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12/12 From Seed with 160w of CFL


New member
Is this the dresser grow you referred to at the end of the 300 watt hydro thread? If so can we get some pics of the cabinet closed up? and maybe some of how you remove the door? (hinges or clips?) Im interested in building something like this.


This is the dresser I was referring to at the end of my (busted) hydro thread. I used what they call in the hardware store "catches" to hang the door. One would also be able to use (probably more effective) some rare earth magnets to hold the door up. right now I don't have any pictures in my library of it but I'll take some pics of how I built it next time I go out to check on the girls. :D


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I notice you cut a hole in the bottom. Is that for access? Airflow? What about light leaking from the bottom? Have you thought about putting a board over the cut out?

Nice looking plants.


The holes in the bottom of the cab are for ventilation. I put these little metal louvers from lowesover the holes and no light leaks out. My flower room is completely light proof but the mother chamber isn't mainly because it doesn't have to be because of the location of the box.

James: that's a good idea but topping my plants just once in flower slows down bud production alot so I dont know if it'd be a good idea to do it 3 times. Also I'm not sure I want clones from this plant

thanks for the replies guys!!


mg that grow looks like you have some dankity buds in there!

But like some body said earlier, you should raise up your plants so they dont stretch as much. Or maybe get a mixed spectrum of lights. Some 6500K w/ the 2700K will cut down on stretch a bunch.


I just went back and took a look at the dresser and everything's going really well. I transplanted 3 brand new seedlings into the flower chamber for a total of 8 generations.:woohoo:

The mother plant had a lot of new growth It gave up 3 very solid cuttings but all the new growth was the weird kinda reveg growth where the leaves don't really look like actual marijuana leaves. I had to top the plant anyways so I just took those tops and used them as cuttings for clones. my question to you guys is should I flower these clones right from when they start to show new growth (like I would with a normal healthy clone) or are clones of reveg growth bad?


Mk3Jetta: thank you! and I want the plants to stretch to a certain degree (like the old Dr. Bud does) But the last few generations are stretching a little more than they should have because I was starting them out in flowering (there first 20 days) too far from the lights. I now have every generation spend 20 days 6" from the bulbs and then they go onto the floor of the cab on top of little plastic cocktail cups which put them about 14" from the lights and then once you can see there stretch is done I put them directly on the floor to finish out flowering


So even though it's been more than 10 days I have pictures from when my 10 day update was supposed to be. These are them on October 3rd.

1st Gen: She's really starting to pack on some weight. I'm gonna give her 2 more weeks before I chop her down. I'm guessing with another 2 weeks of growth she'll yield about 5 or 6 grams. Letting her go another 2 weeks would be a total of 12 weeks in 12/12 but she didn't start flowering until about 3 weeks in.

2nd Gen:
These guys are also starting to pack on some buds. The topped one has such a perfect growth structure and the top nugs have really started to fatten up. The straight pole has the biggest bud in this generation but the one that has the curved top is also gonna yield well. I'm guessing all these girls will yield some where in the 5 - 7 gram range.

3rd Gen: These are also looking nice, packing on some nice trichomes and smelling delicious!! If I don't mess up any of these girls before harvest I should be enjoying a nice little stash in no time:joint:

4th Gen:
I decided to just move this plant outside. Even though I knew it was a female it was taking much longer to flower than the previous plants and it grew far to lanky and uncontrollable for my flower room. I needed the space, so outside she goes!!

5th Gen: This was the lone survivor of generation 5. She's just about stopped her stretch and the budding has begun!! I estimate she'll grow another 6 inches.

6th Gen:
At this time I believe there is also only one female in this group. I saw a few bumpy nodules on the plants near the nodes on 2 of the plants but I don't wanna kill them until I'm positive they're male.

7th Gen: Not looking as good as the generation before them but these were smaller from the vegetative chamber. When I checked on them today they looked much better than in this picture.

