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Gorilla Glue #4

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Well-known member
All I know is I cant wait to cross gg to some of my males to play with the fire.. and I am super glad a bunch of my friends here think as I do. Glue is a straight revolution, what JW did was a blessing and I will always be grateful that the grapevine saw fit to bless me as well. I want to see the future seed co's that spawn from this creation cause a similar revolution in the seed biz. We get 1000s of seed off each decent sized plant that is pollinated, what then stopped $35 seed packs from being the norm? Greed. We have the genetics that the masses are chomping at, lets all remember that the blessing was free to us.


Active member
Gorilla glue just hit the flower tent! Pulled 3 cuts off her the other day and they are still standing tall so figured throw momma in and finish her off before it's to hot.

I am hoping to grab atleast 30 cuts off the 3 clones before June 1st. I wanna see how she does in the great outdoors on the East Coast.. Will definitley be keeping 1 or 2 cuts indoors for safe keeping and mothers.

Man if I was to mono the glue I don't think I would be able to flower plants fast enough to keep up with these things in veg.
Seems like they're doing the right thing, after people chimed in to back up Josey Whales and his intentions..


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Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
It's good to reed that they will not pass it. Josey tried to spread it with out stepping on his dick. There may be no honer among thieves but at least pot heads try. It would really suck monkey balls if jw couldn't grow his own find with out fear of repercussion.


Active member
well sunset has my blessings to do what he see's fit with the seeds, I am just working at home testing some I made, if they are worthy sunset will be marketing them, I did give him some s1's and ggm x pow to sell. all were good healthy seeds , that will be the last of seeds made by me, just don't have the space for breeding


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor

they are just gonna call it something else....

which is just the way things go.

someone will get wind of what the "house" cut is and the cat will be out of the bag.
my crystal ball rarely misleads in these matters...
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Active member

they are just gonna call it something else....

which is just the way things go.

someone will get wind of what the "house" cut is and the cat will be out of the bag.
my crystal ball rarely misleads in these matters...

yep, no way it will be kept out of there hands now, the shit I have been hearing today totally amazes me, people using my name to sell fake cuts , using unc's name also. scruples ?? wtf are scruples?


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
coat tail riders!!!!
ive been there and done that, Grizz

fuckers were supposed to do one thing but then thought theyd go be robin hood and save the world... nice

only ourselves

honesty is obviously not a rampant trait shared equally by all. some people's glasses are full, some are half full, and some just don't have any.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
I have said that many times, the chem s also came from him as a gift to me, I always give credit to those that deserve it

cant take credit for gifts
I'll take the friendship though
even though im a shitty friend most of the time hahahaha
super shitty...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Good friends will tell ea other things they might not want to here. IMO that's a good quality to have.
While we're on the subject how does the glue stack up to the sour dubble itself? I've been able to get my paws on some masterfully grown sour dubble nugs lately and it's now in my top 3. I'd LOVE to own a mother of the dubble on it's own.


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Active member
Don't wanna bust your dubble but did you pay for all that leaf to?? Lol

Maybe master grown but definitely not master trimmed.

Edit: guess it's not all that bad of a trim job. I just am picky and like every leaf off my bud.


Active member
Ya it is so is yours! Being I have been in this thread since day 1. LOL

Also it was more of a joke than anything.

Wasn't dissing on the dude really just kinda making fun of what they sell at clubs or on the street. That's why I grow my own because I trim it so there is no leaf on the bud. I feel leaf makes it harsh to smoke.

But like I said it was more of a joke.
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