exactly what we were looking for from this strain! All phenos look great and from your reports have that great fruity smell... Thank you for all your hard work!


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thank you for letting me test such nice genetics. gotta dial some more but these were great all things considered. 3 "thumbs" up. :D
everything except for the major fan leaves is covered in frost. next time i take her out ill take more pictures. as soon as the bud starts off from the main stem there are trichomes from that bud stem all the way to the tip of the toppest bud.


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ok im back with more pictures... after a quick smoke break brought to you by grapefruit d-lite haze.

cant get enough of this stuff...started these clones at the right time...im running out.


nothing to see yet, but stay tuned. running pheno's 1, 2 and 3 in the respective yellow red and blue pots. the one in the cup i marked with green ink to let me know it was also pheno #2 but im not sure.

we will find out together before the end of this run.


Glad you saved some and glad you are enjoying it stihg! Waiting on some of mine to cure a bit to give it a goooood testing.

Man, looking at your little nuggs a couple pf posts up...I must be super-anal about trimming! Lol. I've been trying to get all that sugar trim off the nuggets to make bho with. Looking good though, hope it lasts you till next harvest.

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