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Gorilla Glue #4

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Oh had a similar situation one time, what I did was garbage bag each one individually and seal tie the top as best I could. Then aired the place out before showtime. Had thrm boxed and taped the boxes kinda like u were talkin about shoved in the corner. Good idea is to cook before they come, slow roast pork is good.


$$ ALONE $$
The rental truck is actually free. I got a great connection for free rentals.
Im leaning on the safe side. Ide just hate to give them an hour of darkness mid cycle.
My first Glue run and I dont want to stress them out.
They are on a 17/7 light schedule now. 1 hour more of darkness may not hurt them too much. When the lamps come on, Ill take them out the room, put them into the truck, and get to the gettin'. Its abit of stress but hopefully nothing that will cauze nanners.

The lanlord is coming after 5pm so....cooking....that may work. No stress while driving. Thats huge.
I just may bag each one. Put a wall of boxes in front of them with a tarp over everything, so if she lifts the tarp its just boxes.
Then Ill cook a pizza or something. The PITA is the fact that I gotta set up the entire thing from scratch again.
Had to rip down every window covering and all traces of anything grow related in the veg and flower room.

Maybe Ill set it back up with my light mover so I can harvest about .25 gpw more. :biggrin:


a bag of popcorn popped until it burns will stink up the whole house for quite some time.
i use this trick at hotels


Just Say Grow
go to home depot and buy 24 boxes(there like $1 a pop), put a plant in each one and stack em in the garage...or move em into a uhaul temporarily, veg light cycle fluctuations don't hurt like flowering cycle fluctuations fwiw there is a hormone the plant only produces in the darkness and until those levels build up to a high enough concentration to induce flowering there is really no harm as the plant won't be trying to put itself into flower.

if you do decide to leave em at the pad, cook bacon...like a couple pounds you will be covering up smell and at the same time you will be reminding your landlord how hungry he is and how he should wrap up the inspection asap and go get his grub on....you mentioned he wanted to come right around dinner time so i'd be somewhat inclined to think the dude doesn't really plan on sticking around for too long...most of the rental inspections I've had to do in the past involve mostly just a new air filter on the a/c and heater

I've had to move my 4kw garden 3x in the last year..I've kinda got it down at this point unfortunately...re-building is just a part of it...no choice but to charge it to the game.


Active member
go to home depot and buy 24 boxes(there like $1 a pop), put a plant in each one and stack em in the garage...or move em into a uhaul temporarily, veg light cycle fluctuations don't hurt like flowering cycle fluctuations fwiw there is a hormone the plant only produces in the darkness and until those levels build up to a high enough concentration to induce flowering there is really no harm as the plant won't be trying to put itself into flower.

if you do decide to leave em at the pad, cook bacon...like a couple pounds you will be covering up smell and at the same time you will be reminding your landlord how hungry he is and how he should wrap up the inspection asap and go get his grub on....you mentioned he wanted to come right around dinner time so i'd be somewhat inclined to think the dude doesn't really plan on sticking around for too long...most of the rental inspections I've had to do in the past involve mostly just a new air filter on the a/c and heater

I've had to move my 4kw garden 3x in the last year..I've kinda got it down at this point unfortunately...re-building is just a part of it...no choice but to charge it to the game.
i 2nd the bacon.....great camouflage..dj


classy grass
How bout some Glue


they fatten up quick OVO ... heres a progression of 19 days time from day 19 to day 38

day 38

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heres day 27 ....

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& 19 days

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Day 25

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Oh, here's day 18 for ya.

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they fatten up quick OVO ... heres a progression of 19 days time from day 19 to day 38

day 38

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heres day 27 ....

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& 19 days

View Image

Perfect thank you guys. I was worried she was lagging behind a little bit, but mine looks exactly on par with yours. She just takes a couple weeks to kick into gear, but once she does it looks like she really takes off.

On another note, you guys using 10ml/g+ of CalMag with RO are nuts! I use 0ppm RO and have yet to break 2ml/g with the GG4 and I show no deficiencies at all. Maybe because I start them early on it? Who knows, but 10ml/g+ is over .8EC just in CAMG, crazy peeps.

*EDIT* Also, this is what I've been using. I start with 0PPM RO. I vegged in 3g buckets for 30 days and the GG4 were between 30"-35". After flip they are 54"-60":

Flower week 0-6:
8ml/g MB Bloom A
8ml/g MB Bloom B
2ml/g CAMG
2ml/g Silica Blast
3ml/g Aquashield

Flower week 2-4
8ml/g AD Big Bud

Flower week 5-6
8ml/g AD Overdrive

Also, for you people complaining about lanky/unsupportive/brittle branches. Supplement some Silica Blast. My branches on the GG4 are stiff as a board, seriously.


Active member
Perfect thank you guys. I was worried she was lagging behind a little bit, but mine looks exactly on par with yours. She just takes a couple weeks to kick into gear, but once she does it looks like she really takes off.

On another note, you guys using 10ml/g+ of CalMag with RO are nuts! I use 0ppm RO and have yet to break 2ml/g with the GG4 and I show no deficiencies at all. Maybe because I start them early on it? Who knows, but 10ml/g+ is over .8EC just in CAMG, crazy peeps.

*EDIT* Also, this is what I've been using. I start with 0PPM RO. I vegged in 3g buckets for 30 days and the GG4 were between 30"-35". After flip they are 54"-60":

Flower week 0-6:
8ml/g MB Bloom A
8ml/g MB Bloom B
2ml/g CAMG
2ml/g Silica Blast
3ml/g Aquashield

Flower week 2-4
8ml/g AD Big Bud

Flower week 5-6
8ml/g AD Overdrive

Also, for you people complaining about lanky/unsupportive/brittle branches. Supplement some Silica Blast. My branches on the GG4 are stiff as a board, seriously.

What kind of number you hitting with that veg time, and finish height?

silica blast is good in soil...... aptus silica product is the shit in hydro/coco...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
lol wait until you finish a round,almost all the people who have been growing gg for a spell now all use a silica product of some sort,you'll get your fair share of floppage at the end i bet,gorilla glue doesnt really kick into overdrive until like week 7....so just you wait,you'll be wishing you had put more stakes in!

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
Silicas been in my garden from the beginning.

Does anyone still have the floppy stems while using silica?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I use it as well. I have not needed to buy it. Everytime I'm at the grow store they have sample bottles. I have Mad Farmer Silica and Europomic Silicafe. I'm using the Mad Farmer now. Will try the other when MF is gone..


AI Glitch
I like FF's Sledgehammer now - 10% saponin. +ACT. My soil was burnt. Sledgehammer/ACT was fire. Soil was burnt. Next soil is coco/perlite/GObox. Or moss/coco/perlite/GObox. + Defoliation. NUGSLIKEWTF#


AI Glitch

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