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gnat problem, help appreciated


Hey guys, i have a gnat problem and its geting worse, ive read of loads of ways of geting rif of these little buggers but would like a few sugestions from guys in the uk. help appreciated guys.

daddy fingaz

Active member
have u been using dodgy cheap soil aka !? lol :noway:

Try sum of those yellow sticky pest strips(name escapes me) if u havent already!?

otherwise let your soil dry completely before watering again, i dont think they will really damage ur plants, more annoying then anything!!

next time make sure ur soil is sterile!!

good luck.

Peace DF. :joint:
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The only thing I found to work was cover the top of the soil with a couple of inches of sand. gnatoff kills the larvae in the soil but you need to keep using it to stop them comming back.


Thanks guys,
cheap soil NO, lol

bio-bizz , £18 a bag, not major expensive but not what i would call cheap,lol

Did read about the sand guys, any pertic kind of sand?

Thanks for the replys



ive had probs before with knats and found that a product called "bug off" was good, think i got it from my local garden centre, its in a pink/purple spray bottle

I applied once, spraying the top of the soil and the pots and the walls of the room where they land and they dissapeared within a few days. I reapplied a week later when a few more appeared and have had no probs since

I got then after getting some soil from a garden centre that had been stored outside. Ive never had then with grow shop bought soils that are kept indoors.

Hope this helps mate


Active member
I find a good cigarette and chilli home-made spray will knock out anything on god's green earth- I have to wear a mask when I apply it because I swear it would kill me if I didn't.

And no, it's not harmful to the plants.

Guvnor :wave:


I find a good cigarette and chilli home-made spray will knock out anything on god's green earth- I have to wear a mask when I apply it because I swear it would kill me if I didn't.

And no, it's not harmful to the plants.

Guvnor :wave:
Thanks guvnor, could you give a little more detail please, i like this, so break up a ciggy, and what chilli? and do you just soak the chilli with the ciggy? or crush it?



Noooo its not the all mix or wotever its called, thats the root of ur problem there!! lol
Yes mate its the all mix, to be honest im not too impressed for the money,
so what other soils would you guys recomend?
i purchased this from my local hydro shop, they highly recomended it and sell tons of it.

bens lab

Jab is good, homebase or b&q multipurp is fine. Westlands too. You can get about 5 bags of them for the price of 1 (ripoff) allmix bag.


I use Plagron mixes, Lightmix for seedlings/clones, gromix for veg and batmix in bloom. £12-13 a bag from local gro shop. Never had gnat problem.


Active member
Soak 4 strong cigarettes per litre of water for around 24 hours, then I take the hottest chilli's you can find and blend them up with around half a litre of water, Onced blended, strain the mixture into a bottle and do the same with the cigarette mixture. Once both mixtures are in the bottle I add another half litre of plain water. Then I pour into a spry bottle as needed.

You will now have 2 litres of the deadliest bug spray ever. Please wear a mask when applying because its brutal, also protect eyes.

Like I said above, I have never experienced any problems using this mix. After you have applied the spray you can always spray clear water after to wash away the smell.

guvnor :wave:


ICMag Donor
As already empahsised above...

yellow sticky insect cards,,, and water from the bases,,, aim to break the cycle of the flies laying larvae/grubs.

A splash of lemon juice in water,, when top feeding,, also helps control the grubs :D


ICMag Donor
No Pest Strips work very well. And as mentioned by good ole DL, you can water from the bottom as they lay their eggs in the very top of the moist soil. Sand on top will also work. But for me, No Pest Strips kick ass!! If your not a big fan of poison...hehe...go w/ some sand, bottom watering, and perhaps some of that killer ciga-chilli-spray. Kills me just thinking about it!! :biglaugh:


Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis

This is a predatory microbe/bacteria/WHATEVER bottom line is this stuff comes in a fast acting liquid and a dry pebble form that takes a few weeks to work. These little things feed on eggs of many bugs in your soil and LOVE to eat fungus gnats all day long.

Yellow sticky fly paper will kill adults and this stuff will KILL ALL EGGS. I had a crop awhile ago getting torn up by fungus gnats and for $10 this was a wonder product. I got the pebbles and alittle goes along way. I handed out tons of it to other people also and saved alot of plants if i can toot my own horn alittle

Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis


i had a big fucking spider just chillin on a plant the other day just murdering gnats, scared me at first because he was about a foot from my face. he chilled for a few days and took off. when if they come back around i mix 1/2 strength gognats and 1/2 strength organocide together. spray soil twice the first day and spray again a couple days later. or you can use the hyro' recomended strength for gognats and drown babys in soil, then use organocide 1 oz to gallon to kill the flyers. make sure the gognats or gnatrol is off plants before you fire up your big lights....bad deal....don't ask


New member
Just another point.....

Just another point.....

Wow, thanks guys, plenty to go on there..
Much appreciated

As sand is both cheap and totally organic/chemical free but also a substrate in many wild strains why not cover all the pots with 1" of sand but put a couple of lengths of old plastic hosepipe in each pot. This means you can water from above into the old hosepipe without washing away the soil.
If you put the old pipe in when you switch to a larger pot the pipes wont bother the roots either.

Just a thought.



Not sure if neem oil would help as its the gnats larvae in the soil that do the damage. Covering the soil wth sand stops the little blighters.