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grand daddy purple!!


whacker-the best thing to do with this strain is be patience and more importantly ORGANIC, don't get me wrong the hydro cuts down on time, but i feel as though after the first couple hits the taste is gone, even with a month flush. temps at night also play a big part almost as much if not more than with lights on75 off65 pretty standard but found it helps with the purple factor (which i could give a shit about) but when vending everyone wants the "dark purp" honestly though this strain is elite and almost impossible to mess up, even from unexperienced growers.

bron2k- Co2 helps alot when indoors to girth them up. but becareful because they can handle more than humans so don't be in or around the room if you get the ppm up. besides that she a bit slow in flower so be patient, she does amazing things in the final few weeks which if you're in week five you still have in store for you. I liked a full 70 days of flower, you can get away with as little as 49 with hydro, but I love amber gland that leave you comatose.

Cheif- you're absolutely correct my friend, I had a buddy with his girl start the first day of trimming and they left them hanging to dry when the lights went out, I took the pics the next day as soon as the light came on. We moved them right after the pics to our drying/cure station. I didn't even try any until a three month cure had been done, I had quite a bit from a previous harvest so it wasn't too hard to sit on. but yeah long story short don't dry/cure by lights.

Post Script:
Glad you guys/gals enjoyed the bud porn.


what a shame!!!!!...all that beautifull herb getting RUINED by sitting and dying out under the blistering heat of a hps. I mean, you gotta be kididng me!

edit..ok didnt see the post above this....good thing they moved it...yikes
If you have the skills .75 to 1 gram a watt are possible...even in organic soil...with a 1k hortilux hps...

Alot of people BS about their finished dry bud weights...what did you expect???


yo anyone know if there are any "kens" gdp cuts floating around?
in the bay area

also any of you guys know if gods gift can semi compete yieldwise with gdp?


I just want to second the please to UnknownProphet to please, if you have the time, let us know more of the stats on that particular grow, especially with details re nutes, veg times, etc. Thanks.


Active member
how the hell was he trying to help! why don't you read it again. and i got my cutting from a good source in the bay area and i know for a fact it's the real GDP. so why don't you get the fuk out too cuz i don't need another kid that watches smurf telling what to do.

Did someone spit in your cereal this morning?? I read most of your posts, you seem like a decent person who knows his stuff and is somewhat cordial, but your posts above really make you sound like an immature rude person for bashing on smurfy and pirate for offering their two cents.

this is an internet forum, if someone offers you something you dont want to hear, why bash on them? no need for that kinda BS on ICMAG please.

btw i saw your GDP grow it looks nice, i cant believe someone with that nice of a grow will run his mouth off like an angry 17 year old hoodlum.


Active member
Unknown fucking awesome grow brother, looks like some real fire GD, how many watts you running?? it looks like those HPS are pretty high up, is that ok to do? i was thinking about doing this too.




I'm sorry to those asking for help this site is huge and without bookmarking it's a bitch to find some of these threads. Anyways to any and all asking for advice on the GDP the best thing i can suggest is going organic you may loss a little in the weight and honestly, you'll lose some "look" or bag appeal too, but it will be worth it.

First and fore most...So far what i have come to the realization of is there is about 4 phenos with this great strain. I have grown cuts and seeds from this and find the most sought after is definitely the moderate yielding, darker-dense at the end, indica dominant, pheno. There is also a more yield producing "green" daddy with grapey smell and taste, an almost totally green more sativa dom, and last but not least a balanced indica/sativa blend with little purple mainly on the budlets and inside calyxes.

I find that the green daddy to be almost as good if not better than the more popular darker pheno, and it produces more, but people are all about the "purp". So if you're looking for your self I'd find the green pheno, but if you're looking to vend the GDP is definitely the way to go. Anyways....
If I had a dime for every time a patient came up to me at the medical counter and asked for "purp" or even better "the darkest purple you have" I'd be a rich rich man. But don't get me wrong here I'm not saying a deep purple isn't good meds, I'm just saying "purple" as a color in marijuana is a fad and trendy.

