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Scrub's PLL Coco Cupboard and Friends


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks V! Yeah I have the feeling I hit them a little too early. Oh well, all good. At least they look nice :)


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
I reckon you got some baby roots maybe, but I wouldn't feed them jack until them suckers are busting thru, but that's just my two cents, I mean there is no point giving something nutes if it has no roots to take it up with, I also have been known to be :whee: of me tree. :biggrin:
Plants and the clones look good bro, pity about the TW x PD what's her story ya reckon?? overwatered maybe??
You having trouble getting on here lately bro?? Either the govt's firewall is kicking in or my computer has a gremlin, more than likely the latter :pointlaug :booked:


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks bro yeah that's how I did it in the past (no nutes) and it worked. I need to be patient.

I mean there is no point giving something nutes if it has no roots to take it up with

I was thinking about this. I would say (meaning "guess" lol) that the stem alone can uptake water, so it could take up nutrient ions too (hydro nutes). Anyone have thoughts? I agree I probably have baby roots anyway in this case. :yes:

The TWxPD is mother #3 and I have two cuts of her that should make it so it's all good in the hood. She will be fine though - She just dried out very badly, basically because she grew so much! And so one side hasn't come back to life. I had stopped using h2o2 and I had a feeling maybe I didn't inoculate the coco properly afterwards and maybe there were root rot type microbes going on so I gave it a decent dose of h2o2 today. It'll be fine and no big deal if I lost it anyway. :)

Man, I got the outdoor fever! I'm really itching to do something. I finally found my compass. Wheels are turning, slowly.

Haven't had any problems getting my fix of IC mate, been popping on all day no probs.

Have you guys seen Zeitgeist? Pretty trippy shit man! I thought it was going to be waaaay out whackjobs but that's actually right at my level of whackjobbery. :)

Happy grows


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Cool stuff with the clone backups, I'm starting my adventure into cloning on the weekend, hopefully. Haven't seen that one, I think, going to see what google says.
I don't think the stem could alone could uptake water, well maybe a little bit when first cut, then again I'd like to hear from someone else's other thoughts on the matter also. Cause now I think about it I'm not sure, cause that is what sort of happens in a bubble cloner, stems are constantly in touch with water and oxygen thus no wilting. Some one else's turn.


Grow like nobody is watching
Someone should dip a cutting into a jar of food colouring :)

Yeah cloning is the shizzle especially when you have a really really really good pheno :D I feel like I'm building an army. The things I blame my failures on this run are clones that were too short/small, or not having good contact between the stem and the peat. Not many (1 I think) of the second batch of clones survived as they got a little mixed up and not as good attention.

mad librettist

Active member
I imagine the stem takes up water via capillary action. Not sure about cuttings, but roots don't drink that way at all. They use osmosis for water, and they have to exchange ions to get nutes. They can't suck them up.

Scrub, I thought zeitgeist was cool, until I watched it with my wife. She eviscerated every defense I had and then some. I felt like a fool, considering the history of utopian movements. This stuff is modeled on the star trek universe. Cool, sure. But also fictional.


Grow like nobody is watching
Cool, I read the widgipedia page on osmosis and I think I get what ya mean, thanks.

And I dunno. Anything can be made fun of or pointed out as wrong in some way. It depends on the person that watches it I guess. I wish I could hear your wife's rebuttal. I'm not saying it's all right by any means btw! I've only watched it in bits and pieces and found it very interesting, especially the stuff about the sun.

I am not religious at all but I have these funny lil jehovah's witness people that started calling on me and I don't mind having a chat about things but as soon as they turn it to god I say I just can't agree with it. Anyway. The last time they came, I was very high, as always, and when they came in there was a snake right beside the path, in a bush. And then we went back to my door and they're standing outside and a huge wind blows up and a 6ft branch shaped like a trident crashed out of the trees and a very sharp end wedged itself into a gap in my decking. This was right next to his wife, like it brushed her shoulder!

It was like signs from above if you believe that, but I'm pretty jacked up on coffee anyway. That's my story.



Yup, you should get it happening, b00m. I would love to see that. I was reading about using leaves as blunt skins and those would be good for that I reckon. :joint:

Hey wassup Pedro, thanks buddy. Yeah that would probably settle the discussion for me, heh. Sounds like you have a really cool job :)

Well I set up the scrog cage thing and I really like it. It's very strong and I didn't have to buy anything extra for once.

It measures 18" x 14" and is all one sturdy piece so I can slide it out, then remove it, and gain access to an adjustable height shelf fixed on the rear wall.


This is gonna rock :wahey:

Hey Scrubs. Cool thread, turbo charged action and nice pics. :D

Could you give a few hints on what I should be looking for?
I'm trying to find last years stats.

There is a small picture in your pm. ;)


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks always, Pedro. It's like 10 episodes of McGuyver all mashed into one on this thread, haha. I have some crazy shit coming up soon too.

Could you give a few hints on what I should be looking for?

Do you mean how should you determine if the moon made a difference? I mean, I guess you'd measure the yield or growth or something? Not sure if I understand your question :eek:: Is that what you mean?


I never read into moon effects before, and the moon calender in your pic was a bit to small to read. If you could just summon up what effects the moon should have on seeds, cutlings and growth in general and when compared to the moon cycle?
We haven't noticed any patterns, but since we mainly look at stats for acute problems that doesn't mean they aren't there. I also have to watch out for other influences when I select what periods to look at, like a couple of fresh employees in the cutling department can be very harmful to the success rate.


Grow like nobody is watching
Thank you Disco, I'm back in my prime it feels like :)

Pedro, it's hard to explain but the fertile period for planting and cloning for above ground crops is 11 days with the "first quarter" directly in the middle. The dormant period is 5 days based around the "last quarter" directly in the middle.

For 4 days starting a day before the full moon is is for sowing edible sprouts. For 2 days after that is time to sow all root crops and spray for bugs, weeds, disease.

For two days after the dormant period I mentioned, there is 2 days to plant root crops (again) and bulbs.

And then there is 4 days of Increasing vitality, prepare soil for high growth ahead. Do not plant yet.

That wasn't in exact order, and probably makes no sense at all, haha. Let me know if you need a photo and I can take one in the morning.

And thank you :thank you:


Grow like nobody is watching
Leda Uno repot

Leda Uno repot


I found this north facing spot with a tiny trickle of water on the edge of the rock (about 1 litre per minute). It's bloody nice but a bit too risky. I may go nearby there. I was so knackered I didn't explore too much.



Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Awesome grow as usual Scrub. I need to make the transition from cfl to pll, then from soil to coco. Thanks for the links never knew about H202


Grow like nobody is watching
I got roots on a PK :cool: mad roots too. That took 12 days and the TW crosses have been going 14 days, no roots visible yet but they gotta be close.

Did I mention the sick plant took a dive? Yeah, it's not gonna make it, I'll probably remove it today. Strange.


I love my life
PK wins the race again! I love heads up competition where my happy little bitch produces and smiles at the crowd ;)

Peace, :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
Haha I knew that would make you proud :smoke: I'm really loving it so far. She's very vigorous, easy to feed, easy to clone too it seems. Big leaves for catching more light.

The big PK is going into the smart pot scrog cage tonight and I think I might put the TWx mums in big pots too. I think I might flower the TWx mums this run, not certain.

A great day to all :tiphat:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Whatever you do Scrub, it will be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would die to have one of those Pk's around here...TW is really a fun plant to grow and sure eats alot!!
Keep up the great work Scrub..
Take care