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Grape Punch Adventure



Had to Tie em Down

Had to Tie em Down

Hey all.

My GPs were topped last weekend. They have bulked up a bit since. I tied them down today, can't chance closing in on the ceiling height of my space. They are gonna be so chunky looking in a few days. Will post pics this weekend. 12/12 switch will be thrown in the next few days also :biglaugh:

Leeroy & Co - Thanks so much for the stopping in, I've admired your work for some time and the good advice you give to others.

MsHerb - Thanks for the continual encouragement. I hope you get a digi cam soon. I'd like to see your babies too.

Sleepy - Did your 4 babies break the surface yet? Pictures! Pictures! Interested in how that waterfarm works for you. I am leaning to DWC for my next round me thinks.

As always, best to all.

Be Safe, Remember to love....



Active member
harmonix said:
Hey all.

Sleepy - Did your 4 babies break the surface yet? Pictures! Pictures! Interested in how that waterfarm works for you. I am leaning to DWC for my next round me thinks.


YEAHHHH!!(lil john)

2 broke the surface, now in a waterfarm...2 others, 1 broke suface, waiting on #4...

nice plants you have there!!!


Flipped the Switch

Flipped the Switch

Day 1 Flower

Greetings all. Here's a group shot of my lovely Grape Punches Day 1 Flower

Had to tie em down this past week. They loved it :yummy:

Fun is really getting started.

Best to all.

Be safe, Remember to love...


I want to thank you and others for sharing your knowledge on this site. I have learned more in a few short months from y'all than I could've hoped for. I'll be postin from" the bunker" soon! peace


Those look like they are gonna be tasty. Good luck
Give the total smoke report when done.



They are looking very healthy. :canabis: I can tell you took care of them! Grape Punch is one strain I've wanted to try. I'll keep an eye on this thread. Good luck!


Quick Story:

I heard a noise last night and went to investigate.

3 of the GPs were trying to "sneak out." I suspect they were on their way to the Bottle Rocket's cab for a late night session. Ya know, swappin CO2, venting away their dreams, drinkin up Nutes they aren't supposed to have yet. All the stuff kids do.

I pondered what to do with them. I explained to them that the Bottle Rockets are a wild crowd, then I tightened their shackles a little bit.

Ok, ok, I'm done.

Just a little funnin' today.

Have a great week everyone.

Be safe.



Hey no problem with you having some fun with your grow.I have a pack of these I got from meduser and from your thread they are everything I've wanted and more.Keep up the great work and keep us updated.



Day 9 Flower

Day 9 Flower

Greetings everyone.

GP update time

Ok now day 9 of flower.

Here's the line-up as of today.

Of the 9 GPs I had, 6 were Male.

2 are Unconfirmed (albeit I see no tell-tale male signs, they remain under suspicion until they show for sure)

1 is a confirmed gorgeous female.

Group Shot

This is the confirmed Female. She gets her own solo shots. The others will have to wait until they show for sure.

Introducing GP - Fem One Day 9 Flr

Here she is next to a fairly big table lamp for size comparison.

I put this shot in my BR grow thread also.

I may get a small number of fems out of this, but I have 3 very healthy cuts from the lovely Fem One shown above.

I anxiously await the next few weeks.

Bog and Son really did nice with this.

All good here in Harmonix-Land.

My best to all.

Be Safe.



Active member
Sounds like my grow with GP.....1 out of 9 Females......
It turned out to be a great plant....killer smoke.. :canabis:

Good luck :friends:


Day 15 Flower

Day 15 Flower

Greetings all.

Thanks to everyone for the nice replies to this thread.

HOG, Sunnyside, Okie, you honor me with your comments.

Here we go - Day 15 Flr.

First of all, I now have 3 Confirmed Females. The two in question from last week showed all good.

Lets see the group

Bushy Babe for everyone's approval

Close ups getting better

Here they are with their new / old roomates. I combined my Bottle Rocket Plants (2 kick ass fems) with the 3 GP today. Doubled the number of lights in the room to 2 x 400 HPS and away we go. They look good together

Thats all for this week. Frost is coming on and the next 30 - 50 days are gonna be awesome.

Be safe.

Those ladies are looking beautiful. I'm so in awe of them. I've got some growing, so to see pictures of what my girls will look like is exciting. I am keeping a close eye on this one. I'm about 8 days behind ya in flower, but my girls are going through LST so they aren't as tall as yours. I've got bushes... :smile:


Active member

your Grape punch leaves are much narrower than mine appear to be...

how do yours smell in flowering?




Clone Fun.

Clone of GP #1 (1 of 3 cuts)

Nice roots eh? - This one's the mommy.

Just plain tap water, scarred em and put them in a simple bubbler. I use an old phototron to house the bubbler and floro sticks. (finally a good use for the p-tron :D)

My first ever clone and I can't wait for the rest to start growing legs....

I put her in a 1 Gallon Pot today. She's in my Cab with lots of floros. Will be on the floro kick for a few weeks while the rest of these cuts work their way into the cab also.

Ms H - Thanks as always for stopping in and see how nicely these cuttings root?

Sleepy - My leaves are pretty broad imo, especially compared to the bottle rockets I have going atm. I say your new thread, want to stop in there and take a peek at those pics again.

Best to everyone.



Active member
hi, harmonix,
nice job on the clones!

-yeah, come on over, i'll be putting up some more pix so i can get used to it...

how many cats do you serve? :friends:


New member
just wanted to let you know that your GP garden rocks!! keep those ladies as happy as they are right now:)
I am also growing out GP, although germination survival rates were less then stellar for me, the ones that did make it seem to be great.
keep up the great work my friend


Absolutely Speachless

Absolutely Speachless

At a loss for words folks.

This is day 21 of Flr.

Look at these.....

All I can say is :jawdrop:

BOG seeds simply deliver.

Grape Punch Growers, please chime in with your average flowering times.

Best to all.
