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Gorilla Glue#4 my L.A. cup cut.


Thanks lyryC !
my scissor fingers are gettin itchy this is my last week of flush!
Im curious to see my numbers on this run.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Before you make claims of this sort - please provide VALID current - up-to-date TRUE information PROVING such OUTRAGEOUS CLAIMS!

Never heard of duds. If anything you sound like a dud.

some times not everything is perfect buddy.

I grew some vintage 2006 - seed plant with the worst vigor - bud development - and frost - good smell. Now with what you are saying - I have a dud. It was weak all around. Now was that because of me or the plant?

Id say me. cause I grew out 2 clones off that bitch and fuck me i wish i kept one of those clones cause that shit was BOMB! totally different plant - 2x stretch - FAT buds - great smell - deep colors... But if I thought like you and tossed it probably in flower... i would of never had that great experience I did later on and savor/miss.

Stoneyk - Shit looks dank! Don't sweat the 1 un-happy plant... can't kiss everyones ass!


just because you haven't heard of it means what exactly? The game is evolving and changing... most of you will not survive the thinning out process...

a Dud is not a weak plant... you have no idea WTF your talking about... many people with exp have come forward and already thrown in their 2cents...

Don't trip homie... DUD is coming to all of you soon... you can only overcome it by trashing all your genetics and starting over ..

good luck... once your shit is tainted... its an uphill battle the whole way....

Do some more research instead of acting like cheerleaders for cuts and you might have a leg to stand on...until then... I welcome the thinning out of all the whack ass growers ... its about time mother nature started using natural selection in the growing game...

:tiphat: BTW... DUD can be just one small branch on a whole plant.... but once you've seen it... unless your genetics are immune to it.... its just a ticking time bomb until all your shit goes into HEMP mode


New member
just because you haven't heard of it means what exactly? The game is evolving and changing... most of you will not survive the thinning out process...

a Dud is not a weak plant... you have no idea WTF your talking about... many people with exp have come forward and already thrown in their 2cents...

Don't trip homie... DUD is coming to all of you soon... you can only overcome it by trashing all your genetics and starting over ..

good luck... once your shit is tainted... its an uphill battle the whole way....

Do some more research instead of acting like cheerleaders for cuts and you might have a leg to stand on...until then... I welcome the thinning out of all the whack ass growers ... its about time mother nature started using natural selection in the growing game...

:tiphat: BTW... DUD can be just one small branch on a whole plant.... but once you've seen it... unless your genetics are immune to it.... its just a ticking time bomb until all your shit goes into HEMP mode

do you have any sources you can link to these claims?


Research what????
Google dud, dudding, marijuana, viral infection all of it.
I get nothing.
You offer no real information just El dudo off One pic...lol
Your theory is flawed your diagnostic process is really really flawed.
Just because I chose to responsibly diagnose a problem instead of believing some guy off the Internet who has seen a few pictures tell me what my plant is doing doesn't make me a cheerleader. Kinda the opposite I Wann know what's really wrong before I shoot my mouth off.
You assume a lot stormshadow and know little in this situation.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
StonkeyK... Your in Denial... You think just by typing DUD into google your going to find out whats wrong lol

Just keep making observations...over the next year or so... you'll become very familiar La DuD Familia... your gonna become much more aware of your problem...whether you want to or not....

Research of this nature is going to cost you a lot of time and $$$$$ .... Don't trip.... this is how you become a better grower... You'll go from amateur to Pro in no time ... or you'll hang up your cleats and call it a career ...

DUD=Plants that will no longer ever be the same... DUD will spread its cancer throughout your whole room and it can play hide n Go Seek... Just keep your logs active... you'll notice genetic drift soon too... especially on the Wifi's... Ohh weee your in for one hell of a ride dude


Again no real Info.
If your motivation is to help then give me some links to some kind of information.
If what your talking about is by dudding then it's not viral it's a toxin.
The only way that toxin spreads is if there were bm's doing more damage. There aren't.
If it is a virus then Which virus are you referring too?
You can take the time to keep talking crap but not to help?
Kindly step up or step out.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Not holding your hand in this one buddy... your a A+ grower...you've seen it all right...

Use your amazing skillz to find out whats wrong and report back to us .. Im not giving you any links...do your own research... be happy I told you your genetics and room are now tainted.. I was cool enough to give you a head start...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Storm shadow, this impending doom you are speaking of, is insane. First, I've had duds, I've even had them in the same flood tray with other 100% healthy plants. Nothing spread around. Were talking like 10+ strains unaffected in my stables. Dudding is real, but this isnt the movie "outbreak" and it doesnt spread through the air. Any time ive gotten a dud, it was one random cut i tried out. Once i decided she was worthless, id kill the mom and never see a problem. This idea that some air born marijuana cancer is going to show us which growers are "up to snuff" is just illegitimate. Now I'm sure you want to go ahead and call me uneducated and a novice, but, I'm far from a novice. Been at this a long time and ive seen and corrected most problems in this industry. Im pretty sure YOU dont know what youre talking about. Not to mention, if all this were true, your hopes for novice growers to be infected by this mystery disease is lame as hell. You want people to have this misfortune? Why? So you can be the metaphorical cream of the crop and piss all over the new growers? You enjoy saying i told you so that much? Maybe your skills aren't at par, and you need some growers to disappear for your product to look even mediocre. The "i know more than you" attitude with your unclear responses and nothing for reference destroys your credibility. Get that garbage outta here!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
i saw it spread crooked8
sorry to experience something different than you, but it migrated for sure.
i first thought it was tmv....

but either way, IT SPREAD
whether it was broad mites, or thru shared nutes ala flood feeding... it spread. one way or another.

just saying...