8th Gen: This is the last generation that I'm going to add to the flowering chamber.

After I clear out the first 2 or 3 generations I plan on adding veged clones in 2.5 liter pots. I'm gonna give the clones 20 - 35 days of vegetative phase and I'm gonna top or supercrop them to give the plant some nice solid,even branches before I flip them over to the flowering room. Currently I have 6 clones that are sitting in just plain ol' water. 3 clones were taken just yesterday the other 3 have been in there for around 8 days but no sign of any roots yet. I'm not surprised at this because as of right now the vegetative room is a little cold (54 - 60 degrees) and cloning in plain water takes longer than any other method. The little clones have developed a little new growth though so that's good.


So here's my mother before she got a haircut yesterday. (This was what she looked like 6 days ago and just 5 days later she developed enough growth for 3 full sized clones!!) She's starting to produce normal growth which is always a plus. She's also growing very rapidly. (This was what she looked like 6 days ago and just 5 days later she developed enough growth for 3 full sized clones!!) The bushy shape that I'm shooting for is beginning to form on this plant. She's turning out to be a very solid mother plant indeed.:jump:

Set Up Modifications:
I got tired of the wiring always getting in the way so I moved my electrical shelf in the flower room to the the little room that is below the mother room. It wasn't easy to move everything but now there's much less clutter which is nice.

I added the heating devices to both rooms. The flower room has a micro heater which is positioned underneath the wood stand that the new plants stand on. I don't want the heater blowing directly on the plants because it will dry them out and maybe even melt the cups they're in. What I did was direct the heater at the wooden leg (a 2" x 6" board) so the leg heats up and keeps the room nice and warm. The thermostat is set so that whenever the temperature in the room drops below 67 the heater kicks on. I've only been using this for about 4 days now but it seems to be working great.

The veg room was also equipped with a device to keep it a steady, warm temperature in there. The lights don't keep it warm enough when it's been dropping to 30 degrees here so I'm gonna replace the large 80mm PC exhaust fan with a smaller maybe 20mm fan. I also added a heating pad with 4 different temperature settings and hooked it up to another thermostat located at the back of the veg room. I sandwiched the heating pad between 2 pieces of reflective insulation after removing the cloth that it came in. This gave me a smoother bottom but I'm not sure if will allow for adequate dissipation of heat. I still need to wire the thermostat so the heating pad isn't in use yet but when it is I'm going to start it on the second lowest setting and move up from there. Also on the package it said the heating pad has an automatic off function. If the heating pad's on for more than 2 hours it automatically turns off. Does anyone know a way around this function. I broke the back of the dialer and exposed the little circuit board but I'm not sure which connection to break to make it so that it won't automatically turn off.

I found a link to a tutorial on how to remove the auto off function in the heating pad if anyone else is interested. These things would be great on the lowest setting for seedlings and it only cost me $15 I believe.



:woohoo:FIRST HARVEST:woohoo:
Sorry I haven't posted any updates or pics lately but I've been a little busy either way I thought I'd let you guys in on the good news....

Tonight I made a few more modifications to the grow dresser like adding reflective insulation to the floor and lower walls of the flower room to keep it warm. Soon I'm going to swap out the current 6" feather fan with an 80 mm PC fan but not until the temps drop a little more. So far the thermostatically controlled mini heater is working well keeping the flower room nice and warm when the lights are off (about 65 degrees with outside temps at 30.) I haven't added the third light to the veg chamber because right now two lights are keeping the veg room at perfect temperature. The addition of the third bulb to the veg chamber will also help keep the flower room warm since it's right next to it. I'm really starting to feel that I'll be able to pull this off the entire winter.

On another note I harvested my first indoor plant ever tonight:jump:. It was the Generation 1 plant and it was on 12/12 for around 11 weeks in total. It weighed out to around 9 grams wet so I'm guessing it will be around 3 grams dry. That's enough to last me for 2 weeks so I'm pretty satisfied with my first harvest.

