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Gmax back for round 2



hey all been a while since my last thread but i still been lurking and loving all the vert threads :tiphat:

just moved to my new place couple months back and been up to my same old tricks

for those who didnt see my last thread here is the link

Now on with the show....

my new room is 14'x12' but most of it is workspace. I only have on window in my growroom and it is being used by a 12000btu window box AC to keep my growroom cool. We have had a HOT summer this year and todays heat index was 115 and my growroom reached an all time high of 85

Since i have no fresh air i am forced to use Co2 which is supplied w/ a tank and valve ( no controller yet ) i have never used co2 and so far i dont like it but it only for summer

I am using 2 600 hps and a 400 hps barebulb for flower and my old aero towers i just built my 5th one a few days ago and i plan on running 6 total but i am flowering out my Sensi Star mum right now so i will be buiding in few weeks. i will include a DIY when time comes

i am still in dialing mode and not having as much success or better gpw average as i was with my previous setup but that will change soon hopefully and i will still post my failures

on with the pics

i am still running my same Sensi Star and i just added BOGs sour bubble to the mix i am hoping with the quicker flower time and more systems i can increase my overall yeild

here is the SS at day 40 (center)

here is the SS mum i am flowering out, I have had this mother way tooo long this is the original seed plant day 29

here is my first run with Sour Bubble the second pic is SS they have the lighter green color. this SB pheno has surprising stretch and dark green shiny leaves. she took forever to presex, i am taking this one down on day 54 cant wait to try her...thanks again BOG u the man:wave:

here is one on day 7 as you can see i have added a removable PVC screen to help support and seperate

and here is my last harvest, this was only 6 plants in checkerboard patter, bad batch o clones, and looked like it still did ok will tally up numbers when dry

SS still beastin

thats it for now more to come later i need to refigure out my camera so i can take better close ups

questions and comments are welcome and please feel free to critique me i am always looking to improve

thanks for stopping by


well my last round got me 136g still not where i need to be but that one was only 6 plants and one was small and yeilded exactly 6g, i need to start pulling those numbers per site

i am cleaning out the last used tower with Physan 20 right now and should have plants in there in two days until then here some more pics....

here is one side of the room from left to right SS & Sb on day 30, SS on day 43 and Sb on day 18

Sensi Star

up close dried

this is Sour Bubble the SS is second row from bottom

these are on day 10 and still got lot of stretch left Sensi

best i can do on whole room you can see my mother is too short to be efficient but she be done soon and i replace her with another tower....need more refletix

i took all my best clones and moved them to the veg system and then i forgot to plug it in !!!damn !!so i replaced them with all my 2nd place clones hopefully they still do ok

thats it for now :wave:


thanks for the kinds words guys

couple more weeks til i can sample my first Sour Bubble im so excited


Looks excellent... a few q's if you don't mind. How far roughly is your canopy away from the bulb when all the towers are put together?.. and how wide is the whole thing when setup, or how much floorspace does it take?


Looks excellent... a few q's if you don't mind. How far roughly is your canopy away from the bulb when all the towers are put together?.. and how wide is the whole thing when setup, or how much floorspace does it take?

the canopy is a little under 2ft away i would try closer but that is about as close i can fit all towers together

the whole thing takes up about 6.5ft squared floorspace

I put in the next round today. i killed the ones that were intended to go in by forgetting to plug the pump in..duh, these ones were my second best but they should do alright

the next round i am purposely doing only 8 in checkerboard pattern after my surprisingly good yeild off my last batch that i wasnt expecting too much from.

I plan on vegging a few days longer and topping one of my stretchier strains hopefully 8 larger ones will fill the screen and yeild the same amount. i will throw a regular 15 plant batch in right after and compare the yeild...i need to build another screen

then after this one is finished i will build another tower

she been cloned soo many times that she has like hundered small-medium tops. I really want to let her go 70 days cause i been harvesting SS at bout 8wks cause i needed money and i know she so much better at 70 but i prob take her down at 9wk just so i can get another tower in I am only expecting 2-3oz from her

once the sour bubble comes i should be caught up




My bottom 600w Plantmax bulb is dyin on me and i only had it a little over 6 months...garbage !!! didnt have time to make it to the store today so tom i am gonna drop the cash for a hortilux super HPS bulb.

