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Gorilla Glue 5.0

I don't know the guy personally but when I was asking around for the Gorilla Glue, a buddy of mine told me about the guy who said all that bullshit about the contracts.
I asked if he was sure it was the real deal and he said, "Yeah, it's the #5"...then I corrected him saying that the real deal is the #4, what the fuck is the #5?! He said it grows bigger and stacks closer than the #4.. I assumed it was a bag seed or an S1 but I guess the dude says he's got a farm in Cali so perhaps he may be someone who just gets around...then I found this thread about GG 5.0.
I'll ask my buddy who it is cus you ARE the GG#4 creator :biggrin:, but I don't name drop on forums so I'll PM ya when I get that capability, just gotta post a bit more.

@SirSmokealot I know right? It's like...let's say someone does sign it just to get the cut..then, okay...even if I don't give you the crop, how do you really think that contract will stand up in court? :cuss: Considering that it isn't even real, it makes you wonder how big some of these guys' egos can get with a bit of success.

Other than that, that GG 5.0 looks sexy. :tiphat:

Sounds like a dirty s.o.b when you say the contract is he gets the whole crop ,does that mean he gets the first crop as payment for the clones ? Or that your under contract to sell him the whole crop x many times ,either way sounds like a real sheister


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Sounds like a dirty s.o.b when you say the contract is he gets the whole crop ,does that mean he gets the first crop as payment for the clones ? Or that your under contract to sell him the whole crop x many times ,either way sounds like a real sheister

Don't feed the Sharks Feed the whales
Gorilla Glue


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If you read the entire thread greenpanther most that have grown her says there both great,4 seems to have a more complex smell than 5 but both supposed ta be fire..I kni 4 is cause I've got her and smoked her,can't wait ta see bout 5!!!


Active member
Gorilla Glue #5 has hit the east coast well not quite the east coast but close..the Ohio valley!!! That how we roll!!can't wait ta get this girl up and running!!! Can't wait to taste and smell the fire!!! Just tha 3 in tha middle are tha gg#5 the others are different strains..
you have a fake gg5, I don't know who you got it from but its not gg5


ICMag Donor
Doesn't seem like she has roots yet. The new growth shoots are showing some browning from having too much moisture and will likely rot or give way to mold.

There is a part of me that would like to think you have jinxed yourself by making this post. (not that I generally would ever wish failure on anyone) If you know you weren't supposed to have it, then why even post about it at all. Why come online just to stir things up?!?!

Yea that happens sometimes when they make the 3000 mile trip but they usually pull out and do fine once there roots take hold ..


No disrespect to you Josey but she is the #5..everyone's not good on there word of not giving cuts out when there not suppose to...I'm not gonna bust anyone's head on here but it's #5 and I can prove it to you....although I'm not really into causing hard feelings between ppl..and im not gonna publicly put someone out there like that..I probably shouldn't have posted her cause I dnt wanna be responsible for hard feelings between ppl..and I'm sure that's exactly what this is gonna start..

well you have pretty much outed the person who gave it to you, glad to see people's word still means something. :shucks:


ICMag Donor
well you have pretty much outed the person who gave it to you, glad to see people's word still means something. :shucks:

Right. Kind of my thoughts as well.

I mean...a simple process of elimination will make it obvious - eventually.

For this exact reason, I refuse to put "restrictions" on any cut. My mentors never did and I try to follow in their footsteps. F.U.C.K.E.M.

But seriously, if I was in the position JW was...when reflecting upon how the GG#4 legacy played out, I'd be putting a trademark on everything too. Handing out gold mines to people - asking nothing in return but decency - and then to find my freedom compromised.

Yeah, I'd be singing the f' everyone tune too after that scenario.

If you weren't gifted the GG#5 by the man himself - if you are a decent human being and not a cancer upon society...then you should BURN THAT CUT.

I learned back in 2011 with that fresh off the boat Forum Cookies cut - if you aren't supposed to have it and you end up with it - you get broad mites. ROFLMAO. :laughing:

I didn't negotiate or anything else, I just ended up with it. At the same time though...I ended up with a plague that wiped out my entire mother collection and every male I had held for years. I lost more than I care to even remember.