Ok you've done your good deed for the day then...
Wished all newbies disease an failure.
Pointed out a problem (supposedly)
But refuse to help or even submit any documents that would support your own claims.

So Go Away. I don't need your help I've tried to politely say as much SEVERAL times but you insist on having the last word every time getting more insulting an more arrogant every time.


Active member
We'll that's enough for me.... I respect greyskull I already tossed my two teens I was trying to hold onto a cut to throw outdoors to possibly increase vigor now that's getting trashed....what causes duds I don't know I think its BM toxins but whatever it is its scary your mothers catching that shit. Whatever it is it causes those weak branches and small fans isn't grower error I'm man enough to admit if I somehow screwed up a cut also its ignorant to claim grower error and say duds don't exist just because YOU haven't seen it you're just lucky IMO but if I'm sitting with a gifted healthy cut and see page after page of healthy glue plants I'd probably be skeptical as well....but to think 20+ Cali IC members all reporting the same symptoms from the same source is grower error is a bit dense.
After reading all 18 pages im guessing i have duds as well. I havent attempted to bloom out my la cuts due to my spot came down and had to be rebuilt because of inspections..I originally purchased 18 cuts for immediate planting from the cup. Half died driving them 40 minutes home lol. They wilted from not having roots..went back sunday to address the issue to no avail. Picked up sunsets diablo og while i was there. The 9 gg's that were rooted i put into 4 inch rockwool cubes where they started vegging for approx. 2 weeks before i gifted them to a friend for safe keeping while my situation worked itself out. There wasnt any fantastic vegging like ive read just seemed standard at best....fast forward to now....my buddy reports its a finicky plant. Strangly sad when others are thriving but bounces back when tended to...vegging huge regardless. Vigourous and these are indoor and some moms in greenhouse enviro. I took cuts from both indoor and greenhouse glues. All cuts rooting extremely slow. Here we are in week 5 and less than half are rooted. Fucking nuts one rooting per day! Never seen anything like it. Using same technique i cut sour d, gdp, a couple ogs and sunsets diablo og and they all rooted around 7-10 days. Since 10 of 40 gg rooted they went into rockwool 4's and are vegging decent right along with everything without showing stress? What do you think? How fucked am i? Lol


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Small leaves and tight nodes = bad news. My new glue cuts are insanely hearty and fast veggers. Also the plants themselves stink in veg!
We'll that's enough for me.... I respect greyskull I already tossed my two teens I was trying to hold onto a cut to throw outdoors to possibly increase vigor now that's getting trashed....what causes duds I don't know I think its BM toxins but whatever it is its scary your mothers catching that shit. Whatever it is it causes those weak branches and small fans isn't grower error I'm man enough to admit if I somehow screwed up a cut also its ignorant to claim grower error and say duds don't exist just because YOU haven't seen it you're just lucky IMO but if I'm sitting with a gifted healthy cut and see page after page of healthy glue plants I'd probably be skeptical as well....but to think 20+ Cali IC members all reporting the same symptoms from the same source is grower error is a bit dense.

True that.... Its not an isolated issue, many came out reporting the same problem with the cup cut.. including myself and 2 others i know that received a cut.

After reading all 18 pages im guessing i have duds as well. I havent attempted to bloom out my la cuts due to my spot came down and had to be rebuilt because of inspections..I originally purchased 18 cuts for immediate planting from the cup. Half died driving them 40 minutes home lol. They wilted from not having roots..went back sunday to address the issue to no avail. Picked up sunsets diablo og while i was there. The 9 gg's that were rooted i put into 4 inch rockwool cubes where they started vegging for approx. 2 weeks before i gifted them to a friend for safe keeping while my situation worked itself out. There wasnt any fantastic vegging like ive read just seemed standard at best....fast forward to now....my buddy reports its a finicky plant. Strangly sad when others are thriving but bounces back when tended to...vegging huge regardless. Vigourous and these are indoor and some moms in greenhouse enviro. I took cuts from both indoor and greenhouse glues. All cuts rooting extremely slow. Here we are in week 5 and less than half are rooted. Fucking nuts one rooting per day! Never seen anything like it. Using same technique i cut sour d, gdp, a couple ogs and sunsets diablo og and they all rooted around 7-10 days. Since 10 of 40 gg rooted they went into rockwool 4's and are vegging decent right along with everything without showing stress? What do you think? How fucked am i? Lol

I wouldn't even take the chance, toss em and get clean cuts.. The thing is you won't know for sure until you're half way into flower.. Plants can look perfectly heathy in veg and then it shows its ugly face..

Small leaves and tight nodes = bad news. My new glue cuts are insanely hearty and fast veggers. Also the plants themselves stink in veg!

Spot on... tell tale sign.. When my pre98 bubba out grew the cut I had, I knew it was time toss it then..
Storm Shadow knows whats going on, he's helped many out on the broad mite issue when most had no clue what it was... He's dropped hints here and there, but looks like he doesn't want to do all the legwork for others... So hope soon he'll give us a bit more insight on his discoveries.

Stoney: How's your second round of cuts doing that you flipped? Also can you take a few more bud shots of your recent glue? please...


