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Good News: No Jail Time for Heavens Stairway seed seller


A Montreal man who made a fortune selling marijuana seeds online won't be going to jail.

A judge has sentenced him to two years less a day to be served in the community.

Evidence in court showed that Richard Baghdadlian's online marijuana seed company was doing booming business. The venture called Heaven's Stairway made about 3.5 million dollars between 2000 and 2005. He pleaded guilty a year ago to charges of conspiracy to import and export marijuana seeds and inciting marijuana production.

His lawyer had argued that his client didn't know it was illegal to possess marijuana seeds, believed it was a legit venture, wasn't doing anything under the radar and should not get jail time.

Crown prosecutor François Blanchette says Baghdadlian knew exactly what he was doing when he broke the law and wanted him to serve five years behind bars.

"Because of the gravity of the infraction, the period for which it was committed, the profits that were made by Mr. Baghdadlian," Blanchette said.

Blanchette says they are considering an appeal.
I wasnt around back then but didnt this guy have the OG servers too?

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Active member
Yes, this was the guy who bought and ran Overgrow! He got off without jail time! Great news... :)

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Great RC! And the big question now is, when will the OG and CW servers be plugged back in?


It took 4 years to enter a guilty plea? Something seems odd about that.

I doubt OG will ever be back.


Active member
yeah i doubt OG will be back either. it was about stopping the flow of information. OG was the largest site on the internet with GOOD info about growing weed. this site is getting rather large too, i would be on the look out.


yeah i doubt OG will be back either. it was about stopping the flow of information. OG was the largest site on the internet with GOOD info about growing weed. this site is getting rather large too, i would be on the look out.

I thought the servers were in the Netherlands... I doubt the USA would ever be able to obtain the proper warrant to seize them.


Active member
last i heard to og servers were still intact and in the possession of friends and not the police :)

great news regardless if it comes back or not; rc put his ass on the line for all of us... just wish this whole ordeal didn't drag on for such a long time

but for selling so many seeds its really awesome that he's not going to jail

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
So why does this guy get off, yet that same Canadian government is going to extradite Marc Emery to rot in a US prison for the exact same offense? Someone please explain this to me.
So why does this guy get off, yet that same Canadian government is going to extradite Marc Emery to rot in a US prison for the exact same offense? Someone please explain this to me.

Emery was too political and made himself a bigger target w/ drug legalization talk - there's a quote from the US prosecutor saying as much.


GREAT NEWS! :jump:


Active member
Good news indeed. I've dearly missed HS since it closed, been wondering what happened to the guy. Glad to hear this!
talk about a long time no hear.........usually the longer you can draw out a Mj case and keep appealing and making it cost alot , much better for the defendants.

Wonder if he will get his gold bricks he had hidden in his basement back they took ~LOL

one can only dream ~ Still good for him

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