There is a time and place for everything. If you try to rush that, I'll be the first to tell you, whether you think you deserve it or not, you got it coming...:moon:

Any ICmagger of integrity would burn that cut. Not because they are superstitious...but because they value and respect the industry enough to know where the boundaries are.

After ALL that JW did for this community...the GG#4 thread has views into the MILLIONS...literally. He never asked anything of those that were handed a clone that literally changed the game for thousands of people...and nothing was asked of them other than to be good human beings...

Having GG#5 when you aren't supposed to...and then bragging about it on the internet under the quasi bull sh*t statement of "I mean no offense" ....

Where I come from - that'd get you stomped into a puddle. If you didn't know what respect was - you'd certainly have a better idea of it when you woke up.

I really hate to make something of what may be nothing, but it seems like everyone else is taking the soft approach on this matter...which means if I have to be the ass hole, well, it wouldn't be the first time.

DaddysDank - I don't know you at all really - but do the right thing. Trash that cut. Either way, you've established who and what you are under your tag. You better hope GG#5 is your GRAIL and all you ever want to smoke - otherwise, you better have lots of room to sort seed. NO ONE who respects JW, will give you piss after this. (and in our world, sometimes a good clean piss makes all the difference... :biggrin:)

I really shouldn't have to beg someone to have decency and to show respect to an amazing member of this community who has already done so much...but really, this whole scenario rubs me the wrong way. I've really tried to let it go and not stick my nose where it doesn't belong. I have character flaws that I try to work on...and what I think doesn't always matter and sometimes it's better just to keep my mouth shut...

But honestly, I'm baffled that no one else is speaking out on this matter...and all that leads me to think is DD's PM box must be blowing up.

IF THAT IS THE CASE...then this community IS dead. It is a farce. There is very little I believe in - the mission of this site is one of them - the GOODNESS of people here, united by a common goal, is something I still believe in.


Your post - it breaks something in me I didn't think could even be chipped. Really, sincerely, truly...from the bottom of my heart - you are in the wrong. If JW didn't give you that cut, you have no business having it.

There is nothing in this world worth sacrificing your integrity over. I know. I'm old enough to reflect upon some of my own decisions and am able to make such a statement with some remorse and with some heavy regrets.

You don't want to take one more step down the path you are heading...you'll live long enough to regret it. You won't like what you see in the mirror...and no imaginary green dots are worth it.

Cuts are cuts, share it and have fun when other peoples also have fun at your creation. If you are in the position as breeder who makes his business with it i don't understand because that gg#5 cut leaves your room. If you aren't, where's the problem? Sell it to the nurserys befor some on make it and all is god bro. Just keep chilling, where are all strain/cuthunters and whant to grow and smoke the best tasty frosty weed.

Keep loving each other

Daddydank just keep chillin and give a .... . It is only a cut, maybe someone hasen't and whant it.. grow it and have some fun whit it.

Your a god guy dont put you into an rage because someone nervs you. We are growers or not? So why you don't allow it to him?


ICMag Donor
It's easy to let your temper flare up and be butt hurt when someone calls you out...

But honestly, if we were sitting across the table from one another and you could HEAR my tone of voice and look me in the eyes...I honestly think it'd be impossible for you to be upset or offended.

My intent is not to attack you or belittle you. My intent is to appeal to what I like to believe exists in every human being...especially those that grow this amazing plant.

As a group of individuals that are labeled by society as a counter culture...we should be able to see beyond the scope of capitalism and the goals of a society whose desire and function is to contain us and make the round peg fit into the square hole.

My post was not so much about condemning you - as much as it was about appealing to the CANNABIS ENTHUSIAST within you.

We are all connected by this plant...it saved my life. I know many who would claim the same. I love these people. We bleed the same. We exist in the same facet of society that tends to be overlooked and marginalized or even worse - demonized.

I'm not trying to burn you or belittle you.

I'm attempting to appeal to the cannabis lover inside of you. Two wrongs never make it right.

Don't do this...maaaaaannnn. :joint:
