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god damn thorns! outdoor prep 2009


h^2 O

what's great about my area is people don't bother scavenging because the wooded areas are ALL full of thorns and other bad shit. You have to wear a jacket and pants, or else you end up like me - torn UP. Looks like someone was slicing me with a knife all over my legs and arms. I think I made the same mistake last year. Stumbled upon some homeless guy in a tent a few "klicks" from my spot...was kinda weird. Maybe I can pay him in vodka to watch over the garden this year. I think us folk with spots in thorny/foresaken areas have it made, because nobody wants to risk getting torn to shreds, and the only way to get into the bush safely is with the long clothing and a machete.
PS cannabis is known to relieve pain..........:joint:


Active member
I wish I could find a spot like that(minus the bum that is), because the only wooded area around here is either way too close to a school for my taste(not worried about the cops finding it, but I know those punk kids would find it, and rip them before they even had any buds on them), or have bike trails winding through them. Oh well, looks like I am going to have to take my babies for a bike ride and see what happens.


wild raspberry all around my spots (that's very thorny, in case you don't know). I look for the paths that the deer and coons use and still one needs their big boy pants. We have to watch for the farmers and the hunters finding our spots so I try to put them where they ain't.


I CAN'T WAIT to feel the 'lower leg burn' again. It gets to feeling like a cool spa treatment after while. The woods are an exercise in stealth pain management. No cursing, only the low growl when the pricker's 'stick' instead of the scratchy slide.

Summer's coming...
{barletta does a dance and sings...}


I CAN'T WAIT to feel the 'lower leg burn' again. It gets to feeling like a cool spa treatment after while. The woods are an exercise in stealth pain management. No cursing, only the low growl when the pricker's 'stick' instead of the scratchy slide.

Summer's coming...
{barletta does a dance and sings...}

Leg burn is the best, especially in the hot shower after your trek. That is when it gets intense.

river rat01

man, thorns aint nuthin.
i just got over the WORST CASE OF POISON IVY that ive ever had. i thought i was gonna die!

man, no more woods for me, i'm sticking to fields and pastures and clearings.


Thorns are a good thing.

I actually fertilize the thorn bushes in my patches. I dig up thorn bushes and transplant them. I create a wall of thorns surrounding my patch. I get nice thick, black hypodermic needle-like thorns in a maze of pliable green stems which can be shaped conveniently... Even the deer stay on the border and won't venture in often...

DJ Short's F-13 and Vanilluna look just like thorn bushes if topped- I swear!

Get some surplus 'ripstop' cammies, gloves, and shooter's glasses or other eye protection and enjoy the security thorns provide! You can easily knock off the thorns with a stick or back side of a knife so you 'know' where to grab the stem and not get an injections...

You're in the right place- the bum is not... Good Luck!


During the winter, i tie the thorn canes together at top with monofiliment fishing line so that in the summer, i have a tunnel to crawl through.

I root a native vine that is extremely rampant and from a cutting can cover a 100' area in a season. The vine is fiberous and difficult to cut, it wont break and has 1" hooked, needle like thorns on it. I like to plant it so that it grows in with the blackberry canes. Impenetrable.

The worst part for me is the thorns on last years canes. These thorn canes are dead and the thorn tips break off below skin level and cant be gotten out until a hard callous forms around them. At any given time, i have at least 3 or 4 knots waiting to be dug out.

Ive also had to take to wearing gloves and long sleeves, as Ive yet to be being able to configure a believable explaination for the fact that you're cut all to hell and bleeding like a stuck pig.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
You know your plot is in a good location when you return broken and bleeding from a visit to it! Good luck with this season!
is this a chinese riddle, the homeless guy is living in a tent, so hes got a home.. to take care of this problem, use a hotpocket tied to some string to lure him out, then firebomb the tent..


I like to crawl on the ground, cutting the blackberries as I go until I get in the middle of a great big patch! That's where I set up shop! Trying to leave no trails directly in! Staying low makes it harder to see... what fun crawling through the blackberries on your stomach..... Have fun Ya'll!

h^2 O

hahaha barletta and cerb were cracking me the fuck up. It's SO true man, every last bit. Well first - when you're out there, you don't realize you're getting cut up all that bad until you're like 10 mins in, and you're on to the 2nd round of scratches, which is basically scratching your already existing scratches from minutes prior, that's when it starts to hurt. It's like "cutting a cut"...raw, soar. Some thorns make you stop - because they're in sideways or caught in your clothes - and you looks down and see your legs and arms covered in hideous cuts. And you have to keep going, because you're surrounded by these things. That's commitment.
Yes - you feel that itching and you get home a half-scabbed victim and you take that dreaded shower. The stinging is beyond articulation, like he said. So bad. Imagine running through that naked? Your balls and nipples would be fucking HISTORY.

h^2 O

During the winter, i tie the thorn canes together at top with monofiliment fishing line so that in the summer, i have a tunnel to crawl through.

I root a native vine that is extremely rampant and from a cutting can cover a 100' area in a season. The vine is fiberous and difficult to cut, it wont break and has 1" hooked, needle like thorns on it. I like to plant it so that it grows in with the blackberry canes. Impenetrable.

The worst part for me is the thorns on last years canes. These thorn canes are dead and the thorn tips break off below skin level and cant be gotten out until a hard callous forms around them. At any given time, i have at least 3 or 4 knots waiting to be dug out.

Ive also had to take to wearing gloves and long sleeves, as Ive yet to be being able to configure a believable explaination for the fact that you're cut all to hell and bleeding like a stuck pig.
silverback ur like the...silverback of thorns. Us thorn farmers should make a club on here called "people of the thorn." And make a cool signature thing that shows our bravery, just like the horrible scarring encompassing our badly battered bodies.

h^2 O

man, thorns aint nuthin.
i just got over the WORST CASE OF POISON IVY that ive ever had. i thought i was gonna die!

man, no more woods for me, i'm sticking to fields and pastures and clearings.
sorry to hear that bro. Well now you'll be more weary of posion ivy. Everyone gets it bad a few times. Don't let it deter you - don't let it win! The rashes we get are it's defense mechanism. Fight back!
I must have been sucking on a poison ivy stick leaf, because i had it so bad my face swelled up so bad I could barely see for 3 days.


Thats bad about the posin ivey. Don't know how well it would work... but try a weak solution of bleach water on the blisters. Should help dry and pull it out. I know straight bleach works well on fire ant bites, but would probably burn like hell if you put it straight solution on the rash. :2cents:


Ever try the product you rub all over BEFORE you get in the ivy? It works great, keeps the pizen ivy juices from gettin ya! When you get back take a shower and wash the poison ivy away!

It's called "Technu" There are other similar products out there.

Now if only I could spray and not have TICKS on me! Devils! No matter what I spray still get bit.

Ajunta Pall

I hear you on the ticks LolaGal. One of my thorned landscaped plots have a lot of the bastards. Once you come home and see a tick on your pecker its time for those things to go! Gonna have to use chemical pesticides to get the pop. under control. Anyone know any good organic solutions for keeping the pests away once they are gone?


Every time I hear or see someone gettin it, I'm grateful I don't get poison ivy/oak. :D



Ouch, just got back from the briar patch! Looks like a good year for blackberries. They are fixin to bloom