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Grape Punch Adventure



Oh why not....

Oh why not....

Hey everyone.

Just when I thought my last round of pictures would satisfy my jaw's need to drop, I stumbled into the chamber and lookie what day 25 brings.....

BTW, CYF, thanks for postin up. Much respect to you.

Ok on with the show.

Quick shot of the bush pheno

Shot of the former "runt" and "split"

Oh, and here's a little something called Frosty Frosty as shown by the Runt

Close-up of that?

I"m just bowled over (exhale.....hehehe)

Stunned and amazed here in harmonix land.

Bog and GP where are you? I want to thank you so much for all this fun.

Be safe everyone.



looking great

looking great

hey good job on them
I have been growing grapepunch for almost a year now and love it.
i have run different flowereing times on her and have found that around 48 to 50 days is more than enough

you will love her when she is done :canabis:
happy growing


Wow :eek:
That is frosty! What a snow storm.
I'm only a week behind you in flowering. Looking forward to the next update.


Greetings all.

SouthernSmoker you honor me with your presence. The last thread you did with that beast sized featured GP was very nice indeed.

I appreciate the Flwr Time input. Was hoping to keep it close to 50 days.

Its all earthjuice bloom from here. Mine seem to be impervious to to the nutes, what was your take southernsmoker on the nutes?

Visone - Good luck with your GPs also and I'm sure you're seeing the snow storm by now also.

Hope to take so new closeups tomorrow if time permits.

Best to all and be safe.



Hey Harmonix thanks for your kind words.
Its all earthjuice bloom from here. Mine seem to be impervious to to the nutes, what was your take southernsmoker on the nutes?

She will eat just about anything you can throw at her.
I talked to Grape punch and he advised me to overfert her in the later part of flower after doing this i found it is good to hit her real hard one last time and then go to a two and half to three week leaching.
This last one was the first time for me to use the ej bloom and man it puts out a real strong odor with it. Have you ever used ej before Harmonix? and if so do you like it ?
Happy growing :smile:


oh, no. I'm a week behind on different strains. Although, GP is on the list for the next grow. :wave:


There are some quality plants being grown there peeps, well done to all. How many phenos of the GP have you all encountered yourselves so far?



I've been using ej products for 2 years. I like them.

I use the Grow, Bloom and MicroBlast.

I use Foxfarms ocean forest soil mixed with foxfarm light warrior stuff.

Never more than 15 Ml of Grow or Bloom per gallon of soup.

Microblast is always the same at 5ml per gallon of soup.

I find the ej always lowers the hell out of the PH so I use PH UP to adjust.

I find the ej grow itself is one of the most foul smelling pooh-juices but is fantastic.

The ej bloom isn't as smelly out of the jug. IMO it is good stuff to work with. Buy it by the gallon though or its a rip with regard to price.

Regarding the smell of the GPs I find them quite inert until rubbed, then it smells like a grape tootsie pop. So much frost so early on.....

Also be advised that my GPs share flowering space with a couple monster Bottle Rockets by Rez that are the ultimate stinkers so I don't think I'd smell the GPs regardless :smile:

Again best to you Southern. I admire your work and in so much have been inspired by it.

Have a great day IC.



Freakin' Frost Folks

Freakin' Frost Folks

Day 33 Flr

Grape Punches looking just fantastic. Beyond that actually.

Take a peek and blow these up and zoom in too. Amazing, amazing, amazing.

What else can I say. They are swellin' up so Phat. Rub ya-self a lil' frost, check the fingers and Wham! Hey thats a grape tootsie pop. Yes indeed that is the smell. Betcha its the taste too me thinks.

I could go on and on but will spare ya'll my droolings.

Really sux to be out of smoke and look at this stuff. Oh the rewards for the patience however......

Thanks everyone for all of the looks at this post. Never in my wildest did I imagine a post from a rookie like me would draw well over 1000 reads to date. Thats really neat.

Be safe everyone.



WOW :eek: Frosty :canabis:
It looks like you're a doing a great job
I know what you mean with the temptation; sometimes I just wanna bite a nug right off the plant because they look so good :biglaugh:
Patience is a virtue, indeed


Day 36 Flr

Day 36 Flr

Hey, hey all.

Pictures from day 36 Flr.

Visone - Thanks for the kind words.

Here are 3 shots of the GP - Starting to finish out nicely.

Not a joke, this stuff is amazing. 3 Clones are well into veg in another chamber and have taken off well. I'll post pics of them in a few weeks.

Best to all.

Be Safe.



Active member


Very nice show...

yours showed sex pretty quick!

I'm still waiting to see signs of sex(from my grape punch)-put into 12/12 on 02/16/05(18 days ago)

good work, Harmonix!!!


Time for some Fun

Time for some Fun

Hey Everyone:

Yanked a GP out of the Chamber tonight......Timber.....

It was my "cutie mutie" that had split at the first node.

Turned out very special. Yeah, yeah I know, could have mebe taken her another 5 - 7 days. Her trics were all cloudy and dammit, I'm out of smoke and am tired of that situation.

That said, down she came, never complained once.

Gonna let the other 2 GPs go for a while.

Here's a picture of the finished split

Here's a nice close-up

This one takes the cake (frosty frosting too eh?)

Thanks to all for watching and supporting this thread.

Gonna get real interesting over the next few weeks as I chop the others. Smoke reports still up the road a piece but I guarantee you I'll be having a little "taste" of this real soon.

Be safe.



Active member
Yeah, BABYYY!!! :whip: :canabis:

keep 'em coming, harm!!! nice job.

can you give me an idea on size/can you get a pic next to something for scale? thanks! they look greeaat!!! :friends:

check out the stem on mine!!!



Dried Bud Shots

Dried Bud Shots

Heyas everyone.

Dried Bud Shots (9 days) of my GP Plant - Split Mutie Pheno.

I'm sold on this stuff. Bravo BOG & GP.

Please keep in mind these were pulled at 42 days. My remaining GPs will probably see 55 days.

How's the smoke? :D

Oh my oh my. Grape Jelly in the jar folks. Very potent for taking it as early as I did. I'm so impressed and this stuff hasn't had any cure yet. Full reports after I've pulled the remaining girls and have let them all sit for a spell.

My best to all.

Be safe.