I left the lower three internode buds and moved the freshly cut bud-sicle to the veg room for a reveg. I also have 4 plants in veg that are about 16 days old; I'm gonna veg them until I can sex them utilizing the super cropping technique to promote branching and then flower them in one gallon pots. I figured that it would be easier to get 6 one gallon bucket close to the light than it is to get 20 16 oz cups. So I'm gonna try out one gallon pots and stagger them every 14 days.

The next batch is starting to pack on some weight also. I think most of the plants in Generation 2 will weigh similar to the first gen but I'm estimating the topped plant will be a little more. They should be ready in another two or three weeks so we'll see then.

I will post pics in another couple days. I forgot to bring the camera out to take pictures of harvest night :bashhead:


Nice growing. you inspired me to try some 12/12 from seed. They are only a little less then 2 weeks old right now but they don't seem to be growing nearly as good as yours. I do have some work to be done as far as soil and ferts tho. I'm still a newbie with low funds so kind of taking it slow. Keep up the good work.


Thanks hukkahtokes. Sorry I haven't been posting pictures lately or updating but hopefully tonight I'll be able to make on huge mega update and let you guys know whats goin on in the old stealth dresser.

As of right now I'd have to say that, from my experience, it's better to veg the seeds out for a little longer rather than go straight from seed at least with CFLs. The reason I started so many from seed is because I was searching for good genetics. I just so happened to be lucky enough that my first 2 plants turned out to be very potent.

In the future I would do it the same way but now that I have some mother plants I think I'm gonna switch my style a little bit. I also don't have the best space for a 12/12 from seed because there's not enough light penetration with 15 plantlets in there.

Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures tonight and then I'll give you guys the rundown on some of the changes I plan on making in the next few weeks to this system. As of right now I have a total of 12 plants that are female and I've harvested a total of 2 plantlets with an added weight of about 6 grams. Not too bad but not too great either. Fortunately the bud from the first plant harvested is awesome, I've test smoked a little over the two weeks it's been curing and it's extremely potent (one hit from the bubbler bong and your done) it also tastes great and it has some nice purple hues to it.

Enough rambling though, pictures for all to see in around 5 hours hopefully.


Ok so Ill let the pictures do the talkin'. I didn't take photos of each individual generation because I was rushed.

Here's the flower cab all filled up I have a total of 11 plants in there right now. Most are female only 1 or 2 haven't shown sex yet. Most of the plants are growing at the same rate as each other. I have 2 plants in there that have double king nugs and their growth has really taken off since i placed them 1" below the light.:

Here's what came off my first plant harvested. I left a lot of the smaller leaves because they were loaded in trichs:

And here's what we got going in the veg chamber. The reveg plant has been in there for only a few weeks and it's starting to show some funky new reveg growth. I have 4 plants that have been in veg for about 4 weeks. Waiting till they show some preflowers then I'm going to transplant to a 2.7 liter container and start them on flowering. The clones are doing pretty good. For some reason my mother plant just stopped growing so I threw it out. Luckily I have 4 clones left from her, 2 of which have already rooted. I'm going to veg out one of the clones for a few weeks and then I will flower it in the 2.7 liter pots I was talking about before. I can't wait until all the beer cup plants are out of the flower chamber so I can grow right with longer veg and bigger pots and proper clones.

So that's about everything for now. Comments and questions please:joint:


So just the other day (11/6/09) I transplanted the youngest female I had in the flower chamber from a 20 oz beer cup to a 2.7 liter pot. It'll be interesting to see how much the yield will be affected by the pot size since the transplant is a 12/12 from seed. I also transplanted the stongest looking plant from the veg chamber into the flowering chamber (in a 2.7 liter pot.) Both the plants have been tied down to stimulate branching and the one that was from the veg chamber is still recovering a little bit from the suppercropping.