*****Important info there are 4 ways to make a strain turn purple*******
1.Genetics(which actually counts for all four because it has to be in the plants make up to be able to reach the purple hue)
2.Stress(sickness, bug attack, transplant shock, over-under ferts, ect.)
3.Chemicals(unfortunately there are now chemicals on the market that help "boost" the purple coloration)
4.Temperature(the most common and just a sign of temperature drop, doesn't mean it's any better or healthier, actually probably means the opposite)

Ok now that i got that outta the way...GDP is an elite strain that will purple out even without stress, chemicals, or temperature drop. Although the temp drop of about 10-20 degrees won't hurt this strain too much. I think the reasoning is because it's a northern cali acclimatized plant and the weather there drops quit significantly toward harvest, so in turn the plants inner genetics slowly became accustomed to the environment. I believe this to be true with many true breeding strains, I don't really believe the name game to much and....need to stop cause I'm rambling...damn sativas.

Anyways as far as my program on that room it was rather easy. Basis of quality organic soil mixture. (power flower which contains a lot of whats needed, worm castings, perlite, coco peat, some beneficial bacteria, ect) RO water from the get go as well as a light nutrient regiment. Consisting of super bat grow, molasses, and sweet. For flower super bat bud swel, molasses, and sweet. Pretty simple right? I also flushed monthly and once a week they'd receive plain RO somewhat flush so no salt or toxins built up. Also my almost month i only use RO. Most flush the last two weeks I normally flush for at least three. I feel it brings out the natural taste as much as possible. And I also let her go a full 9 weeks in flower sometimes almost 10 if i want to have amber glands all over. Although as I've said before you can get away with as little as 49 days give or take.

Hope that helps some of you grand daddy lovers out there.














I'm a little paranoid at, well all times, and find my self saying a lot on here that maybe I should keep to myself. The biggest rule is loose lips sink ships, then i find people on here and they are very open and I'm with and against it. But I honestly feel it necessary to spread the word of the wonders this great medicine has and the positive experiences the plant has brought to my life. It really allows for a better quality of life and I know that rings true for more than just me. Anyways as far as watts...a lot....and plants...just enough. But really though under 5000 and under 200 all legal medicine; just had to add that for the piggies who sniff around these parts. Cause i know you probably do...


Active member
If I had a dime for every time a patient came up to me at the medical counter and asked for "purp" or even better "the darkest purple you have" I'd be a rich rich man. But don't get me wrong here I'm not saying a deep purple isn't good meds, I'm just saying "purple" as a color in marijuana is a fad and trendy.

Couldnt agree more. Everyone i know is always asking for purp purp purp, i find alot of purp i get my hands on is very chemmy, although super dark and very stinky. Over the last week we have seen three different batches of purps, both growers told me it was GDP, i believe them, but it could possibly be another strain.

Purp #1 right here is my favorite, got the classic GDP smell, very smooth smoke, kinda leafy but the frost and purple makes up for it. Im not a big fan of purples (im a kush man) but i love this smoke, very nice fruity taste, nice thought invoking high! (currently under the influence of pictured buds):abduct:


Purp #2 has the regular strong purple smell, but it is alot more denser and maybe a little darker, frost is a little less prominant than #1, but this has more bag appeal in my opinion because it is straight hardball nug, not alot of leaf. I was told it was GDP as well. However it doesnt smoke that good, kind of harsh, high was kind of unmotivating.



Active member
Unknown how long do you veg your plants, do you top them?

I noticed your lights are very high up, is that ok to do?


I vegged those until around 12''-18'' inches(most were in between about 14-16 with a few being shorter and a few being taller) then flipped to 12-12. And as far as the lights, they were higher than normal in the picture, because we were getting in there and harvesting. Normally they were within 18''-24'' inches. If they were 1000s they'd be about that far though, if 400s they could get closer, but that kinda goes with out saying.

Peace purple people.

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