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i guess i didnt expect this show to be the topic when i started the thread....but coool!

...sooooo lets see what zany mis-adventures our derelict heroes get into tonight...lol



Well-known member
yes, let us pray for our mis-adventuring stooges
if you saw the previews, you'll have an idea what's coming


Active member
watched the episode tonight...

these guys are really pathetic saps...

2.7 oz of gold in over 3 months of work???

you have got to be kidding me.

give me a shovel, and a pan, and 3 months by myself and i know i could give you more than 2.7 oz.

and who's idea was it to bring there families up there in the first place??? seriously?? i don't see guys working off the north slope, or crabbing fish, or ice road truckers in alaska bringing there families with them. if your runnin out of money that fast wouldnt it be wise to have sent them home before you went broke????

Guest 150314

I agree with what your trying to say but have you even panned for gold? I really doubt you could get close to an ounce a month with a pan and shovel in 3 months even if your out there everyday working your ass off.

I don't know much about gold panning but my buddies who do it say its rare to get more than a few points in a days work.


Well-known member
they aren't doing well, i don't like being rough on them
but the current episode shows why they are failing, they just have too much to learn
way too ambitious a plan for their experience level
they aren't doing well, i don't like being rough on them
but the current episode shows why they are failing, they just have too much to learn
way too ambitious a plan for their experience level

Agreed. They are lacking so much knowledge. They need like a budget mining consultant or something. :tiphat:


Active member
You can't go from playing park ball to trying to hit Tim Lincecum for a living and expect to succeed. Its like growing, start with 1k not 160k, gotta learning curve to climb, can't just superman that shit.


Well-known member
a bit of geology trivia, i guess there are a few of us geology wannabes here
there seems to be a substantial mismatch with predicted gold deposits and those actually found(in the history of gold mining)
the gist is, there is either a serious flaw of understanding in the gold deposition process, or there are a large number of very large deposits yet to be found


Active member
that dorsey guy is the biggest, whiniest, bitch i have ever seen. i understand the dude got himself into a bad situation, and he's got to look his wife and daughter in the eye... but, he can't handle pressure at all. he's constantly getting his butt hurt and flipping out... when he should just put his damn head down and work. guy snaps like a twig anytime pressure is brought his way.
don't get me wrong none of the other guys are to much better.

and they should of known to call it quits when they had that 15 year old boy showing 'em up. if that doesn't make you say to yourself "hey were in over our heads..." then your just a bunch of fools


Active member
, or there are a large number of very large deposits yet to be found

experts say that only 1% of the gold in alaska has been recovered.

i def. believe that!!!

...and alaska and yukon have been thru a cpl of gold rushes


Active member
i've heard of the known deposits in alaska most of them have already been claimed. that doesn't mean there aren't large deposits of gold elsewhere you just have to find them. i bet many of the known deposits still have large amounts of gold left too.
its also hard to stake a claim because 75% of the federal land in alaska is national parks, wildlife refugees, and other places that can't be mined, and if there are good areas on federal land they've already been claimed a long time ago. there are recreational gold mining areas within some of these parks but nothing you're going to get rich from.
not only that but any of the other claims are owned by mining clubs or commercial properties already. you'll have to do a lot of prospecting to find a good claim that you can actually mine.
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Active member
i tried panning once. worked for a few hours and just got a few flakes. decieded my back hurt too much and retired to my chair with a cold beer. i never did resume panning.


Active member
anyone been watching the new episodes?

the owner of the mining claim that is leasing the land to these guys made an unexpected trip to the mine.... and boy he was pissed the fuck off. i do not blame him his share is 20% and these guys haven't made shit for him. he didn't realize these guys were this inexperienced.

the only one out of all these guys has even mined is the old man with the shitty white beard and he did it back in the 70's. you know i used to frame houses but it doesn't mean i can start a construction company.

the owner of the claim has one of his guys watching them now... basically there whole set up was fucked from the start. nothing was right. those huge rocks they were just tossing to the side?? need to be washed for small specks of gold which add up.
i mean.... EVERYTHING about this operation was fucked from the start.

they even drove to canada to get a certain type of steel cut for them.... and they gave the guy the wrong measurements!!! so they had to pay for a piece of steel they weren't even gunna use because the guy had to recut a new piece, and ain't doing it for free.



