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Go fuck yourself thread.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
hehe wow im surprised this thread made it....

Here a big NON fuck you to all the mods out there -=]


a big f**k you to:

the epa & fda allowing poisons to be put in our food & lying saying that its safe

the pharma companies

bill o'rilley & his stupid show of nonsense & propganda

docs that take advantage of sick, addicted & dying for profit

gangs your all a bunch of pussy/terrorist

all politicians

the law inforcement for harrassing me & my friends when we were teens then arresting me for no reason when i was 18, then lying to my parents & tried to deny i was even there in their jail, then threatening to kill me & said they would make me dissapear if i ever told anyone how they treated me & whats been going on for years, then they tried to lie to why they did arrest me - i told EVERYONE you fucked up corrupt guttless turds!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
To the assholes that think they are so fucking important that they have their phone on, answer it and then carry on some loud ass conversation while I am trying to eat my dinner in peace, go fuck yourselves.

When people do stuff like this around me, I pick up my own phone and say (loudly):

"Hello? HELLO? Sorry, I can't hear you... some SELF-IMPORTANT ASSHOLE is talking REALLY LOUDLY at the next table."

(Of course, I'm a little more confrontational than most.)


a big go fuckyoureself to the italian/french/german politicians that bullyd the swiss onest to be stricter on MJ.You fucked many of us over, so now its time that you GO FUCK YOURSELF.

and another one to the swiss politicians that let them self be bullyed, you are to weak to stand up for what you know is right. so you gave in and began to outlaw nature. GO FUCK YOUSELF.

and to anders behring breivik, you shouldnt have to go and fuck yousself, someone should go and fuckyou up.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

every lying politician,

fuck 'em where they breathe.......

how do you know when a politician is lying?

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To the state cop who advocated legalization while he was bustin Me. Complainin that weed was a waste of his time. Now he is quoted in the papers/news how it is his mission to bust anyone who grows, medical or not. GO FUCK YOUR SELF. I NAILED YOUR FAT WIFE.


To my High School guidance counselor.....Go fuck yourself!

I do feel a little better now.

I would like to agree ^^^^^.. How wrong was that fat bitch. Yes I am 50+ yrs old and still drivin around with my dog sellin weed...medicine.. she would hav to fuck herself. no one else could find it..


A big fuck you all those people that think Mexicans are a problem in America while they stuff their faces with cheap fruits and vegetables that are picked by Mexicans that make very little for their hard work, while sitting on ass pretending to be important all day.

It's interesting and sad to watch people that do nothing and assume that that their children that just graduated college will be able to find a well paying, do nothing job as opposed to joining wage slave workforce, fuck you economy and fuck you self serving assholes that have made it what it is today.


Well-known member
There isn't enough time or space.

But then again I'm pretty straight up about it, so the people that deserve a good "FUCK YOU" were already told. They know who they are.

There are some others, but frankly, they aren't worth the time or effort it would take to tell 'em to fuck off. Consider it implied.

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
A big fuck you to my old landlord who couldn't pay the mortgage on my home, thus going into forclosure and also for also trying to steal my security deposit of over $1,000.

A big fuck you to either his son or brother or both for stealing 4 items from me after moving into the house.

A double fuck you to the landlord who I was going to move into my new house which had many issues / bullshit. One of the major issues being mold and mildew in the new house.

But thank you to that POS new landlord for NOT having me sign the lease, so I could back out of the deal. Ha ha, FUCK YOU!

Fuck everyone in the area I live in now. Most of you fuckers are full of shit, lazy, incompetent and stupid.

Fuck those people who park where it says no parking near a store or just park where ever they fucking want.

A big big big fuck you to those full of shit people who talk a big game and say they can get me weed and it ends up being a big fucking hassel, risk or they say they can get me weed and end up just like I said A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT TALK. (See below about one of them).

Thank you (fuck you) to that shit talking, lying heroin junky (found out later) who could get me weed, but later said he would either rob my house or snitch on me if and when he would get busted, thus resulting in my tearing down my grow. YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. I hope you choke on your own dick!

FUCK all those idiots I have to deal with when they offer a good or service and end up wasting my time because they are apathetic, lazy or stupid or all three.

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fuck all the haters who enhance their ignorance by listening to hate radio.

oh. and...

fuck all who profit by the demise of this great country. fuck them especially hard...


Active member
fuck you to california dmv. making me go in for a new liscence and then not sending it to me . then making me pay agian to hopefully get another one. FUCK you


A Big Fuck You to ICmag for being so god damned great! I really hate all of the knowledge that can be accessed in one place. It makes me want to rape fetal puppy's with toe nail clippings! What pisses me off more is all of the help that I have gotten here. The fact that my growing has come so far because of this place. Fuck you Icmag! Guard your puppy fetuses because I am going to sodomize the fuck out of them!:)