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god damn thorns! outdoor prep 2009



It's good to see all the thorn love going around. It gets so damned hot around here that I've had to resort to wearing shorts out in the thorn patches. It's always fun having to deal with climbing over barbed wire fencing and then jumping directly into a patch of thorns in nothing but shorts and a t-shirt. There really are very few places to plant that are more secure than in the middle of a thorn patch.

It's amazing what we'll do for the love of growing.

By the way, does anyone have any recommendations for thorns that would be good to plant for next year's grow? Can one even procure seeds for any of the large thorny plants easily?

Edit: I can't seem to find any info on the common thorn bushes that most consider a nuisance. Maybe my best bet would be cutting and cloning. Though, it would be nice to plant a nice full circle of them without having to deal with their wrath.

Edit 2: I found stinging nettle seeds on quite a few sites. Somehow they had slipped my mind.


Active member
Yeah gotta love those thorns and nettles:)
I know a perfect place with bramble on the edges and nettles in the middle - nice fertile soil that only needs a little lime. Trouble is that it's not too close to where I live now but I might take a drive just for that spot... it's that good, especially compared to any of the spots I've been able to find since.

h^2 O

ohhhhh myyyyy GOD! This time I wore pants - so didn't get the fury of the thorns this time. What I DID get was like DOZENS of TICKS!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I was digging and sweaty and covered in dirt and I start seeing these little bastards here and there all over my arms and legs. So I finish my thing and start checking for ticks, found a few more, get home - and like TWO MORE ticks on me. What the hell man. I tried killing it...stabbing it..would NOT die, so ended up throwing it in the neighbors yard. I've never encountered ticks to this extreme...tick season ends when? Blood sucking bastards.
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h^2 O

just found one crawling on my shirt - the shirt which i took form the closet 5 hours ago after i took a shower. it must have been in my fucking hair dude. what the FUCK man. Next time I'm using like super tick repellent. And murdering fools

h^2 O



what makes our friend the thorn so magical is its ability to mutilate the skin without much pain, and with MUCH scarring.

Nope! Thorns..


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