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Government WILL Ban Guns Soon....

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Active member
It wont be the government that takes away our guns...

Once capitalism has run its course in the US, effectively destroying itself from within, the citizens will have no choice but submission to the corporations that control the federal reserve... Challenge this please..

Its funny, Top corporations need money, Government starts war, gets money from federal reserve to go to war, pays the Fed reserve interest on the money it borrowed, then gives the rest back to the corporations that build our weapons, all owned by the guys backing the federal reserve, the wealthiest men in america, nay, the world.. If the Antichrist is a business man, well, Romneys timing is perfect, he can usher out the last little bit of control the people have in the name of big business, martial law is coming........

Every economy bases their currency on the US dollar... We arent in debt to china because we borrow money from them, rather we are selling our stocks, or bonds of debt, they are buying a piece of us...

Ayn Rand predicted everything happening to the US economy, its a mathematical inevitability designed only for the upper echelon to succeed and ultimately society in the US will collapse. It all started with a loan...

Everyday men and woman in the US are asked to LAY DOWN and DIE so that the rich can stay that way... But, they are concerned about your drug use... fuck my life...

And fuck the US government for taking advantage of its citizens ignorance... The average IQ in America is below standard, its no wonder impoverished people are lining up at the recruiters offices to "kill them terrorists"... People are so fucking stupid it hurts to think about it....

Get what I am saying, Red vote you lose, Blue vote you lose... Its not just the intellects talking about this, the people are staring wide eyed, like cows for slaughter... The only inevitability in the US is as it started, with Slavery....

America, "Fuck yeah"...


Active member
we should try capitalisim all we have had is mercantilisim ,yup its a lose /lose situation.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mercantilism is the economic doctrine that government control of foreign trade is of paramount importance for ensuring the military security of the state. In particular, it demands a positive balance of trade. Mercantilism dominated Western European economic policy and discourse from the 16th to late-18th centuries.[1] Mercantilism was a cause of frequent European wars in that time and motivated colonial expansion. Mercantilist theory varied in sophistication from one writer to another and evolved over time. Favours for powerful interests were often defended with mercantilist reasoning.

High tariffs, especially on manufactured goods, are an almost universal feature of mercantilist policy. Other policies have included:
Building a network of overseas colonies;
Forbidding colonies to trade with other nations;
Monopolizing markets with staple ports;
Banning the export of gold and silver, even for payments;
Forbidding trade to be carried in foreign ships;
Export subsidies;
Promoting manufacturing with research or direct subsidies;
Limiting wages;
Maximizing the use of domestic resources;
Restricting domestic consumption with non-tariff barriers to trade.

Mercantilism in its simplest form was naive bullionism, but mercantilist writers emphasized the circulation of money and rejected hoarding. Their emphasis on monetary metals accords with current ideas regarding the money supply, such as the stimulative effect of a growing money supply. Specie concerns have since been rendered moot by fiat money and floating exchange rates. In time, the heavy emphasis on money was supplanted by industrial policy, accompanied by a shift in focus from the capacity to carry on wars to promoting general prosperity. Mature neomercantilist theory recommends selective high tariffs for "infant" industries or to promote the mutual growth of countries through national industrial specialization. Currently, advocacy of mercantilist methods for maintaining high wages in advanced economies are popular among workers in those economies, but such ideas are rejected by most policymakers and economists.

Our Enemy, The State



I'm in Ireland and the police don't even carry guns. Only detectives. You have absolutely no reason to have a gun unless you are a hunter or a soldier. Anyone else is asking for trouble. And jail time. Time to get back to using fists.


I love my life
I'm in Ireland and the police don't even carry guns. Only detectives. You have absolutely no reason to have a gun unless you are a hunter or a soldier. Anyone else is asking for trouble. And jail time. Time to get back to using fists.

Again the only right to carry is owned by the PEOPLE. There is no MASTER class that may carry and slave class that may not. Believing that Mr. Government can handle guns but us common people (slaves) cannot. Is an EVIL thought and abdication of responsibility.



Well-known member
you for got to add the CRIMINALS are also carrying them.