i plan on replacing my other 400 with a 600 MH when i got the money. then using my 400 for veg then i have to replace my other 600 in few weeks most likely since it is Plantmax also and bout just as old

I took some advice and moved my plants back so now my canopy is 2.5ft from bulbs. this has opened up more space on the inside for me to work and given me room on the floor to fill up with plants and dropped my canopy temp, but now i have a foot of space between the screens so as i harvest them i am gonna make a new wider screen to fill in the gaps

I am gonna let my next harvest go a little longer so my next batch of clones get a few more days veg and now that i am familiar with Sour Bubbles stretch i am gonna top them as well i wanna have a completly full screen by the time stretch is over got a few more sb seeds that should be sexed within the week

on with the pics.....

these ones are on day 3

day 15 these are all Sensi

SB at day 23

SB at day 35

Day 48

Nice SS top

SB clone that went straight from cloner to flower, 10"tall !!

got one on the ground too

gonna fill up the bottom more once i got my veg room situated

thats it for now cant really get a whole room shot anymore

thanks for stopping by :wave:


cut down my first sample of Sour Bubble today at day 50

this clone went in with barely any roots and was getting punked by all the surrounding Sensi and still alright prob like 5g
My next harvest has 12 fully rooted of this SB pheno^

I popped a few more Sour Bubble seeds a while back and i got 2 more females, one of the other phenos i put in with the last batch. It grows like it has been topped, super lanky with the side branches growing taller than the terminal bud seems like it will do well in vertical because it stretches a lot to fill out the screen i will get pics if that pheno soon

right now i bout to smoke some hash

mmmm...love bubble hash

until next time :wave:


We have had a HOT summer this year and todays heat index was 115 and my growroom reached an all time high of 85

Since i have no fresh air i am forced to use Co2 which is supplied w/ a tank and valve ( no controller yet ) i have never used co2 and so far i dont like it but it only for summer

Arent that ideal conditions for max growth of the plants :)
85° F
60% rh
800 ppm
5,7 ph
1,0-1,5 ec

Well dont know if you are actually measuring all of dat but it would be "rischtig geil" as we germans say *lol

Im watchin this ! :tiphat:
Nice pics btw


It only gets better with dialage and runs under your belt.....Handle it.....



Arent that ideal conditions for max growth of the plants :)
85° F
60% rh
800 ppm
5,7 ph
1,0-1,5 ec

Well dont know if you are actually measuring all of dat but it would be "rischtig geil" as we germans say *lol

Im watchin this ! :tiphat:
Nice pics btw

right now i am sitting at 80-81F
no tds or Ph just light feedings of:
GH micro/bloom
silica blast

thats it Ph perfect everytime between 6-6.2

5g is better than nothing, tho the next one will hopefully yield more :D

5g is amazing bc it went straight from cloner to flower with barely any roots and no veg

I need to get bout 18g per site to equal GPW which is easily possible because i have grown 25g plants with this system and two 400s

It only gets better with dialage and runs under your belt.....Handle it.....


ya am still in dialing mode bout got it down though once i can choose my keeper SB i also plan to monocrop with it and SS

thanks for stopping by guys


figured i would post pic of this Sour Bubble before i smoked it

this sample was taken at day 50 she is fantastic and i am sad i am already almost out of it wont have any more for bout two weeks

I harvested a crop of Sensi Star today at 8wks i was going to let her go longer but i have plants that getting too big ready to go and running low anyways. i already cleaned her out and gonna let physan20 water run for 24hrs then rinse her well and fill her back up...i am building another system next week stay tuned for DIY

my next batch is SB i forgot to plug the pump in while these were still in veg dont think it hurt them too much

she doesnt look like that big of a yeilder but her buds are pretty dense maybe when i learn more about her and get her dialed i can make her produce more...i still have 2 more phenos

I updated both my 600 watts lights from plantmax to hortilux and i swapped out my 400 HPS for a MH i had lying around so i can try the mixed spectrum for a while

I also bout a better thermometer that says my humidity is 55 during day and 60 at night, temps in low 80s lights on and 73 at night.... My room is 99% sealed. i have a dehumidfier but i am not using it but my AC drips out probably at least 5gal a day

these ones are on day 8 this is a random mixed batch of SS and both SB phenos

this one has a new screen which is 6" wider and gives more room for the edge rows and uses up all the wasted space once they all have screens of this size i will have zero wasted space and plants on the ground as well

stay tuned...


brainstorming...what you guys think???

brainstorming...what you guys think???

