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golden tiger


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
:good: Real nice harvest there ThaiBliss, thanks for sharing them with us all :gday:
:smoke out:


Well-known member
Real nice harvest there ThaiBliss, thanks for sharing them with us all

Thanks for the rep. b00m. Nothing like rep from someone with over 9,000 posts!

Love Billy Blog's smoke report. I'm hoping I get something similar. Thanks for the link Rinse.

This strain is no slouch in the production department. Here is what the terminal bud looked like at 6 weeks in my cabinet. I had to bend it over so it would fit, but it's not too stretchy. I only had to bend one other branch.



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One More Post Today

I havested the rest of the Golden Tiger today at 2 days short of 14 weeks. This plant changes rapidly at the very end. Last week I could not find any amber resins, and now I'm seeing patches that are dominated by ambering.

Here are some photos. They are on a 5 gallon bucket lid for scale:

This one shows a patch of bud real estate that is starting to look over-ripe to me:

I had two plants in a square meter cabinet. There were two 400w lights, one was HPS and the other was MH. Very low levels of nutrients were used. The Golden Tiger shared this with a Bangi Haze, with the Bangi looking like it was the better producer. I'm venturing a guess of 6 to 8 ounces overall.


Now I have to wait 3 or 4 weeks before sampling.

Wishing for good weather for ya'll down under.

Nice work people. I am left with 4 females and 2 males after culling runts . These plants are truly amazing such vigour and hardness. They are about 3 weeks in at the moment been through hell and more. Will get some pics up very soon. Cheers all and hope you all enjoy your harvests.
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Active member
hey , love the thread and i know its an oldie but just got my ace golden tiger seeds for this year and would like to hear a bit more about it ..it gets extremely hot at times here , up to 47-48 dg most summers so am hoping they cope with that ...how doe's this stuff smoke , is it what's claimed ...i've also got , with the same order , some malawi beans which is the other half of GT ..has anyone in oz had experience with them ? like to hear about it ..cheers ..:tiphat:
Been hiding out a while. lol. The GT are truly huge plants when given the space and sunlight. Heads as long as my good leg are common. The high is full on sativa smile. Some days I smoke it and feel like like I'm on speed. Truly uplifting.the only thing I don't like about the GT is the smell. So I crossed it with my favourite strain the KK. Results have been mixed but impressive.


Active member
yeah thanks bushranger , really looking forward to spring so i can get these in the ground and to get to try them ..i've been smoking some pretty mediocre stuff for a few years , or i'm just getting used to my stuff ..either way , bring on autumn next year ...


Golden Tiger

Golden Tiger

F$cking Awsome plants. So vigorous and strong . I have some reg seeds to pop soon . And a fem GT amongst my Unknown ACE strains. The hard part is letting it cure long enough without smoking it.

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