I'm in Ireland and the police don't even carry guns. Only detectives. You have absolutely no reason to have a gun unless you are a hunter or a soldier. Anyone else is asking for trouble. And jail time. Time to get back to using fists.


Active member
I'm in Ireland and the police don't even carry guns. Only detectives. You have absolutely no reason to have a gun unless you are a hunter or a soldier. Anyone else is asking for trouble. And jail time. Time to get back to using fists.



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
It wont be the government that takes away our guns...

Once capitalism has run its course in the US, effectively destroying itself from within, the citizens will have no choice but submission to the corporations that control the federal reserve... Challenge this please..

Its funny, Top corporations need money, Government starts war, gets money from federal reserve to go to war, pays the Fed reserve interest on the money it borrowed, then gives the rest back to the corporations that build our weapons, all owned by the guys backing the federal reserve, the wealthiest men in america, nay, the world.. If the Antichrist is a business man, well, Romneys timing is perfect, he can usher out the last little bit of control the people have in the name of big business, martial law is coming........

Every economy bases their currency on the US dollar... We arent in debt to china because we borrow money from them, rather we are selling our stocks, or bonds of debt, they are buying a piece of us...

Ayn Rand predicted everything happening to the US economy, its a mathematical inevitability designed only for the upper echelon to succeed and ultimately society in the US will collapse. It all started with a loan...

Everyday men and woman in the US are asked to LAY DOWN and DIE so that the rich can stay that way... But, they are concerned about your drug use... fuck my life...

And fuck the US government for taking advantage of its citizens ignorance... The average IQ in America is below standard, its no wonder impoverished people are lining up at the recruiters offices to "kill them terrorists"... People are so fucking stupid it hurts to think about it....

Get what I am saying, Red vote you lose, Blue vote you lose... Its not just the intellects talking about this, the people are staring wide eyed, like cows for slaughter... The only inevitability in the US is as it started, with Slavery....

America, "Fuck yeah"...

stupid people are very easy to control.. as well as scared people.. when you get scared stupid people you have what we have today in america.

they dumb down the population on purpose... No child left behind just gives the richer better schools more money while taking more and more money away from inner city schools making the majority of the us population stupider. they are doing this shit on purpose... but its ok well american idol comes out again soon.. drown yourself in a blasphemous idol worship while the world goes down a shit hole...

Ancient Babylon has truly risen again within the united states.... its fucked up to see.


lives on planet 4:20
fear-based choices have been fucking up everything for thousands of years

what does any government (including USA, obviously) use to get support from the people?

anyone? did I hear someone say fear...there in the back?

yup...you are right

as long as 99.9% of folks live from a fear-based perspective, all this BS that is happening not only in the USA, but globally WILL continue...period!

These mofos running the show (zionists, illuminatti, world bankers, etc) know that FEAR is the ultimate manipulation tactic...it works 100% of the time...without fail

...just look at 9/11...and how effective that fear-based action has been...even with all the current evidence that it was NOT islamic terrorists...two wars, trillions of dollars wasted, millions of innocent people killed...and the dollars keep falling into those off-shore bank accounts :biggrin:

so, there is no way that there is going to be a ban on weapons in USA, not in 5,10, or a 100 years...too many folks believe and assume that a gun is going to keep them safe, at least in their own minds.

and only first-hand experience can actually show if this is true.

what I mean by first-hand experience is when someone actually uses a gun to protect himself against someone that is actually threatening them in some way.

and direct experience, as a rule, is very different from what most people imagine this experience will be like in their imagination!
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Active member
People tend to associate the word harassment with acts of temporary aggravation or pestering. Therefore, it may not by the proper word to describe the never-ending acts of covert violence inflicted upon targeted people, which amounts to torture and murder. Some of the tactics used in these programs are borderline-subliminal, which is why they are so difficult to detect, explain, and defend against. It is my goal to make the unconscious, conscious. Many of these tactics are a type of mind-control.

Most of these tactics have been used in former Cointelpro operations by the United States, Russia, and Germany against their civilian population. The Hidden Evil's genesis is obviously derived from known tactics such as bogus investigations, surveillance, smear campaigns, the use of noise, thefts, break-ins, character assassination, staged accidents, framings, sabotage and vandalism, mail interference, blacklisting, citizen informant squads for overt surveillance (Gang Stalking), poisoning and drugging, incarceration into prisons and mental institutions, and electromagnetic weaponry.

