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Going going gone vertical!

watts up

Hey all,

Well im new on this forum though ive been on another for some time but just found that their wasnt enough info dedicated to vertical grow so im posting this grow here. Ive been growing now for several years but always horizontally.

Since these initial pics im am a few weeks in so bare with me and ill up load more soon:)

I guess what i would like is feed back based on when you guys suggest i start 'back popping' or lollypoping the plants.Veg and/or flower??? In my other forum i summarized a whole 50 page post that the famous Green Bastard did, so a lot of what i know if based on what he did, my reading on the web and years growing vertically, however any constructive feedback is appreciated.

Ive built the whole shelf set up. Hope you guys like it:)

Ill take more pics in the next few days, with an update, so apologies for any pics with the lights on.

Here is some info to get you started.....

Vertical grow room set up.

Strain: is a cross Super skunk from sensi and Recon from DNA genetics Amsterdam. I grew SS for several years and crossed it with a make RECON... still need a name for this cross... any suggestions?

I live in Oz, im converting all sizes to imperial from metric so be patient as sometimes i need to work it out , also with my nutrients these are generally AUSTRALIAN made products with the exception of some canna products

STRAIN: Super skunk x Recon

PLANTS 32, in a vertical two shelf set up, CURRENTLY Plants at week 3 Veg from seed

ROOM SIZE: 9 ft high x 9 ft wide x 11 ft long.

LIGHTS: 3 x 1000 watt HPS Sylvania bulb, Lumatek Digital ballast, in a vertical Cool tube setup intake blowing in and another is extracting. Will consider adding another 800 watts once i work out where its needed either to the top or bottom of vert.

FANS: 1x 8 inch intake centrifugal fan, Out take 2 x 6 inch fans with two filters attached, also one oscillating fan and will get another 16-18inch to push/move air from the floor upwards.

GROW MEDIUM: Clay balls, with 3 inch rock wool cubes

BUCKET SIZE: 4.4 gallons, 11 inches high

SHELF SYSTEM: two shelf sytem in an octagonal shape, first shelf at 14.9 inches, SECOND shelf at 54.3 inches from the floor. Built with 2.7 x 1.3 inch pine, shelf is made with ¾ inch chipboard, attached with 3 inch nails. Half of the octagonal has castors wheels on it so they can move.

FEED: every 3 hour s top feed , flow is for continuous 5 minutes

FEED TYPE: Vegetative grow A and B, nitrozyme, (enzyme additive) regenaroot (root additive)

NUTRIENT TANKS: 4 x 20 gallon tanks, split into pairs feeding 16 plants each pair.

PUMP: initially started with two but they didn’t have enough power so had to add another two... (sorry don’t have the output of these)

Thanks for the support



Looks awesome. Tagged for this. As to naming the cross...I'm thinking about combinations of searching/scouting and the skunk smell/animals in general.How about:
-Skunk Scout
- Recoon
-Search Warrant
-Skunk Tracker
-Scent Trail
-Stinky Spy

Or just plain'ol Super Skunk x Recon. Saves you some explaining. And I personally know I like to be able to just read what folk are running...


Active member
1. What are your average temps like? Day and night?

2. What is your humidity in veg, first half of flower, and last few weeks of flower?

3. You have more than enough light for that space already. Two 1000s or three 600's would be perfect wpsf. Not that there's anything wrong with overkill as long as you can control the enviroment :biggrin:

4. Your intake/exhaust setup isn't even close to moving an ideal amount of air for that space. You should be able to exchange the entire volume of air in your grow twice per minute, ideally. Which means you need to figure out how many cubic meters? (whatever fans are measured in over there) your room is, double that number, find a fan rated for that many cubic meters (or whatever you guys use), then buy the next biggest size fan to account for restrictions, carbon filters, and duct losses. Doing this will ensure your plants are never lacking co2.

5. As long as you can control temps (shouldn't be an issue if you sort out your intake exhaust situation), get rid of those fuckin cool tubes. The glass robs you of about 3-5% of the light you are paying to produce. Place a small muffin fan on the floor blowing on it's lowest setting upwards toward bare bulbs, and exhaust out of the ceiling. You'd be amazed at how effective it is at removing heat.