Active member
anyone been watching the new episodes?

the owner of the mining claim that is leasing the land to these guys made an unexpected trip to the mine.... and boy he was pissed the fuck off. i do not blame him his share is 20% and these guys haven't made shit for him. he didn't realize these guys were this inexperienced.

the only one out of all these guys has even mined is the old man with the shitty white beard and he did it back in the 70's. you know i used to frame houses but it doesn't mean i can start a construction company.

the owner of the claim has one of his guys watching them now... basically there whole set up was fucked from the start. nothing was right. those huge rocks they were just tossing to the side?? need to be washed for small specks of gold which add up.
i mean.... EVERYTHING about this operation was fucked from the start.

they even drove to canada to get a certain type of steel cut for them.... and they gave the guy the wrong measurements!!! so they had to pay for a piece of steel they weren't even gunna use because the guy had to recut a new piece, and ain't doing it for free.


ive been watching, and the only word that comes to mind is "trainwreck"...and not the kind containing THC.

.....also seen a cpl of alaska boards where they slam these guys to pieces (not that it's hard, but it sure is funny)


Well-known member
yeah, i watched the last show, they could be doing it better
but take in context, the whole bunch were down on their luck
this is a desperate chance, other new small companies have similar results, steep learning curve
i like the show because it is so fucked up, great lesson for anyone planning a similar venture
learn as much as you can, AND get somebody that knows what they're doing
that was the part these guys missed, the old guy had done some mining, but probably no expert
it's a bitch starting a new business, whether it's gold mining, or growing medical etc.


Active member
the claim owner even had an experienced miner come on site and help these guys out and they don't even want to listen to him. they keep saying "well he isn't going to come in and be our boss...." and shit like that. well guess what the claim owner wants him there and that's whats going to happen, and this guy has actually mined gold so i suggest listening to him.

nothing these guys have done has worked so it seems like they would want to listen to him but i guess not. i don't know why they were yelling at him either. the guy knows his shit, you don't, so put your gdamn head down and listen is what i'd tell them.

fatso even had to hit his sister up for 25 grand and pitched an attitude with her. what a piece of shhhhiiiiittttt


i'm hoping they kick these guys off the claim and next year the Real Miners can have at it Then we can see some real mining. I would rather watch experts do this than some morons attempting to blow 275k in 6 months. They are so desperate but wont listen to anyone. i hope the tv series pays well. The TV shows they had on in the 1990s the weekend prospectors got way more gold than these guys with equipment that would fit in the back of a compact truck.

If these guys would have ever done this as a hobby and purchases a few items and found gold with it before they started it would have gone much better. they could have looked at the equipment and then just scaled it up...

I have to wonder if the Dakota guy is going to setup the wave table for them or if its been returned. Panning by hand would suck if your trying to really process tons of black sand. It looks like they cannot follow basic instructions and it will continue to be a train wreck till the end.


Well-known member
i'm hoping they kick these guys off the claim and next year the Real Miners can have at it Then we can see some real mining. I would rather watch experts do this than some morons attempting to blow 275k in 6 months. They are so desperate but wont listen to anyone. i hope the tv series pays well. The TV shows they had on in the 1990s the weekend prospectors got way more gold than these guys with equipment that would fit in the back of a compact truck.

If these guys would have ever done this as a hobby and purchases a few items and found gold with it before they started it would have gone much better. they could have looked at the equipment and then just scaled it up...

I have to wonder if the Dakota guy is going to setup the wave table for them or if its been returned. Panning by hand would suck if your trying to really process tons of black sand. It looks like they cannot follow basic instructions and it will continue to be a train wreck till the end.

real miners aren't likely going to put up some reality tv cameras in their faces, not unless it's really worth their while
a simpler setup sounds attractive, i do hobby stuff, but very small scale(just panning)
i have seen these centrifugal separators, they always sounded kind of interesting, curious if any of the crew here has ever tried/heard of them