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Got robbed, im out ...


love machine
ICMag Donor
It sounds like they were there for quite a while doing all of that.....

Who knew where you were going to be gone today? Someone knew you were going to be gone for a while. And in broad daylight. Not likely to be someone that you don't know.......

2 hours, i left early in the morning for exercises and came back 2 hours later, i found rear doors and front are bust, they came in from the back and leave from the front, i had steels doors and dead bolts both front and back and regular doors, i had a front steel front gate to the yard and yeah that was bust too, seem like they backed the truck in ....

these guys are pros, they leave very little trace, they went for all the valuable stuffs, that 2 hours changed my life ,,,,



dude dont trust the girl at all...my friend was dating this chick..when she found out he was cheating, she had her friends break into my boys house and steal a LB of dried buds. at least thats what we suspect because she was the only one who knew.

girls are scandalous as fuck, and they usually have a twisted cousin and his friends to go pull licks.

fuck finding a job..FIND THOSE RIPPERS AND DESTROY THEM. if i ever caught wind of anyone breaking into my spot its done for them if i catch them...DONE...either pay up or im dumping them into the bay.

were your safes bolted to the ground or wall? what kind of security did your back door have. and what city do you live in? rack your brain to think who could have done this.

if i was to get robbed right now..i would already have a list of 2-3 suspects....you gotta plan ahead in case you are gonna get ripped. also...a small GPS located in your safe works wonders for catching a ripper...since they cant open it right away, they gotta spend some time drilling into it...enough time to grab the throwaway and a friend and go pay them a visit.

good luck man...find those rippers and make them pay.
,,,damn bro thats like my excact same post i made on page three,,, girls in the bay are ESPECIALLY SCANDOLOUS,,, dont u agree...


I just can't quite understand how, if no one except your lady friend knows where you live, yet these guys came totally prepaired for the job and wiped you out without arising suspicion of neighboors....I would say somthins fishy in your bowl of spagheti there Red


Now in technicolor
Red, sorry to hear this... stay positive, you'll pull through.

There's computer software that will snap pics of the perp if he turns your machine on and connects to the net, if the machine is flagged (which you do after a robbery.) I use one for my mac but I don't know how effective it is in practice.

I'd definitely be wary of your GF at this point. Don't accuse her of anything but ask questions. Girls tell each other things. My wife told some of her friends about my little hobby when she was pissed at me once.


Shit man!
Bad luck for wrong person!!

Hope you get your shit together bro.. And find an income!!!

Good luck man!! Superduper positive vibes!!!!


Active member
The way I read is he still has his op. He lost all his valuable possessions and the money he had put away to pay for his operation until it was ready to harvest.

Y'all who only have one source of income need to learn to start keeping resources in spots away from your home. Keeping money where you grow and/or sell is not a good idea. Even if you have great security and the rippers can't get ya, if the cops come in and seize your money you are fucked. Keep only a few thousand extra stashed around the house and the rest elsewhere.


Active member
hey just curious what kind of safe was it? was it a big gun safe or a small cheapo walmart safe.....didnt know people could just "pry" safes open wtf.

Y'all who only have one source of income need to learn to start keeping resources in spots away from your home. Keeping money where you grow and/or sell is not a good idea. Even if you have great security and the rippers can't get ya, if the cops come in and seize your money you are fucked. Keep only a few thousand extra stashed around the house and the rest elsewhere.

great advice here....i had all my eggs in one basket but i finally wised up and stashed a nice amount of backup funds at a secret location..


love machine
ICMag Donor
THanks guys,

I found it quite strange too but it already happened, live and learn from it.


Its one of those old safe with combination to open, its made from 1995, its big and heavy, weight about 500 lbs itself.

I wish i could take some pics for you guys with the mess, but that would really be throwing my identification out there....

Well its all over, its a new day,, time to get a new job .... :)



Active member
a 500 LB safe that got "pryed open"...was it from a reputable brand? i sure hope my safe isnt that easy to pry. a 500 lb safe is good because the theives cant carry it out unless they have a dolly or some shit....but it sure as hell should be able to open. you should contact the manufactor about that and raise a stink...what brand was it???

im using a 10 rack gun safe bolted into the wall with an electric combination lock...sometimes i wonder how easy it is to hack or get open...what i saw on It Takes a Thief was that they usually just take the whole safe and then use a powersaw or someshit to cut through it later...
I know this is not an inside job, thanks for the suspicions bro,

they crack the safe with a cpl fry bars, i think there were like 2 or 3 guys, there is no way 1 person can crack that thing and clean my stuff with in the hours, it would've taken them sometime to get in then try to crack it....

And if it was an inside job, my girl has all the security code, she has all the keys .. her stuffs are gone too

I live a pretty mellow and loving life, i dont have any "beef" with anyone, i dont hate anyone and i couldnt think of a soul whos hates me..... I never cross anyone before and no one knows where i live

They've been watching me since the day i moved in, they know when i leave and when i come home,,,,, thats all i could think of

thanks again !

Oh MY God, you just said "fry bars", that is just too cute.


This is why safes should be hidden well. This means not putting it in the closest of your master bedroom and instead hiding it in a place where thieves will not bother looking such as under the bathroom sink if its a small one or hide it from plain view with some crafty furniture. Many of us go through great length to blend grows that have air movement, light, smell, equipment noise ect. if we can hide all that, you can easily hide a quiet little safe.


*Stoned User*
Sorry to hear this man. POS thieves! :nono:
Some thieves broke into my house too so I know how violated you feel. But theres always another day and luckily nobody was injured. This could have turned out a lot worse.

How about your neighbors? Are they very close to your residence? Seems odd that nobody heard the breaking in of a steel door. Those things are loud and difficult to break into. Maybe the neighbors were out but Id bet someone heard/saw something. I would check with them to see if they have any info,,, person/vehicle description. But if you do find the people responsible be smart and dont catch a charge in the name of revenge.

I wish you the best of luck an dhope you make it back to the game. Youve got a lot of growing skills and it would be a shame to not utilize them. Good luck and peace. :ying:


A foot without a sock...
This is why safes should be hidden well. This means not putting it in the closest of your master bedroom and instead hiding it in a place where thieves will not bother looking such as under the bathroom sink if its a small one or hide it from plain view with some crafty furniture. Many of us go through great length to blend grows that have air movement, light, smell, equipment noise ect. if we can hide all that, you can easily hide a quiet little safe.

Mine came with four(4) anchor bolts that are meant to be attached to concrete.


Fucker ain't goin' nowhere

Best of luck Red :wave:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
just to let you guys know if you guys google safe cracking alot of these "safes" can be drop or turned over a certain way and they unlock... i got a friend that was into it for a while and it was stupid how E Z the "safes" were to break into.


Mine came with four(4) anchor bolts that are meant to be attached to concrete.

Fucker ain't goin' nowhere

Best of luck Red :wave:

lol same with mine, I was just trying to give small safe users some hints. I've seen too many times where people buy those tiny safes and just place them in their bedroom closet without ever bolting them down. Its only 80LBS or so... nothing a healthy young adult couldn't manage on their own.

I took one of those safes you can buy at any home depot and filled it with cement. lol I use it as a decoy so my real vaulables aren't taken. They are better hidden than just some safe behind a door. :D hehe When people see it and make a comment, I just say thats where I keep my gold bullion.