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Got robbed. I'm out.


Active member
When you have nothing left to lose, you have only the world to gain. Think of this as your blank-slate, man. You can build upon it as you wish. Nobody said it would be easy. Then again, nothing worth having ever comes easy.

silver hawaiian

Active member
For those asking, the shit basically went down in southern Michigan. I let a sex object see what I was into in a moment of weakness, she yapped. Her intentions were innocent, she just has a big mouth and a low iq; she didn't realize that talking about relatively large amounts of cannabis and money in front of basically strangers was kind of a dumb idea.

I feel like we might've screwed the same chick!


I keed, I keed, ..



Normally these 'yummyesqe' threads get ripped to shit(including by myself)...You cats know how to make an OG proud

*chest fist*

OP, you ain't off the hook if you slip up ;)


shut the fuck up Donny
Normally these 'yummyesqe' threads get ripped to shit(including by myself)...You cats know how to make an OG proud

*chest fist*

OP, you ain't off the hook if you slip up ;)

How is this yummyeqe in any way?

Yummy was a non grower with no life who posted random stuff for the fuck of it.

This is a kid that made a critical mistake and got his life turned upside down because of it.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

tough break whateverman, no matter what you have to leave where you were behind or be targeted again for more of the same. in fact if they left anything of value behind I'd expect them to come back for it yet again before long.

best of luck in your quest for utopia.......


weed fiend
Yeah, I'm glad to see there's ample understanding and especially encouragement to go with any scolding. I hate to mention it but living the life has more potential perils. Here's to hoping the op has no more of these.

I love that Hotel California reference.


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Best of luck to you man. I know it sounds impossible but you can rebuild that nest egg. The same can't be said for a life. Grow on strong :D


the shit spoon
Sorry this happened bro but at least they didn't beat the shit out of you or off you. You have some capital and reliable vehicle, so you have options.

The main lesson to learn isn't women are untrustworthy..

It is we are just dudes who happen to grow weed.

When we call ourselves a Grower in our minds, we are building up ego. Then our minds make the mistake of tying growing weed to status.

Then in our typical monkey instincts we try to impress others, male or female.

I get told all the time so and so is a grower, I used to grow, blah blah blah blah. Like its a fucking big deal.

To interrupt this tendancy of human nature, in your mind be ashamed of growing weed. Be pleased with your product but don't be proud of it. That's it. Feel shame, not pride.

Ego is the biggest trap..


Maybe we're operating on different definitions of what has the potential to be a 'yummy-esqe' type thread.

Meh...I've seen many a thread that started out similarly,turn into self righteous shitfests.Quite the opposite in this one.

How is this yummyeqe in any way?

Yummy was a non grower with no life who posted random stuff for the fuck of it.

This is a kid that made a critical mistake and got his life turned upside down because of it.

whateverman -spoke to Mr. Warren G, he concurs that you should continue to regulate.

jack Haze

I had a similar experience not long ago. Not a robbery but had a girlfriend turn me in. I found comfort in Hunter Thompson's writing and my friends and I still ''joke'' about it. A few paragraphs stand out above all when I think of how the whole thing played out...

''We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive...." And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas. And a voice was screaming "Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?"

After it was all over and no jail time was passed out...This is nearly identical to how I felt. I had to move no matter what. I had very little money and nobody around I felt like asking for help.

''There was also the socio-psychic factor. Every now and then when life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only real cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas. To relax as it were, in the womb of the desert sun. Just roll the roof back and screw it on, grease the face with white tanning butter, and move out with the music at top volume, and at least a pint of ether.''

Sorry to hear what happened...Next time remain single and rent a lot of hotel rooms. Better yet. Become a recluse and have almost no contact whatsoever with fellow human beings. It greatly helps with our lifestyle!


that fuckin' sucks man ..... lots of us have been there, and none of us ever forget that lesson. you gotta get back up and get back into the game, it will all work out for you. starting over is a bitch, but you know more now than you did when you bought your first ballast ...... that is worth more than money in your pocket.


ya ain't dead or in jail, its a good day.
so you lost some shit, meh..it happens. welcome to the game. yeah it sucks but thats reality.

Take your cash and re-establish somewhere warm, you are still young and just learned a HUGE lesson. Grow from it.

rick shaw

ya ain't dead or in jail, its a good day.
so you lost some shit, meh..it happens. welcome to the game. yeah it sucks but thats reality.

Take your cash and re-establish somewhere warm, you are still young and just learned a HUGE lesson. Grow from it.
Exactly,right now you feel foolish and betrayed,but it could have been a lot worse.

Tough lessons are part of life and this game. The true measure of a man isn't whether or not you get knocked down,it's how you get back up.

This time your smarter.


the shit spoon
Did they take your momma plants?

Somehow she's convinced you of her innocence but I have suspicions about this chick.

I'm sure you can find someone to set you up with a batch of clones. A move, a lot of mashed potatoes and ramen noodle soup, a little help, a little sweat, and you'll be back on track in 3-5 months.




delete this account - new handle... move on. Game's over buddy.

For your sake - I hope it was not that sharon bitch.

:tiphat: whateverman.....


^^^^ I'm doing this second post to highlight the above.

FIgure it out guys - not too difficult.
