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Go fuck yourself thread.



Making your car's horn sound when you lock your car - go fuck yourself


Lammen Gorthaur
A big fuck you to every lyin' ass liberal who ever believed that government would solve anyone's problems.

A big fuck you to lazy assholes living large on welfare while I pay more and more taxes.

And speaking of taxes, a giant lovest fuck you to the government for taking money from me instead of earning it like everyone else in this world - fuck you.

A big fuck you to Barney Frank. Fuck you, drop dead and then fuck you some more you douchebag.

A big, hearty (and meaty!) fuck you to people who believe you can create prosperity for the many by taking food out of the mouths of the few.

An even bigger fuck you and drop dead to the idiots who think you can spend your way to prosperity, tax your way out of a recession or borrow your way out of debt. You people need to seriously fuck off and move to North Korea.

Finally, a big fuck off to our lyin' liberal president who smoked tons of weed and then has done everything he could to block its legalization. Fuck you you douchebag hypocrite.


Lammen Gorthaur
Oh and fuck you to my neighbor who set off his own car alarm at 5:00 yesterday morning.

Fluffy Clouds

FUCK!!!! all nosy neighbors which have nothing to do all day except sniffing around my greenhouse... and which think that they can threaten me with denunciation... shit!

LEGALIZE IT! geeeeeeeeeez


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
barney the dinosaur - i dont mind watching some kids shows with my young'ns but that purple puppet p1sses me right off, patronising git.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Fuck yourself living room, where I have to give the floor a sweep and the automatic dishwasher which I have to clear before my lady is coming home from work.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Fuck you and your printing press Bernanke. May the hoards of people you have impoverished descend on you with pitchforks and nooses.


Lammen Gorthaur
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SpasticGramps again."


To the asshole down the street who thinks 'Joe Dirt' was an instructional video... stop revving your shitty engine, and go fuck yourself.



Active member
fGo fuck yourself Government,...........I mean the whole government and all Government instituitions including libraries but mostly jails...Fuck Bill Scutte and Janet Reno. Fuck Comunisim and Fuck Democracy. Fuck the republic for wich it stands. Fuck Monica Lewinsky with a cigar. Fuck Prostitutes ............ Fuck that Sheriff that just got arrested hahahahah......Fuck all the girls that didnt put out in school..........Fuck my mom your mom and everyones mom.....Also Fuck the pope.......Fuck spidermites , thrips, aphids, root aphid, and cockaroaces. Fuck mormans and fuck Jews... If I left you out Im not a biggot fuck you too.
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Go fuck yourself thread.

Fuck Leo's I have ZERO respect for those mofo's

Fuck my fucking states mj laws

Fuck conservatives

Fuck you tea baggers

Fuck Obama

Fuck the secret war in Pakistan

Fuck drone attacks

Fuck fuck fuck

Fuck not fapping for 30 days


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
A big fuck you to lazy assholes living large on welfare while I pay more and more taxes.

right, cuz most people on welfare are LIVING LARGE...

that's some funny shit right there :biglaugh:

and on yea,

FUCK THE SUPREME COURT (for allowing Corps to have unlimited donating capabilities to political campaigns)

more to come...................................... :tiphat:


Active member
Karen Tandy, Steven Cooley, Melinda Haag, Eric Holder, Obama and every other politician or person in power who refuses to acknoledge the benefits of medical cannabis, and continues to step on states rights.....to all the brain dead GOP presidential hopefuls who lie and masquerade like they are really going to change shit, when all they will do is continue the status quo of a government that is bought by the corporations...

to every prosecutor, DA, and judge who has had anything to do with sending a non violent cannabis grower/user/ or dealer to prison...KARMA WILL CATCH UP TO YOU!

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