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Got Cat?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
i never liked pitbulls and cats ! then one day i rescued a pit mix and got
him a cat, one of the best things i have ever done

Thanks for all the tips everyone !


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right on! back in '85/'86 while living in Yonkers I had a rottie (Schatzee von Rumplemintz III), she was a big girl but a baby who had separation anxiety issues once we all (3 roommates) left for work every day.

Somebody suggested we buy her a cat for company which made us all laugh, we figured it would be dead the first day but we bought her a black kitten (Mr. Fensterblau) anyway, of course they became the best of friends for life.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
we took a stray in about 8mos. ago--she weighed 4lbs , was declawed and starving--named her mainge, appropriately--
damn cat has kitty herpes--no shit--constant sneezing and upper respiratory infections--i follow that cat with clorox wipes, pia!

anyway, she's cute and the other cats and dog like her so we're stuck with a herpes infected cat-- guess even in the kitty world being a ho can lead to std's--