Before i build this last tower i have been pondering whether i wanted to make any changes or updates

i still change the rez like i used to, opening the lid and leaning against a wall and vacuuming water out. changing the water in the coolers isnt really that hard but i have this idea that could make it way easier....

i am thinking i can drill a 1"wide hole in the bottom of the cooler, i know that the bottom of the cooler is at least an inch think and this is what stopped me from doing this before afraid i would drill a hole and not be able to find a grommet to fit and ruin my system

then i can cover that 1" hole with a all this extra plastic 3" peices leftover from drilling holes in the lid of my veg system.. they look almost exactly like this neoprene cup just thinner and plastic

i could glue this to the bottom, make the hole in the center large enough to attach a waterfarm sytle grommet, attach a elbow peice, run some tubing and attach that to a shutoff valve

then i would build a frame out of 2x4s to raise the towers and then another to secure them in place here is the best i can do for a drawing

the red box on bottom is view from underneath

then when it was time for a rez change i can just turn on the shutoff valve and attach tubing..( i happen to have a drain in my room) or i can attach a little inline pump and pump the water wherever i need it to go.... i could change a rez with no work in under 2 min !!!

What do you guys think ???

What kinda glue do i want ??

something that not gonna leak, be able to hold at least 10g water weight, isnt going to off-gas in my reservior and last as long as possible

I am thinking out loud right now and constantly evolving next on my list is auto top-off:)

any help or ideas would be appreciated

my last harvest will be dry in two days then i will tally up the numbers and do an update


my last batch was my best one so far, taken down at day 55 and yeilding 200.8g with plenty of room for improvement.

that is only .75gpw but if you take time into factor that translates to 4lb every 90 days which is cool with me... I know that if i could veg for 30 days and have a horizontal SCROG that yeilded 4lbs w/ 1600 watts it be awesome

Plus i can fit about 6-8 plants on the ground that i can get at least another 1.5z a peice bout to get that rollin soon

I am building a system in a couple days, It may be bc i have already built a few but i think these things are suprisingly easy to build the last one i built by myself in 45 min with most of that time cutting peices with hacksaw

I plan on using the idea in my last post on the next system too. i know it will work i am only worried about the glue. I am thinking maybe PVC cement or aquarium caulking but i am going to be glueing plastic to plastic and i dont know how it will hold, I might use a combo of both w/ some waterproof tape for insurance

on with the update....

Here is my next round



ok it not letting me edit i guess so here is what i didnt finish....

here is my next round

These ones are a few days behind it

close up

These are all Sensi Star

and 2nd pheno SB

these ones are still stretching

Here is the 2nd pheno SB on day 4 flowering.. the little tiny one in the middle row second one up could be a possible 3rd Sb

I think i am the only person in the world who is LST in vert lol

thats it for now :wave:


DIY for Gmax Vert aero towers

DIY for Gmax Vert aero towers

Ok as promised i am including the DIY for these systems, even stopping to take pics i still built this in bout hour

I got about 3 steps in before i realized my camera didnt have the memory card in it so i catch you up

Parts list:

Rubbermaid cooler
EcoPlus 1056 gph pump
(15) 3" Net pots
(15) 3" neoprene lids
(15) ez-clone misters (red)
(2) 10' lenghts 1/2" PVC
10' length 3" PVC (wont need all of it)
(3) 3" end caps
(15) 3" wyes
(6) 3" couplings
(2) 1/2" shutoff valves
(2) 1/2" quick disconnect fittings (*NEW*)
(4) 1/2" male adapter
1/2" Tee
1/2" Cross
(7) 1/2" elbows
(3) 1/2" end caps
(2) 1/2" female adapter
(2) 1/2" barb fitting
Tools needed

Hacksaw or better
3 1/2" hole bit
2 3/4 " hole bit
11/16" hole bit
11mm??? drill bit(dont know if this right, for drilling mister holes)
PVC cutters
PVC Cement

to start you will need a cooler. My particular model calls for a Rubbermaid 48 qt i would recommend a larger cooler if possible ... i could do a system that is 4 rows wide with the same pump i have but if i wanted to go a row higher i prob need a larger pump.

