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Government WILL Ban Guns Soon....

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Hello all,

Well, I can say with certainty that if you were to remove all guns from the face of the earth, folks will just pick up a rock or a stick.

Its absurd to think that guns are the source of violence.

Man is violent by natural design.


Quietly polishing my "Bang", damn, it hurts, it hurts. damn, damn, damn shoulda emptied it first...damn.

Violence is a dark side of the human condition (a mere part of the design)...but usually does not motivate itself. The weaker people will find trouble beating to death anyone with a stick...but put a gun in their hand...the weak become temporarily powerful.

To give in to weakness...is to give in to the dark side of nature. No banning of firearms is going to prevent this from happening...but it's interesting to note that rampaging mass murder is almost solely an American phenomenon. Something is deeply disturbed in this country.


What the hell is a "man-killer" round? Any bullet is potentially a "man-killer round".

I can't find the ones I had in mind they're called predators or something the point opens out like a mushroom with four steel hooks that tear into flesh and lodge the bullet in the body it's specifically designed for shooting human in crowded areas when you don't want over penetration and do want maximum stopping power, unnecessary for hunting specifically designed for human as I said man killer.

The Batman shooter was a Phd student way high achiever and according to friends although he was shy he was warm and funny when you got to know him. Nothing in there say's to me bad guy, so it should be no problem if he wants to carry, until you change the circumstances and our previously good guy cracks and does something which would most likely have horrified him a year earlier. Human nature is too changeable to say this is a "good guy" give him a gun.

I agree with you V.G this is one of the longest conversations I've had here without it descending into farce.


Violence is a dark side of the human condition (a mere part of the design)...but usually does not motivate itself. The weaker people will find trouble beating to death anyone with a stick...but put a gun in their hand...the weak become temporarily powerful.

To give in to weakness...is to give in to the dark side of nature. No banning of firearms is going to prevent this from happening...but it's interesting to note that rampaging mass murder is almost solely an American phenomenon. Something is deeply disturbed in this country.

Couldn't agree more.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
have you ever read the constitution? it reads that in order for a STATE to ratify it must maintain its own militia, each state; not a federally controlled entity, which none have now... and modern militia groups are being labeled "tourist" groups.

i was under the impression the governor of each state controls that states national guard


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Hello all,

Well, I can say with certainty that if you were to remove all guns from the face of the earth, folks will just pick up a rock or a stick.

Its absurd to think that guns are the source of violence.

Man is violent by natural design.


just to be clear, im not arguing that guns are the source of the violence, but they most definitely make violence a whole lot more deadly.
id prefer to face a maniac with a stick than a maniac with a gun, as would any other sane person.



ICMag Donor
LOL....who says I'm not? I'm just not under the illusion..that they provide me a freedom. It's a different time my friend. Guns have advanced in their technology. Why are full automatic weapons banned? Why does no one argue that one?

They are not.......some STATES ban them but federally no, suppressors, grenade launchers...machine guns......what you want......guns were not invented for hunting.........some need a history lesson............if it was not for firearms, me thinks a lot of you would be speaking different languages.

Now, as for a well regulated militia, sorry to break it to you.....but all able bodied men (U.S citizen) are part of your state militia........unless YOU are a government employee..........might want to read up on what are Founding Fathers had in mind when they went to war with the King..............(they did believe being unarmed was equivalent to treason).........!
On a side note.... some of these posts....replace the word gun with marijuana..........reminds of how the anti-drug crowd speaks.



Active member
The rest of the planet thinks that every American is packing...why would the government want to destroy this valuable defense asset?

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
just to be clear, im not arguing that guns are the source of the violence, but they most definitely make violence a whole lot more deadly.


Well said, the introduction of the AK47 to Ethiopia turned what was about 20 guys with machetes facing each other to 1 guy who could kill a village

The balance of natural power was destroyed for ever, now there is war everywhere


Active member
well there is enough guns here to arm us all. lol . well the goverment also banned weed and we see how well that is going. when all the cops stop carrying guns and go back to clubs i would think about it maybe. till then my collection grows


They are not.......some STATES ban them but federally no, suppressors, grenade launchers...machine guns......what you want......guns were not invented for hunting.........some need a history lesson............if it was not for firearms, me thinks a lot of you would be speaking different languages.

Now, as for a well regulated militia, sorry to break it to you.....but all able bodied men (U.S citizen) are part of your state militia........unless YOU are a government employee..........might want to read up on what are Founding Fathers had in mind when they went to war with the King..............(they did believe being unarmed was equivalent to treason).........!
On a side note.... some of these posts....replace the word gun with marijuana..........reminds of how the anti-drug crowd speaks.


Well then...if firearms were invented for the purposes of war...a complete success. War being a highly unenlightened weak state to exist in....totally giving in to the dark side of our condition. Tools of the weak. The US government sold over 60 billion bucks worth of weapons last year. 60 billion.

Therefore...these tools were designed for the purpose of death and destruction. Now that we are in such a state...what's the next step?
Should we acknowledge our weak condition? Should we continue on with this plight of the unenlightened? Should we keep defending this weakness? Are we that far gone?

The Founding Fathers had lots of things on their minds when they decided to war with England...I'd imagine mostly about money...business and trade...who gets to keep what. The American Revolution was not some great concept of romance....freedom...independence. It was about tax collections and natural resources to be exploited. The rest is propaganda to stroke nationalism.