It is a historical fact that the U.S. has officially targeted its civilian population on multiple occasions. Programs such as MKULTRA and Cointelpro can't be denied. "The methods reportedly employed in these harassment campaigns," explained McKinney, "bear a striking resemblance to those attributed to the CIA and FBI during Operations MKULTRA, MHCHAOS, and COINTELPRO.
When I was little, I thought the right to bare arms meant we had the right to kill bears and collect their arms...
But now I am older and a much wiser Fox news reporter helping my fellow Americans make informed decisions..
If we let the government take away our guns that will just be the starting point... then they'll come for our Christmas trees...next thing you know we are all in fema internment camps having abortions forced on our wives...Wake Up America!!
Just killing a little time here, expecting my morning memo from Mr Aisles..


New member
Might have to go rub one out:


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Active member
great more mass shootings involving "military style assault weapons" they are for sure gonna try and implement more laws to ban ar15s and ak47s..

better get them now while you still can.....bury a few in the woods and claim they fell into a lake in a tragic boating accident.

Neo 420

Active member
This thread still running? Did O take our guns yet.....

WTF.. My guns missing.. O must of took'em....


I dont think they want to bight off more than they can chew...
Can you imagine some of the home made guns that would be capable of shooting a billiard ball propelled only by common fireworks ingredients?

Only being honest on a touchy subject.
:ying: Peace!


Active member

Parents across the nation have begun calling for more security at their children's schools
Concerned mothers and fathers lined up early to pick their little one up when class got out today
Obama has previously shied away from the gun control debate but signaled today that he would begin pushing for renewed limits on firearms
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a prominent gun control advocate, criticized Obama and said the nation needed new gun laws to stop violence

By Toby Harnden In Washington And Hayley Peterson
PUBLISHED: 00:00 EST, 14 December 2012 | UPDATED: 12:08 EST, 15 December 2012
Comments (578) Share

Wiping away tears as he spoke, President Barack Obama today signaled he would push for tight gun control in the wake of the massacre of 26 at an elementary school in Connecticut, saying there had been 'too many' mass shootings in America.

During a moving appearance, he said the time had come to 'take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.'
Obama struggled for words, pausing several times as he wept and described the ‘beautiful little kids between the ages of five and ten years old’ slaughtered in the school massacre in Connecticut.
Seldom has a head of state expressed greater public emotion in modern times. White House aides held hands and also wept as they sat in the briefing room named after James Brady, the press aide wounded in 1981 when President Ronald Reagan was shot and who later became the nation's leading gun control advocate.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ntrol-Connecticut-massacre.html#ixzz2FFA8R55b


Rubbing my glands together
Maybe forget gun control smoke screen and have a meaningful discussion on getting us the fuck out of Iran and Afghanistan and start funding mental health services.
Like the saying goes, "If you think gun control would stop criminals, you're a special kinda stupid aren't ya!"


Active member
they are for sure going to try and reimplent the AWB so that means all semi auto AK and AR varients are on the chopping block...so stock up on AR lowers and 80% stripped lowers.

Also gonna be looking at high cap magazines so say good bye to the 50-100 round beta mags and possibly even the 30 round GI mags....another thing you can buy dozens of at gun shows and just stash them somewhere.

the most important thing is the grandfather clause.....if there is no grandfather clause than the government will have to offer monetary compensation for taking back firearms, but in reality i bet most gun owners will NOT give their guns back, simply claim them stolen or lost and hide them somewhere...

gun control advocates are so brain dead stupid it baffles me....yea lets take away the rights of the law abiding citizens so that more psychos and criminals can easy target rich environments of DEFENSELESS victims...

the only thing that needs to be done in the wake of CT is more mental health services and a better link between mental health professionals and the DOJ background check...and also something on the DOJ form that says "do you have a family member, son, cousin, who is mentally defective and will live in the same house as your gun?" then if you answer yes you have to show proof of a gun safe and be issues a small pamphlet that reminds uyou to keep your guns locked up and away from the crazy family member..
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