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Going with Happy Frog - Fox Farm Anything I should know?

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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Any of you soil scientists have anything to show us? I'd like to see some cannabis grown in superior medium.

How about you, mad? Got any shots to share with us? I am anxious to see your work. Perhaps I can be persuaded to start mixing my own components...wait, is that allowed? In any event, I want to see something....

i concur.....
grown in the completly inferior mix of ffof and pro mix bx.With a soil mix this bad my thumbs must be green as fuck.



c'mon now mad show me up buddy I'm asking for it.:thank you: ya know or dont and prove that your just a shit talking fanboy.choice is your's and the world is watching.
I was told ford ment found on road dead.and pontiac means poor old nitwit thinks it's a cadillac.Ive heard these several times too.yet my 75 f150 and 78 firebird still run like champs. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nice try though.thanks for playing.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I was told ford ment found on road dead.and pontiac means poor old nitwit thinks it's a cadillac.Ive heard these several times too.yet my 75 f150 and 78 firebird still run like champs. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. nice try though.thanks for playing.

78 firebird, nice! all ways wanted one! :tiphat:


Active member
I am growing some hellacious shit in dead stuff. Bet on that. lol...
but then...I don't spend more time bubblin and shovlin than I do growin...
You must be in it for the fight.
Go back and read my post where I got chastised for suggesting just that. Now I've tried to learn something rather than to keep up the bickering. At the moment I am using mix. It is keeping everything healthy but I know I will have to feed more.When I am done I will throw it in with the flowers. Soil, I would reuse. This can be reconditioned, but in the end it breaks down and deteriates. I would rather be outside in the ground but I am not home The mix will work just fine.
We are talking mix in a soils forum. We are bound to pick up a few fanatics. They have their point. We all have our points. Get over it.

mad librettist

Active member
mix, soil, or soil-mix hybrid, or whatever,

it's always good to bone up on media physical properties.

For me, it's about doing it simpler and cheaper than having to do what I do to make money to buy soil. It's also about keeping soil like it's a pet, or soil-peat mix hybrid, or whatever. It's about all the critters I have around that you can't buy. You have to keep some sort of iteration of a soil going for a long time, and residents show up. Hopefully your policies encourage a diverse and productive bunch...

You can take a relatively small amount of really healthy stuff, spread it around your happy frog, or FFOF or whatever, and be on your way to eventually having some healthy, self-supporting soil tended by plants and a good mulch. Start adding in clays, silts, and sands, and keep tweaking, and diluting when you mess up. Top dress all kinds of shit. Watch it grow!

watch out for arthropods of all kinds, including very helpful ones like those fast moving mites on your soil (munching on the bad kind, baby!). If you can get down, look for little microscopic arthropods that show up only after a good amount of time relatively undisturbed. Those guys are munching on your mulch and pooping the good stuff!

And hail to the wiggler, my constant companion. I'm sorry I keep killing so many of you.
Here's some pics of my baby. Pretty proud of her.
I love mixing my soil. It's part of the fun for me. But that's me.
Good luck.


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Sativa Tamer
I used FFOF exclusively for 5+ years. Now I mix my own coco-based mix according to the ratios in the "Organics for Beginners" sticky. Both mixes work well, but I prefer the media physical properties of my own mix (it holds more water and air and is cleaner to work with). I can't say my own mix grows better or worse plants though as I've grown very nice plants with both mixes.

If you don't want to buy and store ingredients in bulk, or don't want to bother mixing soil, and want an organic product that works good out of the bag, I don't see any problem with picking up a bag or two of FFOF. On the the other hand, if you like the idea of customizing a mix, can buy and store ingredients in bulk, or want something with different properties than FFOF or the other premium organic mixes, by all means mix your own.



Active member
This should be stickied just for the lulz

Yeah, hh...I am down with the struggle...lol...

Look, I want folks to just look at the title of the thread. Now, just who has given the man the information he is asking for, and who has went into tangents?

There are two types of soil, naturally occurring and anthropogenic. Unless your soil was constructed by nature and all the components put there by nature, then you have an anthropogenic mix. Not matter how you shovel it.
I personally would trust the work of a reputable company that makes a living providing quality mediums that thousands of pot growers use and trust, rather than take some recipe from some pretentious internet prick with a microscope and a bad attitude.
Happy Frog is an organic medium...no matter how you slice it, and no matter what changes folks try to make to definitions of what is and what isn't.

On a side...I bet it just pisses hardcore rule changing soil makers off that folks can grow just as good or even better pot than they can with just water and salts.
I mention timeas a factor for soil. It takes time to give it life. It also has diversity where a mix doesn't. Whatever we want to call it though. I was trying to figure out why there was such a negative attitude here from otherwise helpful posters. I know ego plays a small part, but only a small one.
My understanding as to why organic is important goes beyond how good of a crop I have. It has to do with how much harm I do in growing these crops. Anything store bought goes against this principle. Anything mass marketed that comes from the forest, or caves, or the sea has the potential of causing harm by proxy. Char, compost, actual dirt, bugs, that to me is "organic soil" not something I buy in a bag or 20 somethings I buy in a bag and mix.
When I find down and dead yucca that has been gone over by termites, I'm in efing heaven. Char it up a little and add it to my Ocean Forest... Hey, I'm not a saint.
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Baba Ku

Active member
You better start taking some things seriously. Seriously.
I'd start by adjusting my signature if I were you.

mad librettist

Active member
I was trying to figure out why there was such a negative attitude here from otherwise helpful posters. I know ego plays a small part, but only a small one.

It's not always like that. Sometimes life outside IC can make you a little salty. They can be personal things, or sometimes they can be just disdain for an industry that seems predatory from a certain perspective. It's a human on the other end.

I think there is more to it, with bagged mixes. You are getting convenience, and that's just one thing to balance against other choices. Convenience is pretty meaningless to me since I enjoy dirty fingernails, but to someone else it might be important.

For my part, I try to encourage people to give making their own mix/soil a try, because it really enriches the whole experience. I also try to encourage people to demand they get good value for the money, which means insisting on quality components. Say Happy Frog started using turface for drainage - that would help everybody out (er... except me, since turface might cost more).


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
Any of you soil scientists have anything to show us? I'd like to see some cannabis grown in superior medium.

hows this for when you treat soil right? grown in nothing but pure clay soil, amended with nothing but oak/maple wood chips. treated with a homemade BIM( beneficial indigenous microorganisms) culture left to sit for 6 months. watered with only water and the occasional ACT for the entire outdoor season. here they are with a little over a week left. this shit smokes smoother than hookah tobacco. like dank tasty stoney air :)



mad librettist

Active member
hows this for when you treat soil right? grown in nothing but pure clay soil, amended with nothing but oak/maple wood chips. treated with a homemade BIM( beneficial indigenous microorganisms) culture left to sit for 6 months. watered with only water and the occasional ACT for the entire outdoor season. here they are with a little over a week left. this shit smokes smoother than hookah tobacco. like dank tasty stoney air :)



bullshit! I know a clay sculpture when I see one. Those plants are fake!


mad librettist

Active member
I had a good thought that puts the choice to buy bagged soil in perspective:

EM-1 vs. wild indigenous cultures

I know I would have something better if I made my own, but it's not something I am so interested in that I will pursue it. So I do admit that I buy EM because it is convenient enough, and that has value for me. However I will not challenge someone who claims I would be better off making my own serum. It's not personal, and it's true. I simply counter that I like my EM because it is convenient.
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