* I own firearms. I hunt. It's nice to have a tool that might protect my family in time of natural disaster. I certainly don't think they will protect me from my own government. I do believe the 2nd amendment is way outdated.
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Active member
The least of my worries as they couldnt do it if they tried,and if they tried it wouldnt last for long.
Tho I do believe we out number the few, and the whole numbers thing, but I must warn everyone of a major fact that has flanked us people who will relocate some lead on someone harming family, the major facts of this should be thought of very clearly,-cops DO NOT act alone, they play numbers everytime, mix in military and the fact all food would be shut off. Now you have to remember satelites, and unman Drones, along with infared technology that has grew up since WACO Massacre. Have anyone of you guys known a sniper in real life? Talk bout some things they do.

Think of all the new weapons that are in service now, and the ones coming, hell LAPD been riding with M16s since 99 over that bank robbery with AKs. I feel all who say we kick ass in the situation without some kind of collateral damage, and feel proud of that, well then really havent been in gun fire before. I would hate to face the things the govt would put on us if it came down to it. Just cuz you got a gun dont mean you are safe. People hide bout mile off for days to shoot a round in the neck, the head, the chest, hell even take limb off, for fun, these people do this like a 16 yr old playing xbox.

Just saying do not underestimate the govt one bit. Them along with big corperate, and the shodow govt elites did not get all of us in this position with no jobs, food, or housing along with the 90% of the globe by coincidence? Food and water will be our enemy during that senrio or any war! They starve out ppl all the time, and I dont know anyone who can live on bullets! Just saying ppl lets get some true plans of survival going in subject, its what you do before you even shoot! Nice thread, and keep this going, cuz this aint just bout all these gun cases in the news, the news fuckin lies, and not bout just some shite, all of it, just look at your nearest military base if you think I am talking out my ass, they all are on high level for some reason, flying jets over city air space, I can go on an on,


Active member
get a 50 cal in arizona. i have know a few snipers actually. my dads military friends. they taught me alot when we all went hunting at dads camp . i grew up hunting and am great shot long range with long guns.not so good with handguns tho but maybe more practice is needed as i never used em hunting . my guns are safely locked away in climate controlled storage and at family land in maine. no guns at home anymore. my 12 guage defender was last to go. i dont really feel the need to have one here.


Active member
I think when anyone dies from anything, including firearms, it is a tragedy.

By the way murder, war, killing ect are the result of illiterate and backward thinking people.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
surely you would all agree that a society where no-one owned a gun would be safer than a society where everyone owned a gun?
No, because some predator person/sovereign nation would find a weapon to exploit the weaker amongst us.

Unfortunately war, brutality, and violence is natural :ying:. In the animal kingdom your genes determine your strength and whether procreate and live or die.

Humans, being the smart little critters we are, developed means for which the weaker amongst us can protect ourselves against tyrannical governments and predators.

Americans don't run around mass murdering each other because we have guns. We do it because we have fucked up morals.


ICMag Donor
Tools of the weak become equivalent to the might........man has tried to dominate each other since the dawn of time.......firearms equalled the balance..........Dominance over another human being is a weak trait................fast forward thousands of years...didn't someone awhile back ban smoking.....then guns.....a few other things like try to eliminate a race of people......but hey thats history right.....never repeats itself.

Another side note.....total U.S. firearms numbers are 2.5 billion ....yes billion.....roughly 9 guns per citizen. :blowbubbles:...just saw different #'s, wanted to clarify.



Active member
There's no way they can ban us from owning guns, however I can foresee the application process and requirements changing dramatically. Oddly enough there were just as many school shootings during the 70s & 80s, they weren't over hyped by the media though. I've said this for a while but just because one person misuses an item it shouldn't be outlawed. A granny could run over a pedestrian and u don't ban senior citizens from driving or the automobile company. If you don't believe that any item can be misused try using a hair dryer in the shower, or read the warning labels of baby strollers cause they say "do not fold with child inside"


I think that maybe the Richards are gonna start certifying people as insane and throwing them in those FEMA camps for no reason...might LSD the water supply or something...
Education is the key. The fact is more people are killed by ciggerates and automobile crashes than mass shootings. We are doing exactly what the government wants. We are killing each other off, because society has been dumbed down, We have been indoctrinted with no morals. But how can you blame americans when America was created from the genocide and slaughter of many many indians.
I have guns to protect myself and my family period. My first priority is my family and my property. Remember when seconds count cops are minutes away. Banning guns only puts guns in the hands of criminals. Guns are not the problem. A rotten broken society raised on murder and greed is the problem. Violence is a result of poor education. Honestly the only revolution that would work is a non violent revolution. Taking to arms and trying to shoot it out with the Government is exactly what they want. And yes they would win, they have extreme fire power!
If every American woke up and decided on a non viloent revolution, like maybe if every American decided to stay home from work all for a common cause I think they would have to listen.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
more people died on the freeways than died in the batman massacre that day... put things into perspective!

I get nervous sometimes driving on a busy freeway with a bunch of idiots, though I myself am a pretty darn good driver. On the other hand I am never worried about some looney shooting up the public location I happen to be inhabiting... the odds are just so against its likely hood!

let everyone have guns... what ever kind they want... we need equality, letting the govt have exclusive access to all the more powerful firearms, in my eyes is not wise... and leaves one subject to their whims, as it one day could become, go along with us or die fight against it, YOU WANT SLINGSHOTS?
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