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Grafting Development


Hi Guys,

this is my first report in a english speaking forum.

I try my best:

Few weeks ago I startet a "Grafting" experiment with about 20 Cuts. The tissues died really fast, but one cut survived.

The rootstock is an Agent Oranje and the scion is White Widdow.

AO is growing in the vegetative Phase really fast and my White Widdow very slow. So it will be very interesting for me to see what happens in the next few month.
Today I found out, that my almost death Chronic-graft next to the WW Scion also maybe survived. She is still very weak, but everything will be fine.

some rulez for successful grafting

- use a small strong limbs with few leafs.
- make a very clean short und fast cut.
- connect the graft very fast und carefully to the stem
- use technics that expose the maximum amount of cambian tissue
- airtight the cut-surface (wax, cellotape or special graftiungfluid)
- airtight the hole graft as fast as possible,
- The amount of leaves should be 30% less, than usuall cuts.
- temperature must be little higher than usuall- about 25-30 C.
- the first 3-5 days, bring the hole plant in a more shady place

My Plan:
I have 10 different motherplants under 110w Veg-light and will try to graft 9 scions on any of these mums..

after finishing this Projekt i will have 10 mums with 10 different scions and also different strains on it.
After that i will send all these grafting - plants to flower and parallel also 10 of the origin strains under 600w of hps and compare them all.

As in viticulture , there must be differents in the budstructure, weights, growing stlye, nutrient resistance etc.

I´m not shure all the grafts will survive, but i try my best & there will be enough grafts to explore some nice new stuff, i hope so.

Some impressions for the beginning....


Amnesia Haze (corecut), Amnesia Haze (somaseeds,) Silverhaze, La. confidential, whitewiddow, Thaitanic, Euforia, Agent Oranje,
Jackflash, Jack Here)
(Ec - 1,4, PH 5,8 Biobizz cocos & Canna coco nutrients A+B, ph-, no additives)

My first chimäre



Amnesia Haze(corcut)(C)AmnesiaHaze(soma)




Jackflash on Agent Oranje (grafted today)


this Chronic survived in the last moment, im really happy about that. (left AO, right ww, almost death in the middle - Chronic)


In the next 3 month I will prepare everything for this experiment and if you have any ideas, skillz or any other stuff to this topic,

so share it please :tiphat:

sry for handypics, soon it will go on with a better camera.


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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
The gates have been opened and seating is first come first serve and hope we all can have a great time and see if we might learn a thing or two on the way.

Have A Great Thread


Well-known member
nice try apple!

my advice is getting some botany books (grafting techniques in orchards, or similar) and use the variations of described techniques...
since only one survived, i guess the grafting "method" was an unfiting one, since rootstock and graft incompatibilites would have yielded fewer rejections!

ps.: still bro! very nice job :) there ain't alot of documentation when it comes to weed grafts!



i guess the grafting "method" was an unfiting one
Not and yes,
i found out, why almost all the grafting-cuts died.
But I want to be 100% shure, before I share these informations.
There is a also a technic called Approach. It works very well and easily.

my advice is getting some botany books (grafting techniques in orchards, or similar) and use the variations of described techniques...
I will explain every technique of grafting on time.
Firstable my motherplants need to grow a little and the actual grafts must heal. In 2 weeks i will start to connect them and so on.



How to Aproach (horizontal):

2 plants (left l.a Confidential, right Thaitanic)

here is a breaking spot at the la.confidenial, smoothed up with a razor blade.

I scratched a little around the limb from the thaitanic, also with a blade


fixed with some wire


...an back to the Box.

I used only a razor blade and some wire.
Gonna wait now 4 weeks, open the knot and divorce the Thaicut from her stem.



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Senior Member
GOt me a seat been thinking about doing this for years. ill see how you do with your results. Looking real promising. TAGGED!

Have Fun Be BLUNTED!

Budley Doright

Active member
Ive done quite a bit of grafting ....but fruit trees when they are dormant....

HOwever to graft cannabis they are not in a dormant state....

One method that might be successful is whats called an approach graft....

which your plan is similar to...

Your method however probably will not get you success...not to be a troll or anything....

Normally the approach graft is done vertical stem of the rootstock to vertical stem of the scion....

and the graft is quite long... say 2 or 3 inches long....

The 2 pieces are then wired together along that whole cut.....

Normally the 2 pieces have identical cuts and when placed together this will allign the cambrium layers....

that connection of the cambrium layers will dictate success or fail.....

While its possible to align the parts as you do .... they are less likely to heal quickly as if they are aligned in a vertical fashion....

I look forward to your experiments....

el bee

Seen some really good looking grafted mama plants on youtube somewhere. Love the idea and will definitely be experimenting. Good Luck. Good for you for writing a post in English.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Now I'm just guessing you were using your hand to hold back for the shot right?

Funny thing I had a buddy that for the longest time would kill damn near every clone I gave him so finally I went over and told him to act like I'm not here and do your thing.

The man was a chain smoking fool and would never use gloves and I saw never washed his hands to get the nasty smoke crap off his fingers b4 he played with his girls.

I got him to wear gloves and the problem went away immediately. I'm guessing you do wear gloves but simply had to ask.

Be Well


hi guys,
had some good ideas & brainstorming...

get up stand up, stand up 4 you live :dance013:


my notation for graftet plants


my Experiment will hopefuly look like this.


a small experiment by side. Bequeath of Rootcharacteristics.

If the Cut of b (green) roots faster than b (black), there is an evidence for a temporary bequeath of root charateristics.
Pure bequeath is only given, when this cut bequeaths this feature also to cuts from itself.
Now I'm just guessing you were using your hand to hold back for the shot right?
yes, you are right, but i dont use gloves. Not for cuts & not for grafts. But i work carefully :laughing:



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high guys,
some pics from today :tiphat:

left AO, front CH (weak cut) behind WW

right AO, front WW, behind CH



next time i'll make a better Update.



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Discovery Requires Experimentation
This is a sweeeet experiment!!!

Cant wait to see what types of frankin-jane we can come up with.

Hopefully the traits will be passed on, that would be out of this world!


ICMag Donor
Best of luck in your efforts , this is not as easy as it looks , have tried myself many times and its still very random in outcome.

The ones that take from a long approach graft remain very brittle just behind the graft tissue , find they are easily broken off later accidentaly , needs support or wire braceing to preserve.

Had hoped to reduce the number of mothers held this way , but did not find it practical or safe to do so.

Grafting female tops onto surplus male rootstock was also explored , very fiddly but doable , same fragile joint problem.

Common practice grafting tomatoes onto virus resistant rootstock back in the 50,s , 90 deg cuts through leaf nodes set up in a wire jig clipped to the edge of the pot , 90% strike rate expected and usually achieved.


just don't molest my colas..
This is the future. At the dampkring grow shop in Amsterdam they have a plant with 15 strains grafted on it. I was allowed to go in the room and check it all out. It was pretty fuckin impressive.

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