Look into my redemption thread in my sig for visuals of what i'm talking about. Thread started as a vert dount, but quickly moves into a setup very similar to yours. Other threads to read, all of bobbleheads threads (3) (several are stickies in the vert forum), farmhousecat has a thread called "the farmhouse", Gmax is doing an aero version in a thread called "v2 dream system". All of these threads are principally based on the octagon design. All mentioned threads are in the vert forum.

Welcome to ICMAG also :tiphat: We're a strange bunch over here in the vert forum, but good people that look after our own :biggrin:.


Active member
That's awesome dude... exactly what I was gonna do if I built another rack system... except for the cool tubes... but ya gotta do what ya gotta do! This should be killer!


looks like a well designed setup bro, props! welcome to icmag !!
folks around here are just trying to help and its a good group

that being said here is my lists of questions and comments....

i am confused, if you are growing from seed, arent you gonna have to cull the males??

are your buckets completely full with hydroton??i ask because i used to use waterfarms and they came with 1/2'' holes for drainage.. i would try to clean the hydroton in the bottom bucket and a hydroton ball would always clog my drain hole and water would overflow ..do you worry about that ? do you have some type of screen to prevent hydroton from slipping through into your drain pipe ? what size is the tubing?

you could replace the full buckets witha lid with a 4-6'' netcup full of hydroton.. it could put a lot less weight on the wood frame, athough it looks like great workmanship, and your roots could get the benefit of roots growing in full oxygen..if you are afraid of roots not recieving water or getting missed, dont be... roots will grow wherever there is water the same way foliage goes where the light is and they will wick up water from nearby wet roots if necessary.. they wouldnt grab and spread out like they would in the hydroton, they would just grow straight down like wet hair on the "waterfall path"..but roots can build up next to the drain hole if you havent already addressed it...just something to think about for the future

your wood frames are great !! looks like you could put in some S screws and hang yourself some easy trellising for plant support or training

killer setup definately watching this one !! killing it with the hydro stadium

watts up

Hey all BIG thanks for all the interest and replies...

Spiral of eyes, yeah im still undecided on the name i guess im goin to swing with what phenotype i end up with as a mother plant (planning to clone from all for next crop and choose a healthy mum..but yeah guess ill have to wait a bit more on that one..:)

Mister D

Average temps are quite good at the moment, day is about 26-28C and night 20-22, ( run my lights at night to keep things cooler)

Humidity is quite good mainly as we are going into summer and it generally stays about 26%to 33%, during my horizontal grows ( 20 plants, 6 x 600 watts) during veg it was around 40-50% and then into flower it would jump around to 65%. Haven’t flowered in Vert as yet so ill let ya know bro!
Yeah i like lots of light, its a large room so heat build isn’t a problem, and i also run my intake outake fans 24/7, I do have a 8 inch Can fan sitting to be used but i need to upgrade my filters to install it. ( my filters do suck at the moment but they will have to do until the next grow.. I know about the cool tubes losing light but it gets hot here in summer and outdoor temps can shoot up to 91F to 107F and we can have nights of 90F up to once or twice a week at times.
Mister D i got to your page 14 shit i gotta along way to go, also been checking out bobbleheads shit you guys can post!! More reading once ive done replying to you guys!

Thanks High Life, yeah the rack setup took some time to build but im thinking its well worth it!

bro you sure can post im reading your post now and trying to focus on typing up my replies, ill definitely be doing more reading! Cool tubes do suck but in winter it will be bare bulb!!

Yeah man im groing from seed, so i stared out with 32 in a octagon and also running simultaneously 24 in a horizontal grow, so far ive ended up with 30 females, and a possible two hermies, just giving them a couple more weekds to let them make up their mind.

Yeah i have a two bucket system, one with holes and hydroton which sits in another, check out the pics you’ll see what i mean , no issue for roots! With regards to the trelassing ive purchased some net which im goin to hang attached indicidually to each side of the octagon. Like you said they ill be attached with some sort of eye hook or a staple. Im looking at building a L shaped bracket sticking out of each frame about 8 inches and attaching it to this. Ill probably do this in the next week and place some pics up!

watts up



hey all

Its a busy time of year work wise but ive managed to type and take some pics for you all!!

