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Going to California Tomorrow (need advise)


I am flying into San Diego tomorrow and staying w/ my buddy who lives out there in a small beach town outside san diego, not sure how to spell it but, Ansinitas

My problem is I am only going to have 100 -200 bucks at the most to last me 10 days, and I want to get the most out of my experience.

We will be traveling probably north to humboldt by train for a day or two, because I have dreamed of going there.

I smoked some stuff my buddy brought back and it was way too expensive for what it was, a pretty smelling okay tasting non flushed dank looking bud.

So what should I see around San Diego area and in between there and Humboldt?

What do you suggest on getting good herb?


Trains don't go in or out of Humboldt
They stop about 5-6 hours south.
Bummer, yes.


I didnt know that I guess the blue vw is going to be my friend, my buddy acted like the train stopped right in the middle of a garden lol
Encenitas, CA... and damn that's a shitload of California to see in 10 days. I hate to bust your balls but as an avid traveller from Encenitas <---> Central Coast 100-200$ isn't going to get you very far (let alone feed you). If you already have that taken care of and that isn't factored into the price I would recommend seeing L.A for 30 minutes (or 3 hours while you drive through traffic) and SF for a day or two. Can you expand on your monetary situation ?


It is weird.
You can buy a train ticket to Humboldt but the train stops in the bay area and then they load you on a bus to travel the rest of the way.


Encenitas, CA... and damn that's a shitload of California to see in 10 days. I hate to bust your balls but as an avid traveller from Encenitas <---> Central Coast 100-200$ isn't going to get you very far (let alone feed you). If you already have that taken care of and that isn't factored into the price I would recommend seeing L.A for 30 minutes (or 3 hours while you drive through traffic) and SF for a day or two. Can you expand on your monetary situation ?

Uhm not really I plan on using my buddies funds for food (he is a chef and his dad pays for him to live out in cali, so it's not like I am bein a dick)

I can get by on very little food, I just want to experience the beauty of California and of course some of the fine nuggetry it has to offer, and I know what I smoked isn't what Cali has to offer, and if it is I have been horribly mislead lol


Encinitas and 100-200 dollars for 10 days, gotta be a joke


your both wrong its Encinitas and 100-200 dollars for 10 days, gotta be a joke

Yah I know it is rough, but I have free room and board, my buddy has a old vw beetle, and he will help me out on food. I swear to you it is no joke, I fly out at like 4 tomorrow and will be in Encinitas tomorrow evening.

I have no problems doing spare jobs for money if it comes down to it, I just want to see the beauty of the country, the hippies did it a long time ago, and I know times have changed, but I think it is still possible to have a Great time w/ little money.


basically just get to humboldt your gonna run into plenty of beauty just on the way there... dont spend a penny till you get there


damn man its gonna take you in gas or a bus ticket 100$ to get up to humboldt shit if i were you id head north on 1 and see big sur its a lot closer and spectacular. Might fit your money situation a little better


Garden Nymph
I'd avoid taking the 5. Please take the 101/PCH if you want scenic views!! It's beautiful, even during this time of the year :)

After you're done smoking, stop by Won Kok in downtown L.A. for the best, cheapest Chinese food you'll ever have, next to being in San Fran of course.
mmmmm in-n-out



Yah I am sure it is going to be a blast no matter were I eventually end up going, I just am content w/ the ocean and california air if that is what it comes to. I just want one bowl of some of cali's finest, which is not what my buddy always brings back, it looks beautiful, but never burns properly doesn't taste like it should.
It is weird.
You can buy a train ticket to Humboldt but the train stops in the bay area and then they load you on a bus to travel the rest of the way.

The tracks in Humboldt are completely overgrown and unmaintained, I guess they have been for a long time.


The tracks in Humboldt are completely overgrown and unmaintained, I guess they have been for a long time.
The school buses still stop at railroad crossings here.
Maybe just in case a ghost train comes through.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

too late, shoulda sold some of your crap on eBay to boost your budget,
trying to last 10 days on $200 doesn't sound like fun, sounds like work.