Drill all your holes.... the crescent shape adds to the overall balance of the system

the center holes are 3 1/2" these are where the pipes go...the holes in the back sides are 2 3/4 these are where i top off with water then use neoprene to cover the hole up the holes in the front are 1 3/4 these are for my pump cord, airstone lines, etc. they arent really needed as you could use the 2 3/4 holes for both purposes .. Then the hole in the back center is 11/16" this is where the water delivery pipe comes

Take your 3" PVC pipe and cut (3) 3 1/2" lenghts to stick through the 3 1/2" hole then take your 3" couplings and attach on top and inside of lid..GLUE. this secures the wyes when you open the lid

then cut a short peice of 1/2" and stick it through the 11/16 hole attach a female adapter with barb fitting on inside of lid and a male adapter on outside..GLUE. that peice is where you will later attach the pump with short peice of tubing

pics explain...

then set the cooler aside for a min.....

take your remaining 3" PVC and cut (18) 2 3/4" peices ( pita w/ hacksaw)

use the peices to stack all the wyes as shown then put them to the side THE WYES ARE NOT GLUED

cut (3) 50" lengths of 1/2" PVC and take your 11mm* drill bit and drill a hole 10 3/4" from top and every 9 3/4" after that then attach the misters and put a 1/2" end cap on the bottom of each peice...GLUE. you can even double up and put 10 misters per peice if you wanted i only have one per site

take your 3" end caps and drill a 11/16 hole in the top of each DO NOT DRILL TOO CLOSE TO THE EDGE or the PVC will not feed through a little off center is perfect.

then take your 1/2" pipe with the misters and feed it through the end cap hole from the bottom then attach an elbow peice make sure the misters are facing the right direction...GLUE. it should look like this


then feed this through the top of the Wye stacks then attach the stacks to the couplings THE WATER DELIVERY PIPE SHOULD BE INSIDE THE WYE STACKS BEFORE YOU ATTACH TO COOLER


attach a quick disconnect fitting to male adapter, this is something i am trying for first time some of my towers are over 4 years old so after harvest i am replacing the water delivery for each system bc they are prob kinda dirty and i do this to all of them...this makes it to where you can break the sytstem down and take it apart in couple mins

cut a peice of 1/2" PVC that reaches bout halfway up the cooler then attach the 1/2" Tee peice, the attach the elbow to that then a female adapter and barb fitting, once you know everything is correct GLUE.... then you should be about right here

attach a sideways elbow to the two outside wye stacks

cut another length of 1/2" PVC that reaches the top then attac another male adapter>quick disconnect>male adapter> elbow peice>cross peice

then attach that to the outside stacks ONCE EVERYTHING IS CORRECT GLUE

and it should look like this

Thats it your finished !!! cut a peice of 1/2 tubing to attach the pump to the barb fitting on the inside of the cooler lid fill her up with water and plug her in

finished product looks like this

Wanna check you PPM or Ph ???

turn this knob and redirect water so you can take a sample... the plants will still mist while sampling or you can turn the other knob and stop water from being misted too...DO NOT FORGET TO TURN THE KNOB BACK!!!!

I am even putting my idea from two posts back into action

3/4 elbow
i used silicon for the glue which was enough to hold it but i backed it up with some waterproof tape

the frame for it to sit on

now emptyin the rez is gonna be as easy as draining the tub after a bath, once they are all like that i will make a ring of tubing that attached all the coolers with a shutoff vavle. that way i can have seperate rez/nute mixes and empty them all at the same time if i wanted cant wait

my plants are doing great!!! cutting down a batch of Sour bubble in two days and i be back with an update

any ?s bout the DIY feel free to ask

On a side not a man from the power company came and installed smart meters to my whole block should i be worried running two 600s and a 400 and a 12K btu AC ???

thanks for stopping by:wave:

EDIT: the drill bit is not 11/16" it is 13/16"


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
:good: Awesome DIY GMax :good:
Thanks for taking the time to photo your whole build process and sharing it with us all, you hydro guys always amaze me with your PVC build skills :D
:smoke out:

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