Currently week 5 Veg, plants are on average about 19 inches. The two rack system i built is lacking a bit of light and its starting to become obvious (im meant to have 4k not 3K) so ill be adding 2 more 600s in thenext week or two..

So ive fished out the males and now have 30 definite females, ( started with 56 in all so having 30 isnt too bad...

Here is the same pic i initially took but three weeks later...

As you can see things have progressed somewhat

plants are overall quite healthy, i had an issue with some water not getting to two of them and noticed late one night so they have suffered and some yellow appeared nothing to stress about.


I guess next thing will be building the net. Im planning on adding L shaped bracket to each rack so the' 'L' sticks out about 8 inches where the net will 'drape' down the front of the rack... this will leave me about 20inches away for the plants to grow out and towards during the flower stage.

ANnnd in the meantime i gotta do more homework trimming, backpopping, lollypopping, and deleafing obstructed bud sites but if you guys have a preference on when you start during veg let me know:) or flower:)

Plan is to back pop and lollypop before the onset of flower ( so they dont go into shock too much and focus on flower when i flip them) but like i said im goin off what GB did in another forum and although he used to pull 10lbs off 4k i just need more time to read and make my mind up for sure. ALso look at having all the lollypopping done by week 3 Flower, deleafing will also be done weeks 3, 5, and 7 .

Ill try and get back to you guys more often, thanks for all the support so far, really appreciate it, some of you kids are fucking mad with what your set ups are, dig it!


Watts up


Active member
Mister D i got to your page 14 shit i gotta along way to go, also been checking out bobbleheads shit you guys can post!! More reading once ive done replying to you guys!

Hehe ya it's a long thread, but you are just starting to get into the good part :biggrin:. On the plus side I haven't updated it much in last month due to working out of state, so you have another month or two to catch up before the real craziness begins again :biggrin:. Once i'm home, i'm going to start some epic seed popping madness. If it makes ya feel any better bobbles thread is almost twice as long as mine...... :laughing:, and he has 3-4 of them now. Lots of good information in all of them, and usually where I send people when they have questions about the rack setup more and more of us are running :biggrin:. I'm ridiculously tired atm, so advice is a bit lacking, but I will say you might consider investing in a large humidifier as your humidity is too low. Ideally you want it ~70% for veg and the first 40% of flower, then 50% or lower for the remainder of flower.

watts up

Hey all,

Its been a while and life is very busy but i felt like a let everyone down with this thread so i thought id show and tel how things went:)

Overall for my first 'vert'style grow im quite pleased. i had 8plants which didnt get fed during week 5 for 4 days so their was a considierable difference with these in comparison the to the juicy nuggs that the others developed.

In brief
28 plants under 3 x 1000 watts.
Yield was ok, ( i have high standards).... 5pounds 12 ounces
Best plant weighed in at 5.4 ounces, which i was VERY happy as this is my aim for the next grow.

I guess overall the bud size could have been 'bigger' but we didnt lollypop enough so this made harversting a little longer.... ( but hey if youve got more buds its a good problem to have))

Im still doubting wether i should lollypopp just before flipping as i did try this once during my horizontal grows and i noticed the plants stunted as they went into shock and this afected my yield.

So i think im goin to stick to start lollypopping at the end of week 2 flower and through wk 3 flower, with some deleafing then to.
In general deleafing to be done every 7-10 days, and i really need to 'bend' and reposition buds a lot more.. no to be done every 4 days.

I guess all in all im stoked and happy with the result espcially considering under nearly the same watts 3600 in my old horizontal with 20plants i was getting 4 1/2 pounds, its amiazing what you can do with a vert set up in the same space with less wattage.





Well i hope you like the pics, and ill try my best to share whats goin on for next time!




Great stuff, thanks for sharing! Looking forward to what you pull off next round. Will you still be using cool tubes?