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Got robbed, im out ...



I've always had more fear of rippers than from LEO,there are just too many theives out there.They hang out at hydro stores seeing what people buy then follow them home.I never go straight home after scoring some ferts or something.Yep my biggest fear..they come in and kill my dog first,I'd have a hell of a time surviving that myself.Sorry for your bad luck man I guess it goes without saying you can never grow there again

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well number one if I was a thief the first place I would look for valubles would be a safe. WHY do ppl leave their shit in them I will never understand. Same with putting your stuff beside your bed LOL hello would you look there??? Just think of yourself as a theif then go through your house.. I'm not even sure I would leave my really good shit in my house lol . Let them come they won't find SHIT LOL LOL..well maybe shit..BS .. peace out Headband707


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I used to be mega paranoid about the little shitty "safes" I kept my important shit in so I said fuck it one day and paid nearly $2000 for the biggest bad ass bank safe I could find. It is big enough for two people to nearly stand inside and has the big wheel handle that opens and closes all the big solid steel bolts on all 4 faces & sides of the door which has these huge hinges you cannot drill out or cutoff unless you are superman. The thing weighs over 1500 pounds and just getting it into my closet in my bedroom was a major undertaking and then it got four 8 inch long masonry anchor bolts put down into the cement floor. It is waterproof and fireproof. My theory is if they can get that fucker out they can have it. Buy the biggest baddest safe you can find because if you are going to keep valuable shit in it then make sure it's worthy of the job. Funny thing is I don't really have anything in it other than some random non-valuable shit but at least my family photo album is safe and I throw my laptop in there when I am going out for the day just so I don't have to think about it. If some shit really got hectic then I could actually go inside of it and have the ability to open it from the inside but nobody could get me in there I think. ;)

Red, I am so very sorry for your loss and I can guarantee you that it will come back to you ten fold because I have been through the same shit before and karma......
well, is the most real thing in this world it's not some shit somebody made up to make other people feel better. I have seen it in action and you will too that is a fact. Keep your head up and don't ever see this as a loss because you will only grow and gain from this experience even if it sucks right now temporarily. ;)


Sorry to read Red.

I hope you find happiness to be right around the corner.


Missin ya RED! Hope ya get the gals up & running again soon. Peace & Love to you & yours Bro.


ICMag Donor
Fuck! I fucking hate theives. Got broken into several yrs. ago. Came home from work one morning and the living room window was busted out. Thief got my $$, my stash and a bunch of misc. shit. Called the cops, they came and did a walk thru w/me. The last place we looked was in the fridge. I opened the door with the cop standing directly behind me when I remembered that both crisper drawers were full of quarter elbows. Did a quick "nothing missing here" and closed the door! Found out years later my best bud had hired a guy to rip me because I had kicked him out a few months before.

Hope you find the silver lining in this.


Yo man that sucks. All I can say is loose lips sink ships and that when growing weed, it's best to trust no one but yourself. I hope you can rebuild your lil' empire though ;)


That sucks man! Fuck theives, I have been jacked for a elbow back in the day me and boy, tweekers pulled a gun on us and pistol whipped my homie.

Lone Wolf

Well-known member
Man this story really wakes me up....

sorry bout your set back RS...

All of the stuff stolen is stuff that you had already been able to obtain in life....you know how to make money....no reason why you could not obtain it again!


A friend and I found an old safe once, googled the serial number and manufacturer and we got a master combo that opended it rite up.... I searched mine and couldn't find anything...
pitbulls or dogs that are not socialized will fix this... only socialize a pit/dog with those of your family if u plan on using a dog for protection


Active member
you can hire my dogs..haha. 2 mastiff brothers, that will attack. :)
i've been asking them to get jobs for a while, and to pick up their own shit....


Disguise your next grow house as a police station?.....

In all seriousness though ,bad luck and that was such an 'inside' job it screams.
I was scammed for some other shit that i wanted at one point in my life,a bit of chang,it turned out to be decongestant,im always polite and believe in peace,but i am not weak and will not be taken the piss out of, so i called the kid back up and said i hadn't had it yet,but im going to a party,others need some and he was round to see me in a shot.

So i gave him a christmas card.
But it wasn't christmas, it was one of those yellow gear shift lever locking devices and it wasn't a card either,it was all over his skanking fucking ass.

Good luck,im sure you'll be telling us about a great grow soon.:)


Active member
I used to be mega paranoid about the little shitty "safes" I kept my important shit in so I said fuck it one day and paid nearly $2000 for the biggest bad ass bank safe I could find. It is big enough for two people to nearly stand inside and has the big wheel handle that opens and closes all the big solid steel bolts on all 4 faces & sides of the door which has these huge hinges you cannot drill out or cutoff unless you are superman. The thing weighs over 1500 pounds and just getting it into my closet in my bedroom was a major undertaking and then it got four 8 inch long masonry anchor bolts put down into the cement floor. It is waterproof and fireproof. My theory is if they can get that fucker out they can have it. Buy the biggest baddest safe you can find because if you are going to keep valuable shit in it then make sure it's worthy of the job. Funny thing is I don't really have anything in it other than some random non-valuable shit but at least my family photo album is safe and I throw my laptop in there when I am going out for the day just so I don't have to think about it. If some shit really got hectic then I could actually go inside of it and have the ability to open it from the inside but nobody could get me in there I think. ;)

Red, I am so very sorry for your loss and I can guarantee you that it will come back to you ten fold because I have been through the same shit before and karma......
well, is the most real thing in this world it's not some shit somebody made up to make other people feel better. I have seen it in action and you will too that is a fact. Keep your head up and don't ever see this as a loss because you will only grow and gain from this experience even if it sucks right now temporarily. ;)

yeah..my boy had a safe like that. some tweakers ran down on him with guns, and held a gun to his head while he opened it, and than they put him in it...locked it, and left. i'm pretty sure it wasn't like yous because somebody had to let him out.

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