I harvested 2 more plants which totaled 5 grams. Unfortunately none of my plants have yielded as well as my first gen plant but that's why I have the first gen plant revegging right now.

While we're on reveging: when should I trim the roots? The plant is obviously already pretty rootbound from flowering for 80 days in a beer cup but if I trim the roots before it starts to show actual vegetative growth will this hurt the plant??

Also climate control has been a little tricky with such small pots. The heater does an excellent job of keeping the flower chamber nice and warm but the small size of the beer cup pots make it so that the plants dry out extra quick if you forget to water them for a few days. Hopefully this issue will be resolved when I switch over to having all 2.7 liter pots. Then I might only need to water once a week hopefully!!


Question: What do you guys think about taking the lights in the flower room and mounting them vertically? The light sockets are all wired and nailed onto a board that I then nailed onto the back of the cab so it would be easy to do. But if I turned my bulbs vertically so they were hanging downward I'd be able to use 100% of the light and put the hottest part of the bulb (the ballast) at the top of my cabinet. Keep in mind that my growing style is evolving in that I plan to have 6 plants in bigger pots rather than 20 plants in beer cups. This means that if the lights were vertical than I'd be able to train the plants to grow around the bulbs.


Hey mg00c! Really feeling inspired by your grow. I am going to be using the same wattage for flower, I'm using half for veg a the moment. The buds look delicious. I get so thrilled to see people growing dank with those cfls!

I can tell you from my little veggers that they really seemed to like the light from the tip of those bulbs. Maybe I'm crazy, but it seemed like I saw a big growth spurt when I changed the angle from horizontal to a diagonal angle.

Anywho, I'll be keeping tabs on this grow...I'm excited to see how the ladies turn out.

By the way, ever thought of even maybe going LST with some of those little devils? I'm wondering if a couple weeks of veg/training extra could add hella bud sites and it seems like it'd be easier than SCROGgin. Then again, I've never worked much with either, so I might be totally full of shit. It also seems like you don't go through a mountain of bud every week, which is groovy, so you might not need to worry about it as much.

Anyhow, keep it rollin' man!

P.S. How did you wire your fans??
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You know grouchy I always thought that too. I've seen multiple people cite the ballast as the hottest part of cfls on these forms so I just came to think that. I don't have one of those nifty infrared thermometers so I wouldn't actually know. But regardless heat is not an issue right now and won't be for another 5 months or so and even when it is summer time I think my 6 inch fan will be able to keep temperatures down.

So if heat weren't an issue what would you guys think about a vertical or even diagonal position of the bulbs?


Thanks basspirate I'm glad I could be a source of reference. When I started out I couldn't find any 12/12 from seed with cfl grows here on Icmag. Since I've done my own experimenting I think I can see why. Honestly I wouldn't recommend putting any indica under two weeks old into flowering especially if you're planning on putting them into beercups. The plant just doesn't have enough energy and time (if going straight into flowering) to put out huge nugs if you're using cfls. Now, had I used clones I think it would be a totally different experience.

I'm in the process right now of experimenting with some lst. I have 2 plants in the flowering room one is a confirmed female that was transplanted from a preexisting beer cup that was in flowering (12/12 from seed.) The other is an unknown gender that has been vegging for around 3 or 4 weeks. I can just say that I know these plants will turn out better than my previous ones. It's much easier to get 6 plants close to the light rather than 20 and the branching that I'm seeing from the plants so early on tells me that I'm gonna have some nice budspots on these larger plants.

The fans were wired to a 12 volt cellphone charger. If you're fan is rated at 12v you can use any dc converter below 12v. You can also wire more than one fan to a single dc converter but it will slow them down (not always a bad thing -- it helps with noise) It is very easy to wire them. Black wire to black wire and red wire to the black wire with white stripes on it (in my case.) You can post pictures or pm me if you need any help. Also you should give scrubninjas tutorial a peep.... very very useful

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